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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2829
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Chapter 2829 “Imogen, you tellthe truth. Does this have anything to do with you?” Francis asked, his gaze piercing as he searched her face for a hint of guilt.

Imogen’s fingers, resting lightly on his shoulder, stiffened at the question. She attempted a reply but was cut off as he caught her hand, her face twisting into an awkward smile. “What do you mean by that? Haven't | already explained myself earlier? Why would you still question me?” Francis stared at her unflinchingly, determined not to overlook any flicker of emotion across her face. “Regina is my daughter. | know her inside and out. She would never get herself into a mess like this. Even if she’s a bit playful, she wouldn't play fast and loose with her own body. And considering the doctors found sleeping pills in her body... Well, Regina’s never had trouble sleeping, so where did those pills cfrom?” Pulling her hand away, Imogen feigned indignation. “So, you're saying I'm lying to you? That your precious Regina can do no wrong, and | must be the one who's hurt her? You do realize she hasn't lived at hfor years.

You have no idea what she’s like out there. As long as she puts on a good show for you, that’s all that matters, right? Why can’t you ever trust me? After all these years of sharing a bed, do you still not know what kind of person | am?” Francis replied with a hint of knowing in his voice, “It's precisely because we've shared a bed for so many years that | know what kind of person you can be. | just want a strat answer from you. Is this mess related to you or not? If it truly has nothing to do w then I'll drop the subject forever. But if | find out it does, Imogen, you must remem Regina is my flesh and blood. | will not stand by and watch someone harm her.” Imogen pressed a hand to her mouth, tears streaming down her face. “Oh, Francis, thought I'd see the day when my years of devotion still couldn't earn your trust. | was wrong about you. | should never have considered myself your wife. To you, I'm just a maid, bought and paid for by the Tanners, aren’t 1? You marriedjust to get Regina a stepmother!” Francis frowned, “Don’t twist my words. There's no need to take this so far. | just want to know if you're involved or not. If you're not, then where were you at the time?” “Don’t you know where | was? | was at the hospital. Even Madeline knows I've been feeling unwell lately. She offered to go withfor a check-up. How else could | have brought her along to see you?” She stomped in frustration, blaming him for his lack of concern.

Francis pondered for a moment. She had shown signs of being unwell - always tired and lacking appetite-which made him wonder if there was something wrong with her stomach. He had intended to take her to the hospital for a check-up but had been 1/2 Chapter 2829 sidetracked.

Francis felt a twinge of guilt and finally softened. “I'm sorry. | shouldn’t have doubted you. But if it was that simple, why didn’t you tellearlier?” Bil) 08.07