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After divorce I am a billionaire

Chapter 490 Anthony is maltreated and hardens himself
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Anthony gasped deeply, easing the sharp pain in his back. He said with difficulty, "I didn't...take Tom's key. Didn't break into the penthouse. Didn't...steal anything ..." "How dare you weasel out of it!?" Five heavy strokes of the cane, without giving him to take a break, Shane smashed uninterruptedly into Anthony's back.

The skin, which was not bleeding under the bloody shirt, was still purple and swollen. On his back, there was no skin that was unscathed.

Each twhen the cane smashed his back, it could cut the original swollen skin, oozing with hideous bright red blood.

"Ah..." Anthony grunted. His straight back finally collapsed, and his arms trembled uncontrollably with pain as he went to support himself with one hand.

"Shane, | really...no ..." Timothy, who stood by the pillar, was palpitating. He could not bear to look at the tragic state of Anthony's back.

Rebecca even covered her mouth and shed tears of heartache.

Being forced to watch this family torture was quite torturous for them as well.

Only Shane felt nothing. In his insidious and ruthless eyes, there was no pity for him at all.

He analyzed the matter in a meticulous manner.

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"You're the only one who almost bumped into Tom in the aisle tonight. You got close to him. | just checked the penthouse, and the cabwas moved. I'm missing a very important bottle of potion!" "Before the party started, you were late in coming downstairs. | asked the servant to hurry you up but you weren't in your room and couldn't be found anywhere, so | guess at that point in time, you were on the top floor stealing things with abandon, weren't you!?" At the end of his words, he roared, and without waiting for Anthony to straighten up on his knees, he continued his rampant abuse on Anthony's bruised back.

"Say it! Where is the stuffl Why did you steal from your own family? Did you conspire with Lyra to setup? Say it!" The sound of cane kept ringing.

The blood-stained cane lifted left the scarlet red marks on the white shirt with each stroke.

Anthony was in so much pain that he couldn't straighten up and but curled up on his knees, "I didn't ..." The whole villa was almost turned over and they had searched for several times. Especially Anthony's room, the bodyguards had searched at least dozens of times, without leaving any corner.

Anthony was also searched twice by Shane himself and found nothing.

Despite this, Shane still suspected him, and on the basis of the fact that he was the only one who had been near Tom the butler, it was definite that Shane thought he committed this.

But no matter how hard Shane beat him, Anthony always said no and he did not take it.

Shane beceven more furious and wielded the cane even harder.

From the very beginning, Shane only beat his back but it was transformed into the unstructured abuse. Shane didn't let go his arms and the back of his waist. The sound of abuse made all the Callahan family tremble in fear.

"Anthony, you think if you carry on to the end, | won't know that you did this. | will definitely send you to hell before | am pulled down by you!" Whoosh! The sound of the cane was like a warning bell from hell.

Anthony gritted his teeth and braced himself for the pain to the point of unconsciousness. And he grunted painfully and unconsciously.

He had not felt such hard abuse for too long, and his body gradually beca bit overwhelmed.

With a snap, the second cane broke.

After beating him for so long, Shane was a bit tired and casually threw the broken cane to the corner.

He gasped slightly and pulled his cuffs up.

"Have sbodyguards." A bodyguard outside the door immediately walked in and responded respectfully, "What could | help you, Mr. Shane?" Shane pointed to the other canes soaking in the bucket with water, and looked cold, "Keep beating him to death, until he changes his mind." "Yes." Anthony braced his hands on the ground. Despite his dim vision, he still saw the movement of the bodyguard next to him holding up a cane, and his body shivered in an instinctive reaction.

"Shane, even if you...really beatto death, there's no way I'm going to admit to something | didn’t do." "It is better to kill a hundred by mistake than to spare one." Shane sneered, took a sharp dagger from his waist and threw it at Anthony's side. His tone was cold, "Since you insist on not saying anything, then prove your innocence by dying. As long as you are willing to do it, | will believe you are wrongly accused.” Anthony's weak but blue eyes looked at the dagger. He slowly picked it up and gripped the hilt.

"No! Shane | beg you to let Anthony go. He's hurt like this and he hasn't changed his mind. I'm sure he's wrongly accused!" Rebecca jumped up and hugged Anthony. Her tears were streaming down and she stopped him from killing himself with the dagger.

Shane grunted disdainfully, "You don't know him. He was from the Security Agency training camp. He's stubborn. It's not easy to let him tell the truth. If | don't do this, how can he say it out?" "No, Shane, Anthony is a bigot. If he didn't do it, he will die to prove his innocence. | don't want him to die. We are siblings. Even if Anthony doesn't share the smother with us, he is still the Callahan family's child. Don't be so cruel to him, okay ..." She cried very mournfully, and seeing the injuries on Anthony's back, she felt even more shocked.

Tom, the butler, seeing that Anthony might be killed, hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Mr. Shane, please spare Mr. Anthony. It may be a coincidence ..." "Coincidence?" Shane narrowed his eyes sharply, "You have always kept the penthouse key carefully. Unless it was lost due to your negligence, otherwise it could only be stolen by Anthony." "This .." Tom was a bit awkward. If he admitted that he was negligent and caused the loss of the key, then Shane would inevitably be angry with him.

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He was already so old. And he really could not afford to the punishment.

Shane returned his gaze to the miserable Anthony who was on the floor as Rebecca held him close, blocking the bodyguard's attempts to continue beating him with the cane. And she was still crying.

"Anthony, I'll spare you this tif you hand over the key and the stolen potion." Rebecca also said, "Anthony, if you really took it, hand it over, or Shane will really beat you to death today!" With his pale lips, Anthony smiled miserably as cold sweat continued to drip down his chin from the excruciating pain, leaving a small puddle of water on the floor.

How could he take out what was no longer in his possession? Moreover, when he really admitted to the crthat he was sure to die.

"I didn't, didn't steal the key. Didn't take the potion. Shane personally searchedand searched my room. No means no. Where do I find it for you out of thin air?" He threw the dagger to the feet of the bodyguard who was holding the cane, and laughed miserably.

"Human preconceptions are really horrible. No matter what | say, you always do not believe me. Then let someone killwith a knife. Why torturelike this? Hurting the kinship." "Do you still have kinship to me?" Shane snorted lightly.

He really didn't believe any of Anthony's negative words.

He only trusted his own analysis and speculation, but after he beat him, his inner anger was subsided a lot and he was now much more sensible.

"OK, after all, | just announced that you back to the Callahan family. It's not a good tfor something to happen. | will spare you this time. If | find evidence of your guilt later, | will let you live worse than death!" He gritted his teeth, coldly grunted after his harsh words, and left the hall without looking back.

Once Shane left, it meant that the cross-examination was barely over for the night.

Anthony endured the pain, sighed with relief, and relaxed form his stress.

His vision grew blurry and his whole body fell into darkness, collapsing into Rebecca's arms.

"Anthony! Anthony has fainted. Go get a doctor!"