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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 140
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Chapter 140 Sex In The Tool Shed

She walked up to Henry and sweetly smiled, “You're here.”

Henry's gaze still locked onto the young boy.

The young boy glanced at Henry and caught up, “Are you her brother?”

“I know she’s still young and can’t date, but | can wait. I'll wait for her to graduate, find a job,

and then we can get married.”

At these words, the harshness in Henry's eyes becimpossible to conceal.

Evelyn’s mind was filled with the thought that she was finished. “He's not my brother.”

“Is he your uncle then?” This ‘uncle’ seemed a bit too young.


Evelyn: “...,” the more she explained, the worse it got.

Seeing that Henry was about to lose control, Evelyn immediately wrapped her arms around his

neck and planted a kiss on his tightly sealed lips, “He is my man, my husband. The man who

sleeps withunder the sblanket when we're alive, sleeps within the scoffin when

we're dead.”

Seeing Henry's gradually calming expression, Evelyn breathed a sigh of relief and gave a casual glance to the

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young boy.

“Also, I've passed the legal age for marriage. Kiddo, if your family has money, you better go see an eye doctor.

How cyou can’t see things clearly at such a young age?”


“Darling, let's go to the grove.” Evelyn pulled Henry and turned towards the small path on the

When they were far away, she discreetly looked back. Seeing the young boy standing there like a statue, Evelyn

felt a bit guilty.

“Are you still looking at the flower seller?” Suddenly, Henry leaned close to her ear and

breathed out, “Last tit was the ice cream seller, and this tit's the flower seller?”

Evelyn: “...” It seemed she was being mocked, and being sarcastically reminded of old


“The flower seller know to sendflowers. What about you? Apart from givinga bouquet

14:38 Mon, 26 Feb



Chapter 140 Sex In The Tool Shed

during our wedding, when else have you ever givenflowers?”

Henry was stunned...

The next second, Evelyn jumped onto his back and gave a fierce bite on his ear, saying, “Letting you carry me

for a while is my punishment for you not givingflowers.” Evelyn smiled, adopting an attitude of ‘I'm very

magnanimous, carryand I'll forgive you.’

Without saying a word, Henry quietly supported Evelyn from behind.

The warm breeze blew by, and the two of them shared a subtle smile, enjoying the sweet

moment on the campus.

“Darling, quickly, hide.”

Henry stopped in confusion. Following Evelyn's gaze, his face turned dark all of a sudden.

Under a evergreen tree stood a young couple. The boy blushed as he leaned in to kiss the girl, looking like it was

his first time.

Evelyn was happily watching when a big hand suddenly landed on her shoulder. After a moment of dizziness, she

fell into Henry's arms.

Her back was against the tree, and due to inertia, her legs were still wrapped around Henry's waist. The posture

was a bit embarrassing.

“Someone’s coming. Can you putdown first?”

“No.” Henry lowered his head and passionately kissed Evelyn's lips.

The kiss was deep and urgent, lips and teeth entwined, as if he wanted to crush her and meld

her into his body.

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Evelyn was being held tighter and tighter in his arms.

Henry only felt hot and soft in his arms, the temptation her body gave him had completely exceeded his limit. It

was getting harder and harder for him to let go of her, kissing her lips and rolling them over, he wanted her on

the spot.

Henry wrapped his hand around her and was about to dive in along the hem of her dress. Thinking that they

ware still in the grove, he sobered up abruptly. With a gaze sweeping around, then carried her straight into the

adjacent tool shed that held the cleaning tools.

Evelyn's head went blank as he pressed her firmly against the door of the tool shed. She

14:39 Mon, 26 Feb



Chapter 140 Sex In The Tool Shed

wrapped her arms around his neck and kept her legs hiatus wrapped around his waist, wrigglin slightly in a daze

to attach. When she rubbed herself like that, Henry felt a sudden rush of heat

crashing through his belly that made him want to explode.

He panted heavily and h ooked her legs tightly around his waist.. The hardness still made Evelyn feel the shape

and heat clearly through the layers of clothing. Her face flushed even redder and she opened her eyes to look at

him, whispering his name, “Henry...”

Her voice was tantalizingly husky and soft, making him flush more than he could handle.

Henry let out a low growl, just feeling himself swell up and explode. Unable to control himself any longer, he

slipped one hand under the hem of her skirt and stroked it right up her thigh that was still hooked around his

waist, pulling the panty apart and squeezing himself in....