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The Returning EX (Sophia and John)

Chapter 2097
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Chapter 2097 Extortion

The man's true intentions were revealed at the end of the day, and they were nothing good.

Cindy found the man's request completely hilarious and absurd, and she sputtered before Aurora could even

protest belligerently. The man must have extremely thick skin to be able to make such outrageous demands with a

straight face.

Aurora was gritting her teeth as she snapped, "The nerve of you. We went Dutch for the most of our relationship,

and you know as well as I do which person paid more than the other. Have you forgotten that I paid for the larger

expenses as compared to the pittance you claim to have spent on me?"

The man could not argue with this, but he was determined to pin non-existent responsibilities on her anyway. "I

don't care. I did spend money on you, and you're not short of money right now, are you? Give me some of it and I'll

leave you alone. Heck, I'll even sign a note to promise to never show up in front of you ever again. If not, then you

can bet that I'll come back again tomorrow if I don't get what I want today."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Ian crossed his arms as he stood to the side and let out a bark of incredulous laughter. He fished out his phone and

drawled, "You know what? You can keep that bet to yourself. I'm calling the police to come and settle this. After all,

a man like you will never appeal to sense and logic."

If there weren't others standing in the room with them at the moment, Ian would have punched the man. He

wondered how Aurora could've dated a piece of trash like this man and how anyone could be so shameless as to

make such ridiculous demands.

The man was not intimidated at all. In fact, he seemed to have come prepared as he squared his shoulders and

challenged by saying, "Go ahead and call the police. If word of this breaks out, it won't be my reputation going

down the drain; I'm just a commoner that no one knows, and image doesn't concern me at all. The both of you, on

the other hand, might have a pretty hard time making a comeback if your reputation is trashed after this."

Cindy frowned when she heard this, and she glanced over at Ian for a brief second, only to see that he was looking

at her too.

They exchanged a knowing look before breaking eye contact.

Ian said nothing, but he did not proceed to call the police either.

As though confident that he had the upper hand, the man told the security guards standing to the side, "We do not

need your service here. Just go back to your booth and leave it to us to settle this matter."

The security guards wanted to grab him and drag him out the door, for they didn't seem too pleased by his

demands either. However, Cindy quickly interjected and said, "I'm sorry for troubling you to come up here, but why

don't you guys go back to the booth? We'll see if we can sort this out in private, and if there really is a need for your

help, we'll give you a call." She then added, "If we can't settle this by the end of this evening, this guy will only come

back tomorrow and make trouble for you again. We'll try our best to solve this and get him to leave us alone for


The security guards frowned, and one of them said to Cindy, "We'll be right downstairs if you need us. Just give us a


She thanked them profusely, and it was only then that the security guards left.

When the door closed behind them, the man's true colors were revealed, no-holds-barred.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He stood up and planted his hands on his hips. Then, he looked at Aurora as he said, "Well, if we're not going to

beat around the bush, I'll just come right out and say that I've already looked into you and your son. He's filming for

a new TV show, and it seems like you have a role in it too. The both of you must have made some good money off

the show by now, and if I were to come up with a scandalous gossip or two, I reckon that I could do some damage

to your reputation. However, I'll keep quiet if you give me some money, and you can carry on making good money

without my interference. Now, doesn't that sound like a win-win situation?"

Ian scoffed and countered, "How is that a win-win situation and why should I give you the money? Heaven knows

how long it has been since you and my mom broke up, and you even went on to start a new life with someone else.

Do you find that woman not obliging enough? Are you trying to come back to force my mom into giving you a

chunk of her payout? You over-simplify things."

The man chuckled maliciously. "Let's just say that it's not my fault your mom's famous and I happen to be an

opportunist." He truly embodied shamelessness as he went on to say, "When we broke up, I thought that was the

end of it. However, who would've thought that you'd get paid so much so quickly? Naturally, I wouldn't be willing to

let go of a cash cow like you, and I figured that if we could just meet amicably, you might take pity on my hardship

and give me some money to help me out. I was pivoting my plans on your guilty conscience."