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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 4200
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Philip's eyes lit up instantly.


To put it simply, tribute referred to resources given as offerings to the state capitals by

various forces and families of the 18 states, but Philip was surprised to hear that the

tribute schedules of various states in the white tiger royal family territory were different.

He expressed his wonder, "Why is the tribute time different for each state? Isn't it better

to collect everything at the same time?"

Barry smiled and said, "I'm not too sure about this. I heard it's because of the founder of

the white tiger royal family. But since the current system is like this, we don't have to

worry about it... Since you want to stir up turmoil in the white tiger royal family, I'll lend

you a hand."

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Philip nodded seriously.

If the Hood family helped him, it would be interesting.

As far as Philip knew, the Hood family was not only a subordinate to the white tiger royal

family but also had connections to the hidden forces of the white tiger royal family. After

all, it was the white tiger royal family that planted them in that organization.

"You should be aware that the Hood family is in contact with the Blood Moon Alliance, and

we're in the loop of their operations. And... As far as I know, the Blood Moon Alliance is

planning to intercept Lewe's tribute, and they also know that the white tiger royal family is

aware of it. The Blood Moon Alliance intends to confront the white tiger royal family head-

on this time, so Lewe will definitely become the focus of their battle."

The Blood Moon Alliance was the union of various countries and families within the white

tiger royal family territory.

There were many experts in the Blood Moon Alliance, and the fight this time might involve

a holy being, which would result in a great battle!

As for their objective, it was very simple. If the white tiger royal family won this direct

confrontation, the Blood Moon Alliance would once again lay low and bide their time while

they gathered forces. If they won, they would start to encroach on the white tiger royal

family territory after this until they completely overthrew the royal family!

This event should also allow many neutral parties to decide which side they wanted to


The white tiger royal family must also be aware of this, so the forces sent to escort Guan's

tribute this time would inevitably decrease. After all, Guan was the smallest among the 18

states. Although the tribute was significant, it was nothing compared to Lewe's.

As Philip pondered, Barry continued talking. "If the information given to us by the white

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tiger royal family is true, only a few nine-star practitioners will be escorting Guan's tribute

this time. But the white tiger royal family is not stupid. They must know that a member of

the Blood Moon Alliance is among the people they rule, so this information may not be


"But both parties regard Lewe as the real battlefield now. Even if some powerful people

appear here, they won't be too strong compared to Lewe's side. If you think this idea is

feasible, you can ask your people to check out the news in Guan."

Hearing this, Philip nodded without hesitation.

If he did not know about it, he would not do anything, of course. Now that he knew, he

definitely had some ideas.

He also found this a little interesting at the same time. His initial plan was just to whip up

a storm, but the Blood Moon Alliance was more ambitious than him, taking the initial

attack to target the white tiger royal family.