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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 547
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Martin went grim, "Are you saying she's the one who offed Sophia?"

"l can't rule it out." Brandon's handsface was tight as a drum, "Sophia was pushed during a rescue; she didn't just fall. She

wasn't the type to make enemies or show off to stir up jealousy. There's no reason for anyone to go after her for no good reason,

except for Marian, who had a motive."

Being caught red-handed plagiarizing Sophia's work and the ensuing rage and grudge, the panic of stealing Sophia's identity and

fearing exposure, and the envious longing to replace her in his affections - any of those could be enough for Marian to have done

the deed.

Marian might look all pampered and air-headed, but she was actually more calculating than anyone.

That day at Zion City when he was about to get her whacked, she was scared out of her wits yet made a point of chasing him to

the river's edge to shout at him. Looking back, it was probably because she got wind from Daniel that he spilled the beans about

her egging him on.

So Marian was spooked, unsure how much he knew and could only try her luck by confronting him.

Her apparent innocence when she clarified things was just an attempt to clear her nof inciting Daniel to defy his orders to

start work, to claim the moral high ground by pinning his anger on him choking her, and to use the chance to explain herself, all to

shake off suspicion and suss out why he choked her and how much he knew.

It was the sdeal today.

Whenever she faced a problem she couldn't handle, she grabbed the moral high ground first, convincing herself with her own

twisted logic, just like when she was accused of ripping off Sophia's designs.

All she'd gotta do was stick to her story that she didn't know Sophia was Yolanda, push the blfor the paternity test mix-up onto

the medical staff, insist it was the doctors who screwed up the results, and paint herself as the victim to slip away clean.

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After all, no one had evidence she was in the know, nor proof she swapped Sophia's hair samples. All anyone saw was the test they

did with Martin in the hospital, yanking out hair.

She had this zero-threatening appearance, being a sweet-talker, ace at self-justification, and with acting skills to boot, soft-hearted

folks easily fall for her few words and tears.

But Brandon knew he didn't have the goods to pin Sophia's missing on Marian, so legally, he couldn't touch her, not yet.

"Since she wants to play the victim, just pamper her as one, let her stay put, and keep a close eye on her." Brandon said coldly,

"Save us the trouble of finding someone else to watch her and getting tangled in a false imprisonment lawsuit."

He was already worried about how to keep her in the West district legally after exposing her, to prevent her from fleeing abroad.

But since she was willingly playing the victim, he'd play along.

"No way!"

Martin immediately rejected Brandon's suggestion, "What if she goes after grandma and grandpa?"

The thought that she might be Sophia's killer sent chills down Martin's spine, and with it a heavy heart, especially worrying she

might harm the elderly. He wasn't willing to keep such a dangerous person close.

Brandon glanced at him through the rearview mirror, "You really gotta keep her at home?"

Martin caught Brandon's drift in an instant.

"Got it." Martin said, "I'll handle it."

Brandon didn't respond, just slammed on the brakes and pulled over.

"You head back."

Martin nodded but didn't move. After a moment of silence, he turned to Brandon's profile, "Is Sophia really?"

Brandon's Adam's apple bobbed; he didn't answer, and just said coldly, "Get out!"

Martin gave his stern profile a look and quietly apologized, "I'm sorry."

"It's notyou owe an apology. It's Sophia; it's Yolanda."

Martin's throat tightened, and he said nothing. After a long silence, he asked softly, "Can | see her child?"

Without a word, Brandon flicked the central locking, and the door at Martin's side swung open. Martin glanced at the open door,

pushed it open without a word, and stepped out.

"If you truly feel guilty towards her, keep Marian in your sights," Brandon spoke coldly, rolled up the window, and the car sped


Martin watched Brandon's car drive off into the distance, standing still for a long time. Finally, he turned his head slightly, took a

deep breath, then hailed a cab and went home.

Hwas still a mess, chaotic and suffocating. Marian was still sobbing, looking pitiful.

Everyone else was silent, each wearing their own heavy expressions, no one speaking except Patricia, who was quietly comforting


Martin's gaze swept over Louis, Gerald, Rachel, Daniel, and finally landed on Don and Kent, who hadn't left yet.

Don and Kent were just sticking around to help keep an eye on things after Brandon and he had left, to prevent any mishaps.

Seeing him return, they didn't say much.

Don cover, patted Martin on the shoulder in silent comfort, exchanged a look with Kent, and they both left.

Since finding out Sophia was Yolanda, he'd been feeling a heavy complexity. His feelings for Yolanda were not as deep as

Brandon's, but she was a lovely part of his childhood memories.

Yolanda had always been a quiet and lovely girl in his mind. Turned out she really had cback.

This realization made his eyes sting, adding to his sorrow that he'd realized too late. Suddenly, he understood why he felt a sense

of familiarity when he first saw Sophia in Wye City. Too bad.

Daniel was just sitting on the couch, stone-faced and motionless, his emotions having shifted from initial shock and denial to a

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deep sense of regret and numbness. Memories of Sophia joining the family played in his mind like a movie reel, flipping through

scene by scene - from his cold indifference towards her at first, to gradually pushing her out of their home, to that stormy night at

the construction site where she clung to him, saving him from a nasty fall with her frail body, and that moment of sheer panic

when she was hit and flipped into the river. Those flashbacks were conjuring up a heavy, thick sense of guilt in his chest, making

his eyes sting as if tears were about to spill out, but he forcefully held them back.

Louis, Gerald, and Rachel still had the sghostly pale, ashen faces, frozen and lifeless on the couch.

The TV report about Sophia had long finished, but the chatter and armchair analysis about her accident were still ringing in their

ears - no one had expected.

Out of everyone, only Patricia was in denial, refusing to believe that Sophia was Yolanda and deluding herself into thinking that

Marian was the real Yolanda. She stayed by “Yolanda's” side, passing tissues to a sobbing Marian and whispering words of comfort.

But Marian was inconsolable, crying her eyes out with gasps and sobs that just wouldn't stop. Catching Martin's glance in their

direction, Patricia couldn't help but look to him for support.

With an unreadable expression, Martin glanced back at her before finally walking over to stand in front of Marian.





