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The God of War by Useless scholar

Chapter 26
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The God of War Chapter 26

Ho, ho, ho…

It was the sound of his teeth chattering!

Jason looked at the rolling head on the ground and Ruth’s headless body. He couldn’t help but grit his

teeth. His crotch felt hot and then cold.

He was incontinent.

He was so scared that he cried!

“Grandpa!” His heart was torn and his voice changed from crying. He threw himself at Ruth’s headless

body, punching and kicking, wailing.

“It was all her fault!”

“Your daughter was bitten by a dog. I heard it from her. It has nothing to do with me.”

“She seduced me and went to sleep with me…”

“I don’t deserve to die. I am wrong. I kowtow. I know my mistakes!”

As he cried, he knelt down and kowtowed to Jorge.

Bang! Bang! Bang…

In just a dozen times, his forehead was bleeding. It was mixed with the blood flowing from Ruth’s

broken neck. Blood splashed everywhere! Jorge quickly extended his hand! The instant Ruth’s head

fell to the ground, he had already covered Roselyn’s eyes!

After that, he nodded at the Rosefinch Master and quickly cleaned up the blood on the ground and

Ruth’s corpse.

After he finished cleaning up, he looked down at Jason and said, “You can avoid the death penalty, but

you can’t escape the punishment!”

“Whenever a guest comes, you will kowtow once and beg for mercy!”

“Miss once, and you will be killed!”

The Rosefinch Master finished cleaning up the corpse and returned. He pulled out the alloy sword at

his waist. The blade of the sword was like frost as it was clenched in his hand.

How dared Jason not kowtow?

Then die! “The time has arrived!”

At noon, all the hotel service staff outside the main entrance of the Grand Luxury Hotel shouted,

“Welcome, distinguished guests across the nation, please come in!”


The crowd was like a tide as they flooded in!

There were countless guests in total, all of whom wore festive red clothes. Before they entered the

door, they had already congratulated Olivia who was playing at the amusement park. “Congratulations

on Miss Olivia’s fourth birthday!”

“It’s Miss Olivia’s birthday. She is smart, clever, and sensible!”

“Congratulations to Miss Olivia for her four-year-old birthday. May she live for a hundred years. Every

year is happy and joyful.”

Amid the congratulations, there was the untimely cry of Jason.

“Miss Olivia, I’m sorry. Please forgive me!”

“Aunt shouldn’t have let someone take you to the dog fighting arena. She shouldn’t have let the dog

bite you…”

“We will kowtow to you!”

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Bang, bang, bang…

Under the count of the Rosefinch Master, Jason kept kowtowing. His voice was hoarse and trembling.

Under other people’s gazes, he was so ashamed that he wanted to find a hole to hide in!

He didn’t want to kowtow, but he didn’t dare not to. And he even didn’t dare to pretend to fool him. His

forehead was indeed touching the ground!

Bang, bang, bang…

Before the guests entered, his forehead had already been completely smashed. The feces and urine

under his crotch were stinky. Many guests frowned.

“Well!” Jorge snorted coldly. Jason was so unbearable. The stench of feces and urine was simply

disappointing! His beloved daughter, the little Princess of the War God Temple, Olivia, had already

walked to the center of the stage. She accepted the sincere blessings of the fellow villagers of Ocean

City. Everyone was watching her, and she felt enormous joy. She felt the happiest day in her life! And in

front of her eyes…

Jason, who was kowtowing and crying, and more than a hundred bodyguards who were crying on the

ground, were like the stinky shit among the flowers, destroying the atmosphere of the banquet! “Jason,

listen up now!” He looked down at Jason, his gaze cold and awe-inspiring.

“When you go back, you can change your mind and live a new life. There is still a chance of survival.”

“Otherwise, I will kill you without mercy!”

“Now, kneel down and leave. Fuck off!”

Bang, bang, bang…

All of a sudden, there were too many guests entering the banquet hall. Jason kowtowed so hard that he

felt dizzy. He could not even understand what Jorge was saying! He continued to kowtow more than

ten times before kneeling on both knees and crawling out! There were also more than one hundred and

twenty bodyguards from the Spencer family. Their ears were still bleeding, and they were all thrown out

by the Rosefinch Master. They fell so badly that they covered their ears and cried loudly. Some took a

taxi, some took the bus, and they went to the hospital crying and howling.

Jorge let out a long sigh of relief.

He turned around and held Roselyn’s hand. Their eyes were filled with endless tenderness!

Only now did the birthday banquet truly begin.

Their daughter, Olivia, stood in the center of the stage with flowers. She giggled and opened her arms

happily. “Dad, mom, come quickly. There are many uncles wishing me a happy birthday!”

Jorge smiled and strode to the birthday stage with Roselyn.

Just a few steps away.

“Dad, mom…” Olivia, who was cheering, suddenly stumbled and lost her balance. Maybe she was too

excited and lost too much energy when playing.

She plunged to a projecting box in front of the stage! “Oh no!”

The moment Olivia fell, Jorge’s heart tightened.

He let go of Roselyn’s wrist, instantly appearing in the center of the stage!

Before Olivia fell to the ground, he held her in his arms. “Olivia!”

At this time, Roselyn finally rushed over, her face pale!

The surrounding guests who were celebrating the birthday, the kindergarten teachers, children,

parents, Albert, Aleena, and even Kaleb who was about to leave … all of them focused on Olivia with


“Is she alright?”

“That scared me to death. Miss Olivia almost hit the lamp box just now. Fortunately, Mr. Green arrived

in time!”

“Let me have a look. I am a doctor…”

Jorge held Olivia and checked her pulse. Then, he waved at the crowd and smiled. “Thank you for your

concern, she is fine!”

“The child is too young and tired!”

“The birthday banquet will be held as before. I will take the child back to rest. The promised banquet

and birthday memorial chapter will be presented!”

After that, he turned to look at Roselyn and smiled, “You stay here to greet the guests. I will be with

Olivia. Don’t worry!”

“This … alright.” Roselyn hesitated, but when she saw his determined face, she was slightly relieved.

“I’ll wait for you here. You … hurry up and come back.”

Jorge declined to comment and carried Olivia away.

He did not go to the hotel room.


He quickly walked towards the closest elevator. At the same time, his right index finger made an

imperceptible hook gesture and lightly flicked above the banquet hall! “That is…” Not far away, the

Rosefinch Master looked at his small movements, and his heart suddenly shook! The secret signal was

urgent! The Lord’s exclusive “Blizzard” fighter jet immediately moved out! Two minutes later.


At the rooftop of the Grand Hotel, the locked metal partition door was kicked away from the inside by

someone! Jorge! He hugged the drowsy Olivia tightly. White smoke rose from his body and sweat fell

from his forehead like rain!

He was extremely anxious! Olivia fell on the stage, not because she was overworked, but because of a

rare incurable disease!

A terminal illness!

Her pulse was strange, sometimes weak, sometimes strong. Her body was cold, sometimes hot. Her

breath was sometimes fast, sometimes slow. It was the sign of the onset of the disease. At this

moment, Jorge tried his best. His boundless inner strength was transferred into his daughter’s body

without reservation, firmly protecting her heart.

Without this, perhaps she would have already died! “Lord!”

Behind him, the Rosefinch Master followed closely. Looking at the white steam coming out of Jorge, he

was shocked!

During the five years of war, even when faced with the war god of the enemy kingdom, the Lord wasn’t

so nervous. At this moment, he was clearly already doing his best! The situation of the little Princess,

I’m afraid…

“Olivia will not die!” Jorge gritted his teeth. “How long will it take for the Blizzard to arrive?”

“Inform Adam to prepare for everything!”

“We have to fight every second. We can’t delay!”

The Rosefinch Master trembled and hurriedly took out his phone to contact Adam.

He was known to have the best medical skills in both medicine and poison in Country D. His medical

skills are strong enough to be on par with the Lord! After about ten minutes… xo.com fast update

An anti-gravity engine fighter jet with a snow storm pattern on it took off from the rooftop of the Grand

Hotel and flew towards the northern border of Country D, which was covered in snow!

Three days later.

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Ocean City.

“Jorge, you didn’t lie to me?” On the bustling streets, Roselyn held his wrist. Her beautiful face was full

of suspicion.

She didn’t believe it!

Ever since the birthday banquet, he carried Olivia and left halfway. It was a full night before he returned


And Olivia was left to treat her illness in Country D.

Rosefinch, on the other hand, would take care of her to prevent any mishaps.

When could it be cured? There wasn’t even a definite time!

“Haven’t you seen the photos?” Jorge took out his phone and opened the photo album. He shook it

slightly to Roselyn and smiled. “She is not as sick as you think. She just needs a long time to recover.

When she fully recovers, Adam will inform me to bring her back.”

Roselyn felt her heart ache.

On the photo, Olivia’s small face was calm. She was quietly lying on a transparent stone platform made

of some unknown material. The ground next to her was surrounded by steaming red liquid. It looked

like a special treatment place.

Beside the stone platform stood a white-haired old man in a Tang suit. He looked kind, who must be the

divine doctor that Jorge mentioned, Adam!

“Are ordinary people not allowed to go there?” She looked at her daughter in the photo and could not

help but miss her, with her eyes watery! Ever since she had this daughter, they had never been apart

for more than two days, and this time, she did not know when she could see Olivia again!

If it could be said that yearning was a type of torment, then she was constantly suffering this kind of

torture. Her longing for her daughter grew day by day, and it was difficult to part with her! “Don’t worry.”

Jorge stroked his wife’s hair and smiled calmly.

He didn’t mean it to stop her. She was just not allowed to go there.

The ordinary and transparent stone platform was Adam’s heirloom, the cold jade! As for the steaming

red liquid, it was from an active volcano that Jorge had gone to the Pacific Island to retrieve and was

the purified underground lava! It was specially used to treat the terminal illness of Olivia. After a while,

she would definitely be healed! In this kind of environment, not to mention ordinary people like Roselyn,

even the powerful the Rosefinch Master and the medical expert, Adam, did not dare to stay for too

long. It was precisely because of her illness that she was able to sleep peacefully there!

“Olivia will definitely recover.” Jorge held Roselyn’s smooth hand and said with a gentle gaze, “Also,

don’t work too hard on the collaboration with the Malone Group. I will feel sorry for you…”

Having comforted her for a while, they walked up to the Porsche that was parked on the side of the


Looking at the spacious and luxurious interior of the car, Roselyn still felt that it was unreal. To be

precise, what happened these days made her feel like she was dreaming.

“Jorge, these five years … did you really go to the military base?”

“Does a soldier have such huge power?” Jorge smiled. “Of course I went to be a soldier. Why would I

lie to you about this?”

Roselyn had a complicated expression on her face and did not know what to say.

These two days, she was indeed shocked by Jorge! Unconsciously, the car sped on the road, and the

Reston District was just ahead of them