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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 545
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But nobody answered him. Marian had curled up, clutching her knees, biting her lower lip, her head hanging low, not daring to look

up at him.

Louis had no choice but to turn to Brandon for help, "Brandon, you know where Yoli is, don't you?"

Brandon's eyes were fixed on him, slightly red-rimmed.

"I don't know," he said, his voice hoarse, emphasizing each word.

"Don't bullshit me." Louis tapped his cane on the floor with a thud, "You clearly know where Yoli is."

He waved the white jade necklace that Brandon had tossed at him earlier, "If you really don't know where she is, where did this

cfrom then?"

Brandon glanced at the necklace dangling from his finger, a lump forming in his throat.

This thing had been under his nose all these years, the person had been right there too. He had always assumed that Sophia was

Yolanda, and Yolanda was Sophia. But he kept his distance every single time, either because he was afraid of facing the possibility

that they weren't the sperson or because he was scared she'd find out he was still mixing her up with Yolanda. So, like an

ostrich burying its head in the sand, he chose not to verify it.

The fragile relationship between him and her couldn't withstand even the slightest destruction.

She didn't like him mentioning Yolanda, so he didn't. She said she was just Sophia, so he was convinced she was just Sophia. She

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was bothered by Yolanda, so he wouldn't let Yolanda cbetween them. He treated her as her, treading on thin ice to maintain

their delicate relationship.

He thought, even if Sophia, with her lost childhood memories, was Yolanda, she wasn't Yolanda anymore.

Her memories held nothing of Yolanda, nothing of Brandon. Yolanda had vanished from the world the moment she disappeared.

Gone meant gone. So, compared to losing her, verifying whether she was Yolanda wasn't so important.

Whether she was Yolanda wasn't that important either. What he cared about was just her, from the beginning to the end.

But when he really saw the white jade necklace that confirmed she was Yolanda, when he was truly 100% certain in his heart that

she was Yolanda, he felt a sigh of relief, an ecstatic sadness.

Ecstatic that they were one whole, that from the beginning to the end, she hadn't changed, nor had he.

Yet, he was also saddened that she had cback, and he had lost her again, over and over.

Seeing Brandon just staring at the white jade necklace, lost in thought and not speaking, Louis couldn't wait. After jabbing his cane

on the ground once more, he almost begged Brandon, shouting, "Tell me, where the hell is Yoli?"

Brandon's lips tightened slightly. He glanced at Louis, and then turned around, pointing straight at the TV, "lI want to know where

she is too!"

Louis followed the direction of his arm to the TV, where experts were still methodically analyzing the sea areas where Sophia's

body might have drifted to and the likelihood of recovery.

Louis swayed heavily.

Martin also subconsciously looked at the TV. When he saw the photo of Sophia in the top right corner of the screen, he froze,

looking at Brandon in disbelief.

Rachel's eyes instantly reddened, tears streaming down in a flash.

Gerald, too, watched the TV in disbelief, motionless, his expression wooden.

Don, who had been standing silently to the side, only glanced at the TV when Brandon pointed at it, his expression froze, and then

slowly turned to look at Brandon.

Brandon's eyes were slightly red as he stared motionless at Louis, "Sophia is Yolanda; Yolanda is Sophia."

Daniel and Patricia just arrived at the doorway, their steps abruptly heavy, looking at Brandon in disbelief.

Brandon's handsface was taut, his eyes red and moist as he gazed at Louis, "She cback, she forgot herself, but no one

remembered her except for Mrs. Renata Frost. Not a single person."

Louis swayed heavily, tears uncontrollably streaming down as his eyes reddened.

Rachel was already crying out loud, struggling to catch her breath.

Daniel rushed forward, blurting out to Brandon, "What the hell are you babbling about? How could Sophia possibly be Yoli? How

could she be Yoli? She's clearly a Yearwood."

His words trailed off into incoherence, not knowing whether it was unwillingness to believe or fear of accepting the truth.

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"Yeah, could there be smistake?" Patricia couldn't help but chin, "Isn't Yoli right here?"

She pointed to Marian seated on the couch, the calmest of everyone there, "Didn't Yoli cback a long tago? How did Sophia

suddenly becYoli? There's no way her personality could be Yoli's."

"Shut your mouth!"

"Shut up!"

Before she could finish, a few voices of furious reprimand rose in unison. Martin, Daniel, Louis, Gerald, Rachel all looked at her with

undisguised sternness and anger on their faces.





