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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 152
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Chapter 152

He used another phone and called Al Hopper. The call was only answered after a long while. “Juan, are you surprised that it’s

me?” Juan trembled at the familiar voice. His hands and feet turned cold as sweat started to roll down his forehead in beads.

“Philip? How did you…” Juan’s words were stuck in his throat. This was Al’s number but Philip was the one who answered the

phone. Even a pig-brained idiot would know what was going on. “Where’s Al?” Juan controlled his frantic emotions and asked. “In

front of your house,” Philip said calmly. Then, there was a muffled voice coming from the phone. Juan was shocked. He stood up

from the sofa and ran to the window, looking outside through the glass. Two black Mercedes-Benzs were parked in front of the

entrance of the mansion. Their tail lights were shining in an ominous red glow. There was a man at the hood of the car. He was

smoking a cigarette. The red glow of the cigarette caused Juan to panic.

Philip! How did he get here so fast? Bang! Before Juan could come back to his senses, the door of the mansion was being

opened forcefully. Tiger and ten of his men barged inside instantly. The men in black immediately surrounded the living room.

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Another loud bang. Al was kicked to the front of the sofa by Tiger. There was a green tape across his mouth. He knelt on the

ground with his face bruised and swollen. He looked deplorable.

Everything happened too fast. Juan did not even have time to register what was going on. Theo walked

in from the door. Philip followed behind him slowly and threw his cigarette butt on the floor. He put out

the cigarette with his foot and strode inside. He ignored everyone in the room and walked straight to

the sofa to sit down. Then, he looked around the mansion. “I never thought that I’d be visiting your

place three years later,” Philip said calmly. Juan was covered in cold sweat. He was shocked by the

sight in front of him. Was that not the underground king Theo who was standing respectfully next to

Philip? What… What was going on? Rip! Tiger ripped the tape off of Al’s mouth. Al started kowtowing

non-stop, begging for forgiveness. He wailed loudly, “Mr. Clarke, please have mercy! Please have

mercy on me, Mr. Clarke! Please show some leniency to me, Mr. Clarke! I was wrong! I’ll never do it

again. It was all Juan’s idea! He was the one who asked me to do that!” Everyone had survival

instincts. When Juan heard that, his eyes went wide as he roared, “Bullsh*t! I don’t even know you!

When did I order you around? You’re slandering me!” Juan was not an idiot.

Philip’s arrival all of a sudden gave him enormous pressure. Especially now that his house was filled

with people. One of them was Theo who was standing beside Philip. This man was respected by

everyone no matter where he went. Today, he was willing to stand next to Philip and just watch.

It was as if Theo was just a minor character in front of Philip. He did not dare to be presumptuous. As

such, Juan was careful. Philip had changed too fast. It was too unexpected! Al was kneeling on the

floor and pointing at Juan with all his might. He immediately confessed in front of Philip. “Juan, you

gave me 100,000 bucks to do that! “Mr. Clarke, you have to believe me.

He gave me those orders. Please let me go. I won’t do it again.” Al was speaking in a tearful voice. He

kowtowed heavily on the ground. His forehead was wounded during the process. He was scared to die.

These were Tiger and Theo they were talking about. When they stomped their feet, he would be thrown

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into the river. Philip shifted his eyes and Tiger understood what he meant by that. He brought Al

outside. Horrifying screams and pleadings sounded from the outside. It was knocking on Juan’s

defensive line. His eyes went cold and his forehead was covered in cold sweat. He kept reflecting on

his current situation. He messed up. He did not expect that Philip was not someone ordinary. He had

kept this hidden for so long!

“Philip, I don’t know you that well. I didn’t think that you’d know Theo,”

Juan said while chuckling coldly. “All these years, you’ve been hiding your identity so well.” Even though he was panicking, he

was not scared. He was not a pushover. Philip said calmly, “Don’t judge me with your outlook.

You’ll never be able to guess my status.” “Really? I’m curious. How can you have a status?” Juan chuckled coldly and mocked.

He was still being ostentatious at this time. Philip thought he would be afraid of him just because he knew Theo? His father was

the president of the Jade Society. He knew people from high ranks as well! “You want to know my status?” Philip asked all of a
