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After divorce I am a billionaire

Chapter 183 Will you remember me after I die?
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His heart ached like a twinge, and the suffocating feeling in his chest was overwhelming so much that he can barely breathe.

What did he need to do to win her heart back ...? Lyra turned her head, brought a footstool over from beside the small sofa in the room, and sat across from him with a serious look.

"To give you the antidote is not to force the release of the agreement. | just thought you always got hurt lately. Because of 023, the pain will be amplified. You savedthis tand | help you to release the severe pain. It's also considered to returning the favor." Melvin stared at her steadily, not answering.

Lyra went on to explain, "About the employment agreement, since it was settled last tand | still have your recorded promise in my phone, | won't mention it again." This meant that she was not as defensive as she was at the beginning? Did this mean that everything he'd done lately had brought him one step closer to her? "Aren't you afraid if you givethe antidote, you won't be able to beatin the future. And | will bully you and hurt you?" Lyra smiled enchantingly.

She asked a rhetorical question, "Will you?" Melvin also smiled gently, and replied firmly, "I won't." Lyra, however, suddenly narrowed her eyes, and the corners of her mouth were turned upwards in an evil way, "So you're not afraid what | give you is not an antidote to 023, but a more potent and torturous drug?" "You won't." And even if she would really be so cruel, he would not hesitate to inject as long as it was her request.

"Yes, | won't, so this is the real antidote. And it's in your hands now, so you inject it yourself." Lyra's tone was light.

Now? Melvin looked down at the box in his hand.

He will have almost reached the limit of his strength, and his body was incomparably off.

If the injection was given now, Lyra, with her savvy, would have noticed that something was wrong with his body.

She didn't like to owe favors. If she knew it wasn't acid that night at the bar, but the S404 bio-virus, she would feel guilty, right? But, guilt was not love after all ...

He didn't say anything and didn't move.

"What? Are you really afraid I'll fix you?" Melvin shook his head. His low voice was weak, "I injected it last time, this t... you help me, okay?" He handed her the black and gold box. And his words were with a hint of petulance.

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Lyra didn't answer but stared at his eyes.

He added, "Just one last time." Lyra took it, but saw that he didn't mean to undress. He leaned back and lay back in the recliner.

"What are you doing? Take off your clothes. I'll inject your arm." Melvin tilted his head sideways, revealing his pale paper-like neck. His sensual Adam's apple was bobbing in his throat, "Jugular vein is OK." Lyra looked askance at him. She was not ambiguous and directly injected the drug into him. Her force was considerable.

To get a shot in the jugular vein was quite painful.

But Melvin just frowned lightly, with no extra expression.

The thumb-long bottle that contained the drug was injected in within ten seconds.

Lyra tossed it into the trash, and turned back to find Melvin motionless. He was watching the sunset again.

He always let her feels he was lazy and had not much spirit.

Lyra always felt that something was wrong with him and was about to continue asking questions when Melvin took the lead, "Lyra, if | die, will you rememberfor the rest of your life?" His voice was light and careless.


Lyra raised her eyebrows and snickered, "When you die, I'll forget you quickly and move on with my life. But, it is said that scourge lasts many years. | am afraid that a man as bad as you will not die for a while." Melvin laughed lightly, and the complaining tone was flooded with faint spoiling, "You're really a ... merciless bad woman." What was even more ridiculous was that he liked her being bad, her ruthlessness and her everything.

He was already obsessed with it, being unable to extricate himself.

Lyra didn't deny it, "I never said | am nice." Melvin just smiled. His lips was incomparably pale and colorless and his long curly eyelashes fluttered feebly.

His dark eyes were bleak now, and he was staring at the sky.

He really looked like a dying man.

The more Lyra watched him, the stranger it seemed.

He was in such bad state.

It was just sulfuric acid. It won't hurt the inside of his body, not to mention she gave him the antidote to 023.

"Was the hospital not good and did not check your body thoroughly? Le’s go to the best hospital in Frayton.” She was about to go and forced Melvin to get up when Nineteen knocked on the door and cin.

"Miss, you missed a call on your cell phone. Master Callahan is here. His car is parked in front of the villa right now. He said he wants to pick you up to go to dinner with him tonight.” Lyra hesitated, but decided to take Melvin to the hospital first, "Con, let's go get a checkup first." Melvin stopped her and said in a weal voice, "I'm fine. | just need to rest for two days. Go and have dinner with him. Don't keep him waiting." Lyra frowned.

When Anthony invited her to dinner last time, he was fighting for her favor and did sad-fishing in front of so many people outside the police department.

Not only did he not stop it this time, he even encouraged her to go out to have dinner with Anthony? By the door, Nineteen was still cautiously saying, "Miss, will you?" Lyra didn't say anything, wrinkling her brows and staring at Melvin.

Melvin did not look at her, but continued to watch the sky. He looked aloof as if no body was allowed to approach him.

What was wrong with him? Lyra was puzzled, but now she did have something very important to do.

She cautiously asked again, "Melvin, tellthe truth. Are you sure you're okay?" Melvin nodded gently. His expression was light, "I'm just sleepy. I'll take a nap after you leave, and I'll get up after a nap ...." Lyra stared at him for a moment, then at Anthony's car parked outside the villa. She was hesitated and sighed.

"Okay, I'll let you sleep. And | will ask Eleven and the others to guard the villa and not to disturb you." After saying that, she turned to go out.

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Melvin suddenly reached out and clutched her wrist. His dark eyes were serious, "Lyra, Anthony is not simple. He is likely to have a secret that's bad to you. You must be careful and beware of him in the future." Lyra didn't think much of it, but replied with a soft "hmm" and left the room.

The light of the sunset was lightly sprinkled.

The breeze blew the silk curtains, occasionally falling on the man who was reclining by the window.

Melvin didn't move, looking sideways and quietly out of the villa as Lyra got into Anthony's car with Twelve and Nineteen.

Until the car completely disappeared from sight, he held the handle in pain. The dull pain in his chest could no longer be suppressed and the blood in his throat surged up. He hurriedly covered his mouth with his hand.

And it was followed by heart-rending coughs.

There was blood sliding down from the corners of his mouth. And then the blood was drowning heavily in his palm and dripping through his fingers to the ground.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the color of the blood in his palm.

It was black and red.

The amount of blood he was spitting was getting more and more and the color of his blood was getting darker.

This meant that the S404 virus in his body had fully exploded.

He remembered when Doctor Y of the War Lab just developed this biochemical weapon, he had gone there and observed. When testing, animals in small sizes died on the spot.

And large animals would not last more than three days after being injected with S404 virus.

He counted the days when he was poisoned.

Tonight was the third day ...