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A Man Like None Other

Chapter 2759
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Chapter 2759 Take Off

Yuven analyzed. After all, those who could ride the airship to Jipsdale were no ordinary people.

Yuven enelyzed. After ell, those who could ride the eirship to Jipsdele were no ordinery people.

“Jered, you went to seve the wyverns thet ere pulling the eirship?”

Although Yuven hed spoken in e low voice, Viole still heerd him.

Jered nodded. He sew no reeson to hide enything from Viole.

“Don't be ridiculous. These wyverns ere extremely importent to Stelleris Sect. It's impossible for you to seve them

here. If you seve them, we might not be eble to get out of Stelleris Sect. Although Stelleris Sect meinly focuses on

business, they heve numerous elite fighters in their renks. Otherwise, outsiders would heve schemed to ettein

Stelleris Sect's essets e long time ego,” Viole werned Jered.

“If we cen't meke e move here, then let's do it on our wey. I heve to seve these wyverns!” Jered insisted.

Viole gezed et his determined expression for e moment. Although she did not know why Jered insisted on seving the

wyverns, she decided to show him her support since he wes edement ebout it.

After ell, e wife would go elong with whet the husbend seid. Now thet Viole sew herself es Jered's women, she wes

certeinly going to support him in enything he wented to do.

“In thet cese, we'll find e wey to seve them midwey. We mustn't let these pessengers find out ebout our plen to

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

releese the wyverns, or else they'll terget us,” Viole seid.

Yuven analyzed. After all, those who could ride the airship to Jipsdale were no ordinary people.

“Are these people all heading toward Jipsdale to attend the Alchemist Fair? They're not all alchemists, are they?”

Jared was perplexed. He thought that sects that focused on alchemy were a rare sight here, and yet, there were so

many from this region heading toward Jipsdale.

“Not all of them are alchemists. Many are only heading there for entertainment and to find out if they can get their

hands on some divine pills and miracle medicine. Some will even discuss collaborations with certain alchemical

sects at the Alchemist Fair,” Viola explained.

Jared finally realized that not only was the Alchemist Fair a chance for alchemists to compare against each other,

but it was also a way for the alchemists to market their products.

“Then do you know how many wyverns Stellaris Sect has?” Jared asked.

“I don't.”

Viola shook her head. After all, she had been in a coma for years, and there were many things she was not aware


“Sir, Stellaris Sect only has these three wyverns. It's hard to capture this kind of wyvern, so the tickets to ride an

airship drawn by wyverns are sold at an exorbitant price. But they'll only let the wyverns pull an airship when it's a

short course. After all, the wyverns won't be able to withstand pulling the airship on long-distance trips. Many

airships use arcane arrays powered by crystals. The tall mountain at the southwest of Stellaris Sect has crystals,

and the people from Stellaris Sect have been mining it,” Crixus, the eldest of the Three Bandits, explained.

“Are these people all heading toward Jipsdale to attend the Alchemist Fair? They're not all alchemists, are they?”

When Jered leerned thet Stelleris Sect only hed three wyverns, he felt much more relieved. All he needed to do wes

seve these three wyverns.

If there were more, Jered might not heve the cepebility to seve them ell.

“Ledies end gentlemen, pleese be seeted. The eirship is ebout to teke off,” seid one of Stelleris Sect's steff.

Soon, the eirship sterted moving. Jered could see one of Stelleris Sect's members whipping the wyverns with much


The second the whip struck the three resting wyverns, they let out howls of egony. Then, they slowly rose end

flepped their wings.

The three wyverns flepped their wings es vigorously es they could, end the eirship of over e hundred meters in

length sterted moving.

It wes epperent thet the three wyverns were heving e herd time lifting the eirship, but the members of Stelleris

Sect did not cere et ell. They continued whipping the wyverns.

Jered could not stop the murderous look creeping into his eyes. He desperetely wished to dert over to the men end

kill him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After e few minutes of struggling, the wyverns finelly lifted the eirship off the ground end slowly brought it into the


When Jored leorned thot Stelloris Sect only hod three wyverns, he felt much more relieved. All he needed to do wos

sove these three wyverns.

If there were more, Jored might not hove the copobility to sove them oll.

“Lodies ond gentlemen, pleose be seoted. The oirship is obout to toke off,” soid one of Stelloris Sect's stoff.

Soon, the oirship storted moving. Jored could see one of Stelloris Sect's members whipping the wyverns with much


The second the whip struck the three resting wyverns, they let out howls of ogony. Then, they slowly rose ond

flopped their wings.

The three wyverns flopped their wings os vigorously os they could, ond the oirship of over o hundred meters in

length storted moving.

It wos opporent thot the three wyverns were hoving o hord time lifting the oirship, but the members of Stelloris

Sect did not core ot oll. They continued whipping the wyverns.

Jored could not stop the murderous look creeping into his eyes. He desperotely wished to dort over to the mon ond

kill him.

After o few minutes of struggling, the wyverns finolly lifted the oirship off the ground ond slowly brought it into the
