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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 1851-1880
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The First Heir – Chapter 1851

However, the dozens of black-suited thugs on the opposite side remained

silent. They merely stared at the men in combat uniforms. A little while later, the group of black-suited

thugs formed a path. From

behind them, a man with an imposing figure walked out. Victor Bell. At this moment, he walked out and

frowned when he saw the jeeps and men in

green uniforms. When did Young Master Clarke mess with these people?

This was a big deal! “Everyone, I’m sorry. May I ask what your reason for taking Young Master

Clarke away is?” Victor was still polite. After all, he was just an underground

lord in the Uppercreek area. Compared to these people from a combat squad, he was still far behind. If

this came to a fight, he would definitely lose. Thus, Victor restrained his

emotions and held a tight grip over his men. A man in uniform next to Junior Commander Weiss barked

at Victor coldly at

this moment, “You have no right to ask. Quickly get out of the way!”

Hearing this, Victor’s eyes froze. He glanced at the jeep Philip was in and said

with a laugh, “That might be a little troublesome. You can’t just take the

person in the car away so willfully. Even if you want to take him away, you

have to give a reason.”

“A reason?”

Junior Commander Weiss, who had not said a word, sneered at this moment. Then, he walked toward

Victor in his shiny leather boots. With blazing eyes, he stared at Victor fixedly and asked gravely, “Are

you asking me for a

reason?” Victor dared not make a sound as he looked at the man in front of him. Although his body was

thin and slender, he exuded a formidable aura and

gave off heavy pressure akin to a mountain. It caused Victor’s forehead to drip

with cold sweat. He chuckled and said, “Of course not. Your unit must be classified. I know I

have no right to question you. However, the one in the car is my young master. If you take away an

innocent person for no reason, you’ll be crossing the


“Crossing the line?”

Junior Commander Weiss sneered and kicked out with his foot!


Instantly, Victor was kicked away by Junior Commander Weiss. Fortunately, the group of men behind

Victor quickly supported him as he stabilized himself. However, Victor’s face looked very unpleasant. He

might have broken some

ribs. “This is crossing the line!”

Junior Commander Weiss said coldly before he swept his gaze over the group

of black-suited thugs. He shouted angrily, “I, Hal Weiss, will give you a final

warning. Get out of the way immediately. Otherwise, I’ll take it as everyone

here is colluding with the enemy and you’ll be punished on the spot!”

This order carried Junior Commander Weiss’ battle hardened prestige!

Indeed, it shocked many people present!

Victor stood up with great difficulty. The pain in his stomach made his

complexion turn bad. He was just about to say something when the window of the jeep rolled down,

revealing Philip’s smiling face. He said, “Victor, go back. You can’t intervene

in this.”

“Young Master Clarke, this…” Victor endured the pain and wanted to say


Philip just shook his head and said, “Protect Madam. You don’t have to worry

about the rest. Also, if a person named Fennel Leigh comes looking for me in

the hotel today, you may tell him that I’ve been taken away.” Hearing that, Victor could only nod in

response. After that, he motioned to all his men to make way. Soon, the jeeps drove

away and left in front of Victor and the rest.

The First Heir – Chapter 1852

Looking at the jeeps that were driving away, Victor said worriedly, “Send me

back and immediately secure the hotel. Make sure to protect the madam’s

safety. Also, inform Theo Zander of Riverdale and the patriarch of the Jensen

family in Uppercreek that Young Master Clarke has been taken away by the

members of the combat squad.”

“Master Bell, you should go to the hospital first.” Seeing the cold sweat on

Victor’s forehead, an underling advised. Victor nodded and said, “You guys make the arrangements. I

can go to the

hospital myself.” On this side, after the jeeps left Uppercreek, they drove for more than two

hours and left the border of South River District before entering the vast

mountains. This place was not far from the border of Charbury. Surrounded by

wide stretches of mountain ranges, the vehicles sped along the winding

mountain highway. These people did not blindfold Philip, as if to say that he had no chance of

leaving once he was taken away this time. About an hour later, the car entered the boundaries of

Charbury and headed

straight toward the development area of Songfield in Charbury, where

countless factories could be found. Philip looked at his surroundings. He never expected that he would

retum to

Charbury, the place he just left.

The land of Charbury fell under the central region. If he remembered correctly, it should be the fiefdom of

that supreme. Was it not the former supreme who

wanted to take him away, then?

As he thought about it, the car had already entered a chemical plant. Construction was going on all

around the chemical plant, and the air was filled

with a pungent smell. Philip could not help but inhale two mouthfuls and almost choked to death. He

looked at the signboard at the entrance of the plant, Songfield Wentworth

Chemical Ltd. It was a listed company too. Interestingly enough, the base of the Internal Combat Division


Bureau was actually inside a chemical plant. In other words, this factory was

the identity they put on for the outside world to see. As the jeeps entered the vicinity of the plant, Junior

Commander Weiss, who

sat on the front passenger seat, revealed a relieved look on his cold face. Needless to say, Philip

detected the change in the other party’s expression. In

that case, this place was their stronghold. Soon, the vehicles passed the front of the factory and headed

straight to an

office building. Philip glanced around the office building and saw a dozen

people on patrol. Although they were dressed in casual outfits, the way they

looked at the vehicles could not be mistaken. Only former combat personnel

could produce that piercing look.

Moreover, as the car continued to drive farther in, several gates at the back

were guarded by personnel wearing green combat uniforms and armed with

guns. Once here, there was basically no need to hide. When Philip looked up to a certain high platform,

he even saw a blinding glare. It must be a hidden sniper. Things were getting more and more interesting.


the car drove in and passed through several closely guarded gates, the car

slowly went underground and the line of sight began to darken. At this time, Philip’s gaze also gradually

became cold because Junior

Commander Weiss had taken out a walkie talkie, not a mobile phone. This

meant that there was no signal in the surroundings. It seemed that this group of people was determined

to trap him here at all

costs. “Is this the stronghold of your Internal Combat Division Investigation Bureau?

It’s quite interesting. The defense facilities and personnel around here are

pretty good. In the past, one of our squads specialized in infiltrating and

executing the leaders of such strongholds,” Philip said coldly. When Hal Weiss, who was at the front,

heard this, he turned his head and

looked at Philip. He asked, “Were you a soldier too?”

Philip shrugged, crossed his arms over his chest, and said flatly, “Oh? You

brought me here without checking my information?”

Hal scowled. After thinking about it, he sneered and said, “I didn’t expect that

you were a soldier too. It’s a pity. But I’m warning you, don’t think about

escaping. This place is not as simple as you think. I advise you to give up that

unrealistic idea because it’ll cost you your life!”

The First Heir – Chapter 1853

A flash of contempt crossed Hal‘s eyes when he finished speaking. This was his turf. No matter how

strong the other party was, how could he

escape from this heavily guarded place?

That was simply wishful thinking. Once here, Philip need not dream of getting

out. This place was the tomb of all villains!

One bullet from each person and anyone who harbored the intention of

escaping would be riddled with bullets. Soon, the car came to the end of the road and stopped on open

ground. They

were already underground. The surrounding dim

wall lights made one feel as if they had arrived in an underground cage. Although underground, the air

circulation here was good, indicating that the

ventilation facilities here were very admirable. Moreover, to build such a large

underground office, it was enough to display the strength and means of the

people behind. Philip got off the jeep and looked around. Several men with guns came for the

handover. He smiled and said to Hal, “Junior Commander Weiss, I’m getting more

curious now. I really wonder which supreme you belong to that he’s greeting

me with such pompadour. Also, by bringing me to such a heavily guarded

place, have you made up your mind not to release me?”

Hal turned his face sideways, looked at Philip indifferently, and said, “You

don’t need to know so much. The more you know, the worse it will be for

you.” After that, Hal said a few words to the people who came for the handover

before waving his hand as a signal for them to take Philip away. The two men armed with guns

approached and wanted to grab Philip’s

shoulders, but the latter narrowed his eyes and said coldly, “Try touching me

if you dare.”

Seeing the coldness reflected in Philip’s eyes, the two men armed with guns

suddenly froze and glanced at Hal. Hal frowned and said, “Just let him be.”

Even Hal was startled by the intensity displayed by Philip just now. One would not possess that kind of

killing intent without experiencing life and

death on the battlefield. In other words, this guy had experienced the cruelest

and most desperate conditions!

In tandem with what Philip had said earlier about him being engaged in such

executions before, Hal had pretty much guessed Philip’s identity and strength. He had always respected

such warriors, but times were different, and he was

now acting under orders.

After thinking about it, Hal turned his head and said with a cold glint in his

eyes, “No matter what special missions you used to take part, since you’re

now here, I hope you can follow orders obediently and don’t make things

difficult for me. Otherwise, you’ll have a hard time!”

Philip narrowed his eyes and sneered, “I look forward to it.” Hal looked at Philip coldly and said a little

indifferently, “Are you provoking


“Provoking?” Philip smiled mockingly and said, “To deal with people like

you, I don’t need to do that yet. The reason I came with you is to see who

stands behind you and who’s the one giving you orders. Otherwise, there’s no

way you could’ve brought me here.” Hal frowned upon hearing that. He did not bother talking to Philip


and said to his subordinates, “Take him over and lock him up for a few days. Remember to take good

care of him!” Hal emphasized the words ‘good care’. Now that he was here, he was already as good as


Soon, Philip was brought by two combatants to a certain room where vicious

criminals were held. This room was similar to a cage, with walls on three sides

made of concrete that could not be breached without special tools.

The fourth side was a reinforced steel door. It could be said that this was a

cage no one could escape from. Philip took a few glances. There were five or six people locked up in the

room, all of them ferocious looking. Most of them were foreigners. Those who were

locked up here were most likely not decent people probably agents or spies

from other countries.

The First Heir – Chapter 1854

After a few brief glances, Philip understood the strength of the people in the

room. These people, with ruthless glints and killing intent in their eyes, were villains

who had experienced life and death. Such ferocity was not an emotion but a

kind of savagery imprinted in the bones. If Philip was never with the Dragon

Warriors, he would not be able to deal with these people. Seeing Philip being brought in, the few guys in

the room flicked him a cold

glance before minding their own business or closing their eyes to rest. It seemed that no one took Philip

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seriously. The only difference was that Philip’s clothes were different from their prison

uniforms. Philip chose a corner and sat down, his mind racing with thoughts. He was

wondering who wanted him dead this time or if they wanted to keep him

locked up in here forever. The biggest possibility was that former supreme. However, the territory of

Charbury was not affiliated with that guy. This was a little tricky.

As Philip thought about it, he simply lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and got

ready to rest. This scene was clearly recorded by the camera in the corner. At the same time in an office,

Hal respectfully said to the back of a valiant

looking person in front of him, “Miss Una, that person has been brought in

and is now locked in Warehouse 8. As per your instructions, some bloodthirsty

killers are also being held inside.”

That figure in front was not at all simple. It was someone from the Nonagon. The instructions Hal Weiss

received were to act upon her orders. “Very good.”

That beautiful figure stood with her hands behind her back as she said coldly. At first glance, one could

tell that this figure belonged to a woman. She wore a

lavender tight-fitting outfit, had a hot figure, and had a pair of long legs. She

was a delicate beauty. Just her side profile alone was gorgeous enough, like a flower that was about

to bloom. It caused men to be unable to move their eyes away from her.

Suddenly, she turned around. Her face was so beautiful that Hal Weiss, who

had never experienced any stir of emotions, could not help being stunned and


It was the first time he saw such a beautiful woman. Especially her lavender

eyes that were like deep pools of temptation. They seemed to exude attractive

magic that made people unconsciously want to open their hearts to her. “Oh, am I beautiful?” The

corners of the woman’s lips curled up. Her giggle

made the man gasp. Hal was startled and snapped back to his senses. He quickly lowered his head

and explained, “I’m sorry. I have no intention of offending you. Please forgive

me.” Miss Una smiled and said, “It’s okay. You’re not the first man to show me that

look, but you’re unlike others.” Hal’s cheeks could not help but heat up at those words. His subordinates

would be shocked if they saw that. Hal had always been a cold and aloof

person, with only his home country in his mind. A hardened man who once

led dozens of men in battle and annihilated thousands of enemy troops was

actually blushing at this moment. “Did he ask who brought him here?” Miss Una asked, a playful smile


from the corner of her eyes. Hal replied, “He did, but we have a confidentiality agreement. He doesn’t

know Miss Una’s identity yet.”

“Well done. Bring me there. I want to see what this Philip Clarke is capable of

to make my mother treat him with such caution.” A cold smile of curiosity

and eagerness appeared at the corner of the woman’s mouth.

The First Heir – Chapter 1855

Hal’s expression changed as he quickly said, “Miss Una, I don’t recommend

that you go there now as your identity is too special. If Philip notices anything, it might get a little

troublesome.” Mandy Una’s shapely eyebrows furrowed before she chuckled. She sized up

this interesting junior commander in front of her and asked, “Are you worried

about me?” Hal looked embarrassed and quickly shook his head while explaining, “No, Miss Una, you’ve

misunderstood. I just…”

“Hahaha…” Mandy giggled, her voice like tinkling bells that made Hal’s heart jump

ablaze. “Well, don’t worry about me. I‘m just going to take a look. Lead the way.” Mandy had already

stepped out when she finished speaking. Hal looked at the swaying graceful and enticing back before

hurrying to catch

up to her. He said, “Miss Una, this Philip Clarke…” His voice faded. Soon, Hal led the tall and charming

Mandy to Warehouse 8, the most heavily

guarded underground cage.

She stood three or four meters away from the steel railings of Warehouse 8,

just looking at Philip lying on the bed from afar. A slight smile appeared on

her mouth. Hal stood next to Mandy with a respectful look on his face and whispered, “Miss Una, do you

need me to wake him up?” Mandy nodded. Following that, Hal walked to the steel railings and yelled

coldly at Philip, who was resting with his hands under his head, “Philip Clarke, get up. Someone is here

to see you.” Upon hearing that, Philip opened his eyes slightly, raised his head, and looked

at. the poker faced Hal Weiss. Then, he noticed the woman behind him with

her arms crossed over her chest. Her delicate figure exuded the charms of a

mature woman. Philip had never seen this woman before. Was this the person behind the


Too young. It seemed that. she was not the big fish, just one sent to test the waters. Hence, Philip

ignored them and continued to lie on the bed while saying

indifferently, “What’s up? If there’s nothing, don’t disturb my rest.”

Hearing Philip’s nonchalant words, Hal clenched his fists in anger and said

coldly, “Audacious! How dare you be so disrespectful to Miss Una?!” Ashe said that, Hal ordered

someone to open the warehouse door, wanting to

go in and teach Philip a good lesson. However, behind him, Mandy’s high heels clattered enticingly. She

approached the steel railings and raised her hand, signaling Hal to stop. Then, she looked at Philip

carefully with her beautiful and mesmerizing eyes. With a

soft exclamation, she said, “He looks just like an ordinary person. Why would

mother treat him with such caution?” Of course, Philip heard her remark. He frowned and sat upright.

With serious

eyes and a taunting smile on the corners of his mouth, he stared at Mandy and

asked, “Beautiful lady, may I ask who is your mother? Why did you bring me

here?” When Mandy heard Philip’s words, she was slightly startled. With a slight

smile, she said, “I didn’t expect you to still be in the mood to compliment me

after getting here.”

Philip shrugged and said, “Beauty is meant to be praised. If you’re happy with

my compliment, tell me who’s behind you and what your purpose is.”

The corners of Mandy‘s mouth turned up as she pretended to be cute. She

pressed her slender jade like fingers to her fiery red lips, pouted, and said, “I’m indeed happy to be

praised by a stranger for being beautiful, but I can’t

answer your questions.”

After saying that, Mandy smiled slyly as she looked at Philip with curiosity. Philip shrugged, lay down on

the bed again, and said no more.

The First Heir – Chapter 1856

Seeing that scene, Hal said to Mandy respectfully, “Miss Una, let’s go.” Mandy nodded and turned

around. After taking a couple of steps, she turned

around again and glanced at Philip who was lying there. ‘This man was quite interesting.’ Not long after

leaving, Mandy’s previous cutesy demeanor was replaced by a

cold and aloof look. She said to Hal who was following behind her, “Junior

Commander Weiss, this person must be guarded under enforced security. I

can’t help feeling that he’s not as simple as he appears to be.”

“Not simple?” Hal was taken aback before he laughed mockingly and said, “Miss Una, you worry too

much. No one can escape alive after getting here. He may have been a former soldier with some skills

and brains, but now that

he’s here, he’s no more than a normal person.”

In Hal’s opinion, Philip was just a warrior before and had some skills. However, that was about it. Hal

overlooked Philip’s skills because many vicious villains were secretly

imprisoned here, all top agents or assassins of a certain country. Any random

person picked out from this group could kill Philip in seconds. Mandy nodded. The two returned to the

office, and Mandy immediately

looked at the surveillance screen of the prison cage where Philip was being

kept. Looking at the lying figure, a strong look of curiosity and mocking

appeared in her eyes. “Junior Commander Weiss, I don’t want him to live comfortably these few

days. Do you know what I mean?” Mandy turned to look at Hal next to her. Hal naturally understood and

nodded his head in response. “Miss Una, your

order will be carried out.” Mandy nodded. Of course, she knew that those people locked up in


8 were the top agents and killers of all countries. For a guy like Philip to stay

in there, he would probably start begging for mercy within a day. ***

Back to Philip. He lay on the hardwood bed and kept thinking of

countermeasures. His mind had never been so clear before. Many things

flashed before his eyes like a movie. Even his plan to return to Arcadia Island

slowly evolved and enhanced in his mind. Mandy just stared at the monitoring screen, her shapely brows


furrowing. She never thought that this guy could still fall asleep so leisurely in

such an environment. Should he not be anxious and nervous? Moreover, the atmosphere in

Warehouse 8 was too harmonious. Mandy turned her head and looked at Hal unhappily.

Hal was startled. Just now, he was looking at Mandy’s graceful S-shaped

silhouette as she bent over to look at the surveillance screen. Especially that

perky made him a little distracted. Now that their two gazes collided, Hal quickly took out the walkie-talkie


ordered, “Try him out. Don’t let him sleep so peacefully.”

Soon, as seen in the surveillance footage, a foreigner with tanned skin walked

up to Philip. With fierce eyes, he frowned as he looked at this newcomer who

had his eyes closed. Strong displeasure appeared in his eyes. Philip was resting when he felt a vicious

kick from someone. It made him

upset. He opened his eyes and saw a petite man in front of him. He was the only

person with such stature among these six people. “What’s up?” Philip asked with a frown.

The First Heir – Chapter 1857

“Hey, newcomer, clean this place up, understand?”

The man with tanned skin looked at Philip contemptuously and mocked, “It’s

your turn for cleaning duties now. Use your towel and clean the toilet!”

Before Philip entered, the villains locked up in Warehouse 8 had already

received instructions from Hal Weiss that they needed to take good care of the

newcomer. By doing this, they could get the chance to go out for some fresh

air. They had been locked underground for several years now, facing the gray

walls and steel railings every second of the day. To them, escape and freed om

were extravagant hopes. Being able to go above ground to see the sky and breathe in some fresh air


their only pursuit now. Since the order from the top was for them to teach this

newcomer a lesson, not only could they get some exercise but they could also

go out, which naturally made them eager to take a shot at Philip. Moreover, they heard that this

newcomer was a rookie, so when Philip just arrived, they

treated him dismissively and did not even look at him directly. Philip looked

at the urinal pit in the corner with dark yellow liquid splashed all over the

place. He flicked a cold glance at it before retracting his gaze. Still lying down, he

said to the foreigner with an unhappy expression, “Clean it yourself if you

want to. I’m not doing it.”

With that said, Philip continued to close his eyes, not paying attention to the

foreigner in front of him at all. “Damn it, you’re quite arrogant, huh? I have the final say on who cleans


toilet, not you!” The foreigner’s eyes were full of anger and mockery. He

pointed at the pit and shouted coldly, “I’m ordering you to clean it up now!

Otherwise, I’ll shove your head into the urinal, you son of a btch!” This petite man was called Tyrone, an assassin from Country T who infiltrated into this country. He specialized in intelligence transmission activities. He was caught by local authorities a few years ago and had been detained here since. He could be considered a very skillful agent who once escaped from the siege of dozens of people, but in the end, he encountered Hal Weiss. Everyone in Warehouse 8, whether sitting or lying down, were first class agents. Compared to the rest, Tyrone was nothing but rubbish. When he first came in, he was overbearing and refused to yield to anyone. However, after just being locked up in here overnight, he conceded and completely caved in! There was nothing but maniacs and freaks in Warehouse 8! At the thought that he once suffered the brokeback mountain humiliation, Tyrone felt disgusted and had goosebumps all over! Now, the opportunity was finally here and Tyrone was wildly ecstatic. He was best

at bullying a newcomer. However, from the current looks of things, this newcomer named Philip Clarke was obviously a little arrogant, which really annoyed him. Philip merely lifted his eyelids slightly, looked at Tyrone coldly, and said with a frown, “I have to clean just because you told me to? Who said so?” In fact, Philip knew clearly that this was likely the orientation program. He had been with the Dragon Warriors in the past and naturally knew some of the rules. It was really interesting that such a lowly tactic was being used on him now. As he said that, he tilted his head slightly and glanced at the camera with a red light in the corner. Some people were bound to be disappointed. The First Heir – Chapter 1858 Seeing Philip’s irritable temper, Tyrone got annoyed and roared furiously, “I said so! I have the final say in Warehouse 8! If you dare say another word, I’ll kill you right now!” While saying this, Tyrone was a little apprehensive. After all, he did not have the final say in Warehouse 8. However, none of the others wanted to take this credit away from him. All of them were seemingly unconcerned. “Is that so?” A faint smile appeared on Philip’s face. This was getting more and more interesting, so he would play along. Tyrone’s anger was close to exploding. He raised his fist to punch Philip in the face when suddenly, the latter sat up straight, stared at Tyrone with a mocking smile, and said, “Let’s play this game, then. You go and clean up the urinal pit. If I find a drop of urine, I’ll make you drink all of it!” Tyrone was already startled when Philip abruptly sat up. Upon hearing such arrogant words from the other party, he was furious! “You’re fcking


Tyrone went over and grabbed Philip by the collar. He sized Philip up as a

cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He said, “Oh, this shirt is not

bad. Take it off and let me wear it!”

Philip looked at the other party indifferently, smiled slightly, raised his

eyebrows, and said, “I’ll count to three. If you don’t let go by then, you can

say goodbye to your hand.”

Tyrone was not a street punk and naturally would not be intimidated by a few

simple words from Philip. With a fierce scowl, he sneered and said, “Damn

you, you piece of trash! You don’t know the rules and even want to threaten

me? In that case, I’ll let you know today who the boss here is!” After saying that, Tyrone raised his iron

hard fist and slung it at Philip’s face!

At the sight of such powerful force and speed, Philip merely chuckled without

paying any heed to it. He shook his head slightly, stretched out his hand

casually, and easily grabbed the opponent’s fist. Then, Philip twisted a

backhand and Tyrone immediately screamed. His entire body followed the

force exerted by Philip and he turned his back to Philip. Philip kicked the other party’s ass and Tyrone

instantly lost his center of

gravity. He crashed into the concrete on the opposite side and his head

immediately swelled!

This was just a simple counterattack from Philip. He had not exerted his full

strength at all. Otherwise, Tyrone would probably be dead from the crash just

now. Tyrone clutched his head and slumped to the ground, feeling dizzy. He flexed

his arm as he grunted a curse, “Newcomer, you’re looking for death!”

With that said, Tyrone got up and raised his leg again, wanting to kick Philip

to death. He was simply too careless just now. He did not expect the other

party to have some skills. “Back down!” However, at this moment, a muffled roar interrupted Tyrone’s


Immediately after, a tall and sturdy foreign man with a bear like figure, a

shiny head, and a dark complexion stood up from the bed. With a frosty look

on his face, he flexed his neck from side to side, producing cracking sounds. As soon as he stood up, he

was one head taller than Philip. With a raging cruel

and mocking look in his eyes, he looked at the newcomer condescendingly. When Tyrone saw this man

stepping forward, he naturally stood aside like a

good boy. There was an unconcealed sneer at the corners of his mouth. Now that this big guy was about

to take action, this newcomer was bound to


The First Heir – Chapter 1859

In the office, Mandy Una and Hal Weiss were staring at the surveillance screen. A faint sneer appeared

on the forrner’s face. She was eager to see what exactly

was so extraordinary about Philip Clarke that made her mother give the order

to trap him inside here. Hal also looked at the surveillance screen with uncontrolled pride in his eyes. He

laughed sarcastically as he said, “Miss Una, as long as this agent from

Country M makes a move, this kid won’t remain alive and kicking.”

Philip’s eyes were slightly narrowed at the moment. With his arms across his

chest, he looked at the bear like man in front of him and said with a smile, “Do you have an opinion?”

The agent from Country M did not like Philip’s provocative attitude at all. Making use of his tall figure, he

reached out and grabbed Philip’s head, trying

to dunk him. However, before his hand touched Philip’s head, a huge force slammed into

the agent’s stomach!

The burly bear-like man was kicked and sent crashing into a wall before he fell

to the ground with a loud bang. From his appearance, he seemed to weigh at

least 100 kg. When he fell, the entire ground shook. This agent was a good

fighter in Warehouse 8, but Philip had sent him flying with just one move!

This made Tyrone dumbfounded for quite a while. Obviously, the agent from

Country M had belittled his opponent too much that he got kicked like that. Many people were shocked at

the scene and felt that it was unbelievable.

Under such circumstances, the other four people who were still indifferent

earlier when watching the excitement coldly stood up at this moment. Philip swept his eyes over them as

a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He clapped his hands indifferently, looked at them

nonchalantly, and hooked

his fingers at them. He said provocatively, “Do you want to come at me

together? Come on, then.” His clear eyes blatantly revealed contempt and disregard. “Let’s attack

together and kill him! Let’s show this kid what this place is!”

The agent from Country M on the ground roared at this moment. He clearly

felt that his abdomen and internal organs had suffered a huge impact. With the kick just now, he

understood that the newcomer in front of him was

not a rookie at all!

Such explosive power could only be possessed by special personnel who had

undergone special training. As soon as he said that, the remaining few people rushed over with a fierce

look on their faces. They wanted to make a move on Philip. However, at this moment, one of the men

who had been lying in the corner

opened his eyes leisurely. He cursed angrily, “So noisy! Can’t you let me sleep

in peace?”

When Philip heard this voice, his heart suddenly jolted. It sounded familiar. Then, the few people who

surrounded Philip stopped moving when they heard

the man in the corner talking. After that, they stood on both sides respectfully

and bowed to the man who stood up while stretching. They said, “Ethan, are

you awake?”

The man was obviously a local with an arrogant and disdainful attitude. His

hands were in his trouser pockets, and he had a sluggish appearance. He

walked up to the Country M agent who stood on one side after getting up from

the ground while clutching his stomach. He slapped the agent on the head and

reprimanded him like he was scolding a child, “You stupid bear, is that all

you’ve got? You even got kicked out by a newcomer. Don’t you think that

you’re a disgrace to Country M?”

The brawny agent lowered his head, nodded vigorously, and said, “You’re

right.” Although that arrogant and handsome man was wearing prison garb, it could

hardly conceal his noble and domineering demeanor. He walked to Tyrone who had disrespected Philip

earlier, looked at his arm, and chided, “Useless piece of trash. Your punishment is to clean the urinal pit

for a month!” When Tyrone heard that, his face was ashen and he wanted to cry. Likewise, he looked at

Philip with deeper resentment. However, he dared not make any

retort in front of this Ethan guy.

This was what made Warehouse 8 so terrifying. This man was a nightmare for

all of them!

The First Heir – Chapter 1860

Immediately after, Tyrone quickly said, “Ethan, you can’t blame us for this. This kid is too cocky. He just

came in yet dares to be so lawless. In the future, he might even go over your head.”

Tyrone had not done too well after infiltrating this country but he had

perfected the art of sowing discord. The handsome man frowned at this time. He turned around and

looked coldly

at Philip who sat on the bed. He asked, “Hey, who is that kid? How dare he

throw his weight around on my turf?” However, when he finally saw Philip’s face clearly, he exclaimed in

shock and

froze on the spot! “Ethan, what’s wrong with you?” Tyrone could not help asking. Ethan was the maniac

of Warehouse 8. No! To be precise, the maniac of the

entire underground prison!

He held the title of Battle Maniac. Everyone who was brought here had been

brutally abused by Ethan. No matter which country’s agent they were or if they were a wanted person in

more than a dozen countries, once they got here, everyone would be taken

care of and tamed by Ethan.

However, Ethan was now looking at Philip as if he had seen a ghost!

There was even a trace of fear and respect in his expression. The handsome man completely ignored

Tyrone’s words and looked at Philip

with a shocked expression. After a long while, he finally shouted, “Oh my, Big

Brother, why are you here?”

‘Big brother?!’ As soon as these words were spoken, all the people in Warehouse 8 were


Philip was also very helpless at this moment. He sat on the bed, shrugged as he

stood up, and said with a smile, “Ethan Clarke, you sure live a comfortable life. You’ve recruited many

underlings here, huh? No wonder Uncle Tim said he

hasn’t been able to find you recently. To think that you’re hiding here.” Hearing this, Ethan showed a look

of surrender. He scratched the back of his

head and grimaced as he said, “Big Brother, this… I had nothing better to do

so I came in here for some peace and quiet.”

“Nothing better to do? Peace and quiet?” Philip chuckled. He knew his

cousin best. He was mischievous since he was a child and caused a lot of trouble. Later, he

was sent to Reed Williams for training and finally settled down for a few years. He did not expect to run

into this rascal here.

Ethan looked like a mouse in front of a cat. In fact, he was always beaten up

miserably by Philip when he was a child. He smiled shyly and grumbled, “It’s

all because of my old man who insisted on arranging a marriage for me. I

don’t even know what the girl looks like and he wants me to marry her. Besides, how old am I? I still want

to play around for a few more years.” Upon hearing that, Philip patted Ethan on the shoulder, shook his

head, and

said, “You’re still too young. One day in the future, you’ll regret it.” At the same time, Tyrone asked with

an incredulous face, “Ethan, do you

know him?”

Ethan turned his head and glared at Tyrone. He went over and slapped him

silly before saying coldly to the bloodthirsty agent and spies, “All stand at



Instantly, the six vicious and terrifying villains of the underground prison

stood at attention with their heads held high while waiting for instructions. If

word of this got out, the entire underground prison would be in an uproar!

Ethan stood with his hands behind his back and introduced, “To give you a

grand introduction, this is my elder brother and also your big brother! From

now on, we’re a family. Do you understand?”

The First Heir – Chapter 1861

When facing Philip and Ethan, the several men of varying heights were as

fearful and well-behaved as a mouse in front of a cat. “Big Brother!”

In unison!

All six men bent and nodded respectfully to Philip. At first glance, they

seemed well-trained and must have received a fair share of beatings!

Especially the agent from Country M and Tyrone, who made a move against

Philip earlier. Their eyes darted about now, afraid that Philip would cause

trouble for them. Philip glanced around, and Ethan understood. With one hand in his pants

pocket, he pointed with his other hand at the agent and Tyrone while saying, “Aren’t you two going to

apologize to our brother?”

Tyrone was the first to concede, nodding eagerly while admitting his mistake, “B-Big Brother, I’m sorry. I

didn’t mean to. I was wrong!”

The agent also apologized while bowing at a 90-degree angle and lowered his

head, not daring to speak. Although the searing pain in his abdomen made his

forehead full of cold sweat, he dared not raise his head casually.

Philip waved his hand and said, “It’s okay, I know you received instructions

from the top.” Hearing this, Tyrone and the agent from Country M, as well as the others, heaved a sigh of

relief. This person was a man whom even a devil like Ethan feared. He must not be

that simple. He might even be more devilish than the devil himself. Thinking

of this, Tyrone could not help but shudder. Fortunately, he was not reckless. Otherwise, he might have

died without knowing the reason. At this time, Ethan said to Philip with a grin, “Brother, why are you

here? Did

you fight with Sister-in-law and come here to hide?” Upon hearing this, Philip glared at Ethan in a huff

and said, “Do you think I’m

like you? You only know how to hide when you encounter a problem, the

same as what you always did when you were a child. Don’t you like the girl

that Uncle Tim introduced to you? Which family does the young lady belong

to?” Hearing Philip’s question, Ethan leaned back on the bed, crossed his legs, and

said, “Who else could it be? The Joo family’s daughter, Vivi Joo.”

“Vivi Joo?” Hearing this name, Philip’s expression changed to one of awkwardness. He

stroked his chin and cleared his throat. He was quite familiar with Vivi Joo.

Come to think of it, he had not seen her in a while. This seemed to be a forced

political marriage, and the other party turned out to be his cousin. “Vivi Joo… I’ve seen her before,” Philip

thought for a moment and said

casually. Hearing that, Ethan turned around and sat up straight. His eyes widened as he

looked at Philip with a silly smile. He quickly got up, dusted the bed with his

sleeve, and said flatteringly, “Brother, have a seat. It’s more comfortable


Philip furrowed his brows as the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. Seeing the look on Ethan, he

immediately knew what this kid had in mind. Sure enough, as soon as Philip sat down, Ethan asked with

a grin on his face, “Brother, what does this Vivi Joo look like? Is she pretty?”

Philip rolled his eyes at him and pretended to put on airs. “Well… She’s the

daughter of the Joo family, after all. How can you judge a person by her

appearance? Since Uncle Tim has agreed to this marriage, you might as well

just go along with it.” Upon hearing this, the excited expression on Ethan’s face disappeared. He

muttered, “Marry her if you want to. I don’t want to marry a woman I don’t


Philip snorted and said, “Don’t you think I know your character well enough?

You really don’t want to marry her?”

“No, I don’t!” Ethan said seriously. Philip nodded as he lay down on the bed and said, “Okay, I’ll talk to


Tim later and help you to cancel the marriage. It’s a great pity. Vivi Joo can be

considered as the leader of the six golden flowers of the capital city…” Upon hearing this, Ethan’s eyes lit

up. He quickly turned his head and said

with a flattering smile, “Brother, what did you say? The leader of the six

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golden flowers of the capital city?”

Philip ignored him but Ethan kept buzzing around him, begging Philip to tell

him about Vivi Joo. On the side, Tyrone, the agent from County M, and the others who were

standing in rows at the corner were completely dumbfounded when they

watched this scene. That was the devil of this underground prison who held

the title of Battle Maniac. At this moment, he was actually so…

Sure enough, all men were obnoxious!

The First Heir – Chapter 1862

While on this side, Mandy Una and Hal Weiss had been staring at the

surveillance screen. At this moment, they were completely dumbfounded. No

one expected this dramatic scene. Not only was Philip not suffering, but he even became the guest of

honor in

Warehouse 8!

As Mandy watched the reality unfold before her eyes, she almost went mad

with anger. She turned her head with a scowl on her face. Her shapely

eyebrows carried a biting chill as her pale lavender eyes glinted. She shouted, “Junior Commander

Weiss, what’s going on here? Who is that man in

Warehouse 8?” Mandy’s jade like finger pointed at Ethan who was walking around Philip on

the monitor screen. Hal also looked guilty and helpless as he said, “Miss Una, we can’t touch this

person. He’s not within our authority.” Mandy frowned and asked coldly, “Why? Didn‘t you tell me that


8 is full of vicious Villains, spies, and agents from various countries? How can

this man be so powerful?” Hal glanced at Ethan’s figure on the screen and said helplessly, “Miss Una,

this person’s confidentiality authority is far above mine. He’s a level-7

classified personnel! He wasn’t captured by us. He came in on his own.”

“Level-7 classified personnel? He came in here himself?” Mandy was shocked. She lowered her

eyebrows and looked hard at the

surveillance screen at the man surrounding Philip Clarke. This man who

looked handsome but acted frivolously actually had a level-7 classified

identity! ‘Who was he?’

‘In that case, who the hell was Philip Clarke?’

‘How could he make a man with level-7 classified authority treat him with

such respect?’ “No way, I need to go there again. I want to see for myself what kind of

people these two are!” Mandy was very angry. With a sway of her hips, she turned around and left the

office without further ado. Hal glanced at the monitoring screen with resentment and helplessness before

chasing after her. On this side, Philip‘s status in Warehouse 8 had already changed from a

newcomer to a guest of honor. He soon got acquainted with this group of spies

and agents.

After asking around, it turned out that they were all spy agents working in the

territory. They even revealed their agent codes and secrets. Moreover, everyone had blood on their

hands. Since they were locked up here, no matter how many people came to

interrogate them and tried to get valuable information out of them, they had

kept their mouths shut and never mentioned a word. However, Philip merely asked a few simple

questions and all of them

confessed. It was mainly because of Ethan who stood next to Philip. He gave

them a lot of psychological pressure and a sense of fear! “Well then, this can be considered as

atonement for your crimes. It’s

impossible to let you out since you are our enemies, after all. However, I can

apply for a short vacation for all of you.” Philip looked at the group of people

in front of him with a cold expression on his face. Facing important matters as such, Philip still had a

sense of measure. This

group of spy agents would stay in the territory for the rest of their lives and die

of old age. However, at this moment, a cold voice sounded. “You should be worrying about yourself

instead of their well being!” At this moment, Mandy Una strode briskly up to the railings of Warehouse 8

with a biting chill in her eyes. She stared intently at Philip and Ethan, who was

next to him!

The First Heir – Chapter 1863 Philip turned to look. The door of Warehouse 8 was already opened.

Mandy swayed her hips and walked in while displaying a charming and imposing manner. When they

saw Mandy walking in at this moment, all the agents squatting in the corner moved away tactfully.

“Keres, do you think this woman is here to see Ethan or Big Brother?” At this moment, Tyrone was like a

little girl next door with his sneaky eyes darting all over Mandy. He looked very much like a gossipy

grandpa in a neighborhood. As for Keres, the agent from Country M with a bear-like figure, endured the

pain as he shook his head and said, “I don’t know.” Tyrone rolled his eyes at him. Keres was famous for

being a man of few words. When Mandy heard Tyrone’s words, she turned her head and glared at him

coldly. Tyrone was so scared that he quickly shut his mouth, lowered his head, and stopped talking.

Philip was nonchalant. The woman in front of him acted as if she harbored great hatred toward him as if

he was a scumbag who dumped her. “Oh, Miss Una, did you miss me so soon? ” Philip said with a

chuckle. With his head pillowed on his hands, his eyes leisurely swept over Mandy’s figure. He had not

looked closely before, but it seemed that Mandy Una’s body was extraordinarily hot. She had all the

curves in the right places and a tiny waist. Her wavy hair and flaming red lips would make any man stop

in his tracks! Next to him, Ethan could not help but give a thumbs up at Philip’s words and said, “My

brother is still so awesome. Does my sister-in-law know about this?” Philip turned his head and glared at

Ethan. The latter closed his mouth obediently. However, this sentence made Mandy angry. She did not

expect Philip to be so frivolous and abominable! Despite that, what she did not expect was that Philip’s

next sentence was even more revolting! “Judging by your looks, you must have frequented many high-

end places. Why are you staring at me all day long? Do I have gold on me?” Philip laughed mockingly.

What he wanted to do was to stoke Mandy’s fury. When a person got angry and flew into a rage, it was

easy to lose rationale. Sure enough, his words made Mandy so angry that she started to tremble.

Likewise, those guys in Warehouse 8 also looked at Philip with admiration. One word, awesome! Second

word, amazing! Mandy angrily clenched her fist. The hidden lavender light under her eyes reflected a

biting killing intent. In the Nonagon, everyone was respectful to her, but when she got here, she was

actually humiliated by a scoundrel who was nothing! Furious! Mandy almost could not hold back and was

about to kill Philip right here on the spot! “Hey, Miss Una, if you look at me like that, I’ll get scared. I didn’t

do anything to you. I’m married and have a wife. Can you not pester me like this?” Philip said with a

sneer. “Hal Weiss, bring him out! I want to teach him a lesson personally!” Mandy shouted coldly and

sternly. After saying that, she turned around on her high heels and left in a huff. However, Philip’s next

words almost made Mandy stumble. “Oh no, my brothers, I’m sorry. She wants to be alone with me in a

room.” Hearing these words, Hal, who was responsible for bringing Philip out of the prison cell, also had

a face full of icy coldness. He glared at Philip viciously and said grimly, “You‘ll die from talking too much!”

Philip turned his head and smiled faintly. He was led out by two men in combat uniforms holding his

arms. This time, he did not struggle but left with Hal very obediently. Ethan stood at the door of the prison

and looked at Philip’s departing back as well as the others. A hint of devilish chill and killing intent

flashed in the corners of his eyes! Just now, Philip had told him not to act rashly. Otherwise, according to

Ethan’s temper, he would have turned this place upside down! The First Heir – Chapter 1864 Soon,

Philip was taken into another secret chamber that was surrounded by white walls and incandescent

lamps overhead. The whole room was bright, even a little blinding. In the middle was an iron table with

four legs welded to the floor. A man in combat uniform came over and put handcuffs on Philip’s hands.

The handcuffs look very unusual. There was a black steel ring with a coin-sized LCD screen on it,

displaying the number 0 that was red in color. Philip looked at it and frowned. These were no regular

handcuffs as they were a high-tech product. After a brief glance, Philip laughed and said, “Buddy, it’s not

easy to take this thing off after it’s put on.” On the side, Hal said coldly and mockingly, “Are you hoping to

take it off? These are the latest electronic handcuffs developed specifically to deal with people with

combat experience like you. As long as you try to break it, the handcuffs will release an electric current.

The more you struggle to break free, the greater the voltage! The maximum voltage can directly

electrocute four cows! Believe me, those guys in Warehouse 8 have all been subdued by this thing!”

Philip frowned upon hearing this. At Philip’s expression, a vengeful sneer appeared at the corner of Hal’s

mouth. At this time, Mandy walked in and said coldly to Hal, “Get out!” Hal was taken aback and said,

“Miss Una, this guy is not an ordinary person. I want to stay here and protect your safety.” Mandy turned

her head as a dazzling light flashed from her eyes. A regal aura exploded from her body as she sneered

and said, “Do I need your protection?” At that moment, Hal felt as if he was struck by lightning. Mandy’s

intensity was too strong! Just for a moment, Hal even had the urge to bow and worship her. Thinking that

she was from the Nonagon, Hal conceded. He turned around and left the secret chamber. Philip

chuckled, looked at Mandy in front of him, and asked, “Are you going to interrogate me alone?” Mandy

had completely erased her charming persona from before. Her expression now was very cold, and her

eyes were full of angry resentment. Bang! She made a sudden move and stomped on Philip’s feet with

her high heels. A muffled grunt! Philip’s face instantly went pale. He tightly clenched his fists as his body

tensed. His eyes suddenly widened with angry flames! At the same time, the number 0 suddenly spiked

up to a value of 230 on the LCD display of the electronic handcuffs. Sizzle! Philip abruptly stood up and

roared when the electronic handcuffs on his wrists surged with a blue electric current, crackling and

sizzling in the process. Instantly, Philip felt as though his whole body was numb. He slumped back on the

iron chair again, limp and paralyzed! He roared inwardly! Damn it! Like what Hal said, with these

electronic handcuffs, the more he struggled, the greater the voltage! “Philip Clarke, since you’re here

now, I can easily kill you!” Mandy’s face was full of vicious smiles like a femme fatale. The First Heir –

Chapter 1865 Philip still felt numb all over from the electrocution and simply leaned back on the iron

chair. There was a trace of disdain and provocation on his face as he said, “Miss Una, are you getting so

furious and desperate that you want to use torture methods on a handsome guy like me?” Mandy was

slightly stunned when she heard this. Did this guy still have the mood to be narcissistic at this juncture?

He really had no idea what his current situation was. Mandy sneered and moved her high heels away

from Philip’s feet. She stared at him coldly while saying, “You don’t seem to be afraid at all. I really don’t

know where your confidence comes from.” Philip scoffed and said, “That’s because my face value is

justice. A handsome guy like me has had a tough life. As for you, by using people from the battle squad

to bring me here like this, aren’t you afraid of causing unnecessary trouble? I’m really curious about the

person behind you.” Mandy laughed lightly with an intriguing smile. Leaning close to Philip’s ear, she said

in a charming voice, “I’m also very curious to know what’s so noteworthy about you that can make us

deploy such forces to bring you here. Why don’t you tell me who you are, who is behind you, and what

secrets you have?” At these words, Philip frowned and raised his head. His gaze was blazing as he

looked at the seductive woman in front of him. Did she not know who he was? He chuckled. Philip asked,

“You don’t know who I am?” Mandy shrugged and said disparagingly, “Why should I know?” Philip shook

his head, looking a little helpless. He said, “So it seems that you’re just a pawn.” Hearing this, Mandy

was unhappy and said, “A pawn? You think too little of me. I might as well tell you that I’m a member of

the Nonagon. How about it? Have you ever heard of it?” ‘Huh? The Nonagon?’ Philip was dumbfounded

as a doubtful look crossed his face. It could be said that he had heard a lot about the Nonagon recently.

It seemed that this Una chick really did not know much about him. Seeing Philip’s face full of doubts,

Mandy smiled smugly and said, “So, have you never heard of the Nonagon before? Hehe, let me tell you

that the power wielded by the Nonagon is far greater than anything you can ever imagine! Even that

Junior Commander Weiss outside can only condescend in front of me.” “Now let me ask you, do you

really think you can escape from the palm of my hand?” Mandy smiled with a proud and triumphant

expression while saying, “You don’t have to answer me right away. You can slowly digest the information.

When you figure it out, tell me honestly who you are, where you come from, what you have done, what

secrets you have, and anything else I want to know. If you explain everything to me in one go, I can

leave you a whole body.” Pompous and egotistical. That was Philip’s evaluation of Mandy Una. It

seemed that this young lady was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth. She regarded herself too

highly. However, this could also inversely reflect that her identity and status were not that simple.

Nevertheless, Philip was puzzled. Did he have anything to do with the Nonagon? Why would people of

the Nonagon detain him like this? Thinking of this, Philip scoffed and said, “Miss Una, it seems that you

think I’m a good-for-nothing. Or perhaps in your opinion, I’m just an insignificant ant?” “Of course.”

Mandy shrugged, raised her shapely eyebrow, pursed her flaming red lips, and said, “In the eyes of the

Nonagon, someone like you is just a little better than an ant. In this world, there are many secrets you

don’t know about. If you don’t want to die a miserable death, just honestly answer the few questions I

asked just now.” “Haha!” Philip laughed. “What are you laughing at?” Mandy scolded angrily. She was

getting more and more upset Willi Philip. She really wanted to kill him just like that. However, she dared

not disobey her mother’s order. Philip’s smile was the greatest contempt for her at this moment. The First

Heir – Chapter 1866 “Am I not even allowed to laugh now?” Philip raised his hands, shook the electronic

handcuffs in his hands, and said, “I already have these on and I’m still not allowed to laugh? Are you

afraid that I’ll escape and get back at you?” Hearing this, Mandy laughed uproariously and said,

“Interesting. Get back at me? I heard from Junior Commander Weiss that you used to be a soldier. It

seems that the arrogance of a soldier has not been extinguished from you. If possible, I’d love to have

you join me as a bodyguard.” Philip shrugged and said disdainfully, “No thanks, because you won’t have

that chance. From the moment you brought me in, you and I are already enemies. Moreover, I can tell

you clearly that no matter who stands behind you and no matter what status you have in that Nonagon,

in my opinion, there’s nothing for me to fear.” Upon hearing this, Mandy instantly got angry! “What did

you just say? Are you defying me?” Mandy smiled grimly and coldly. She had wanted to put a little

pressure on Philip to see if she could get anything out of him. To her surprise, this guy did not know what

was good for him and even acted so arrogantly. “It seems that if I don’t make you suffer a little, you won’t

know what this place is and what kind of person I am!” Mandy could not bear it any longer. She walked

over and stomped violently on Philip’s foot again. This time, the force was unusually huge! Philip’s whole

body tensed! He clenched his fists and tried hard to break free from the electronic handcuffs, but the

electric current hit him directly and his body went weak. Thus, Philip could only endure the pain in his

foot and sneered, “Are you angry? Is that all you can do?” Mandy sneered and said coldly, “Come in and

take good care of him! I want him to know the consequences of defying me!” Soon, several ferocious

looking men in combat uniforms walked in through the door. Mandy turned around and said before she

left the room, “Don’t kill him. It’s okay to break an arm or leg.” After receiving the order, several men in

uniforms nodded in response. Then, they approached Philip grimly. Philip frowned and looked at the

three men in combat uniforms in front of him. Each of them was not a simple person. Before this, Philip

might be able to defeat them easily. However, now that he had these obstructive electronic handcuffs

around his wrists, he had no ability to fight back at all. “Sorry, we’re just carrying out orders.” One of the

three men in the lead sa