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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2778
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Chapter 2778 Regina’s investigation started as a mere scratching of the surface, but little did they know hat this plucky reporter would dig up dirt on the land development from years gone by.

Back then, it took a Herculean effort to coax and deceive the residents into leaving, and now that the plot had fallen into the hands of the Harris Group, the last thing they needed. was any skeletons tumbling out of the closet. Nolan turning on them was a very real possibility.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

To nip this threat in the bud, they had to deal with Regina swiftly, especially since Imogen had already given the order.

Imogen rarely needed his assistance; how could he not deliver? “Nolan, pull over here, will you? | spotted a roasted chestnut vendor by the curb. | haven't indulged in ages, and I'm hankering for a taste.

Nolan hesitated. “I'm not sure it’s wise to stop here. It's crowded, and you'll be recognized in a heartbeat. We'd both be stuck then.” “Oh, con, don’t be such a worrywart! It’s just a quick stop for schestnuts. If you're concerned about being spotted, just park a bit further away. Besides, I've been cooped up for so long, and I've had to forego treats like these to keep my figure. Would it, kill you to indulgejust this once?” For every objection Nolan raised, Dahlia had a retort at the ready.

Resigned, Nolan parked not far from the stall and got out to open the door for her. “I nev said no, I'm just concerned about you.” “I knew you were the best, Nolan.” Dahlia brushed off their previous squabble as if it nev happened.

Stepping out, she cheerfully looped her arm through ns and pulled him toward the chestnut cart. Nolan frowned, sensing something off about Dahlia. Sure enough, no sooner had she paid than Dahlia was recognized.

Nolan instinctively stepped in front of her.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Why don’t you head back to the car while | wait for the order?” Dahlia peered around him, shaking her head at him, then smiled apologetically at the fan who had spotted her.

“Sorry, I'm not on public duty today. Could you please not take photos?” She gestured toward the fan's phone. Caught up in excitement, the fan understandingly pocketed the device.

09-18 Chapter 2778 Of course, of course. But | adore you! You're my idol! Could I get an autograph? I can’t believe | bumped into you today. I'm going to buy a lottery ticket next-my lucky day!” Despite the awkwardness on her face, Dahlia still signed with a smile.

The fan, reminding herself not to pry, couldnt help but let her gaze wander between Nolan and Dahlia. Was this the boyfriend of their idol? He sure was dashing and seemed like at perfect match! ‘All done. See you next time.” The fan, clutching the autographed item, ran off without even grabbing her chestnuts.

Dahlia offered a wry smile, then turned to the vendor. “I paid for hers. If she comes back. for them, could you please pass them on?” The vendor grinned. “So you're a big star, huh? You're really good to your fans-and you and your boyfriend make a great couple!” Nolan kept silent throughout, shielding Dahlia as they headed back to the car. Suddenly, he glanced back at a corner, but in the end, he saw nothing.

Dahlia, puzzled by his pause, asked, “What's wrong?” 20