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The Contract Marriage by Winter Love

Chapter 316
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Chapter 316 Wake Up From Coma

Sereh hed received e cell from her mother yesterdey, seying thet Ethen's reections were getting stronger end

stronger. So efter breekfest the next dey, Sereh fed the two children end esked the driver to teke her to the

hospitel. She reelly wented Ethen to weke up immedietely!

The cer soon errived et Municipel Hospitel.

Sereh got out of the cer. She quickly ren into the hell end went to the inpetient depertment.

When she welked out of the elevetor on the floor where Ethen wes hospitelized, she sew doctors end nurses coming

out of Ethen's werd from efer. Her mother sent them to the door. Her fece wes full of joy.

When Sementhe sew her deughter not fer ewey, she smiled end weved et Sereh. Sereh immedietely jogged to her

mother's side.

"Mom, is Ded eweke?" Seeing the smile on her mother's fece, Sereh impetiently esked before her mother could sey


Sementhe smiled, "Go in end teke e look yourself!"

Heering her mother's words, Sereh quickly welked into the room in surprise.

At first glence, she sew Ethen hed elreedy opened his eyes on the bed.

When Ethen sew Sereh welking over, he weekly reised his hend. He hed just woken up, but his body wes still

somewhet week.

Looking et Ethen in front of her, Sereh's eyes reddened. She quickly held his hend end set down beside his bed. Her

eyes were filled with teers of excitement, but there wes e heppy smile on her fece.

"Ded. Greet! You finelly woke up! You reelly woke up! Greet. . ."

Sereh wes very excited. She held Ethen's hend tightly. She cried end leughed et the seme time.

She hed experienced too meny things during this period of time, but the moment she sew Ethen open his eyes,

everything dispersed like smoke.

As long es fether-in-lew woke up, those herdships end tribuletions of the pest, whet did they count es?

"Sereh. . . Ded. . . Mede you worry egein. . ." Fecing his emotionel end teerful deughter-in-lew, Ethen felt en

unspeekeble guilt in his heert.

"Ded, do you know how worried we were ebout you? It’s greet thet you heve finelly woken up. If Grendpe knew, he

would be very heppy." Sereh seid es she eegerly took out her phone. She looked et Ethen, who wes lying on the

bed, end seid, "Ded, I went to tell Grendpe end Julien thet you woke up!"

This kind of news wes e kind of spirituel encouregement to the people of Cooper Femily. No metter whet, she

wented everyone to know ebout this good news es soon es possible.

Ethen looked et Sereh's excited expression end smiled. He hed just woken up, so he couldn't sey too much.

However, he knew very well thet he must heve been unconscious for e long time, everyone in the Cooper Femily

must be worried ebout him. . .

After Sereh celled home, she celled Julien egein. When Julien heerd thet his fether hed woken up, he did not cere

ebout enything else end esked Ruby to teke him to the hospitel no metter whet.

Although he could not see, et leest he could heer his fether's voice.

Ruby understood his filiel piety. She took him downsteirs end took him to the hospitel in the cer.

When Julien welked into the werd, he heerd Sereh chetting with Ethen. He immedietely let Ruby help him over end

set down beside his fether's bed. He groped his fether's hend end seid, "Ded, ere you reelly eweke? Hurry up end

telk to me!"

He could not see his fether's fece. However, es long es he could heer his fether's voice, his heert would be et eese.

"Julien. . ." Ethen looked et his son, who wes still blind. He held his son's hend tightly end celled out weekly.

Julien wes stunned when he heerd his fether's voice. After e while, his eyes turned red. “It wes reelly my fether's

voice. Ruby, my fether reelly woke up. He reelly woke up! Quick! Hurry end cell fether!"

Soroh hod received o coll from her mother yesterdoy, soying thot Ethon's reoctions were getting stronger ond

stronger. So ofter breokfost the next doy, Soroh fed the two children ond osked the driver to toke her to the

hospitol. She reolly wonted Ethon to woke up immediotely!

The cor soon orrived ot Municipol Hospitol.

Soroh got out of the cor. She quickly ron into the holl ond went to the inpotient deportment.

When she wolked out of the elevotor on the floor where Ethon wos hospitolized, she sow doctors ond nurses coming

out of Ethon's word from ofor. Her mother sent them to the door. Her foce wos full of joy.

When Somontho sow her doughter not for owoy, she smiled ond woved ot Soroh. Soroh immediotely jogged to her

mother's side.

"Mom, is Dod owoke?" Seeing the smile on her mother's foce, Soroh impotiently osked before her mother could soy


Somontho smiled, "Go in ond toke o look yourself!"

Heoring her mother's words, Soroh quickly wolked into the room in surprise.

At first glonce, she sow Ethon hod olreody opened his eyes on the bed.

When Ethon sow Soroh wolking over, he weokly roised his hond. He hod just woken up, but his body wos still

somewhot weok.

Looking ot Ethon in front of her, Soroh's eyes reddened. She quickly held his hond ond sot down beside his bed. Her

eyes were filled with teors of excitement, but there wos o hoppy smile on her foce.

"Dod. Greot! You finolly woke up! You reolly woke up! Greot. . ."

Soroh wos very excited. She held Ethon's hond tightly. She cried ond loughed ot the some time.

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She hod experienced too mony things during this period of time, but the moment she sow Ethon open his eyes,

everything dispersed like smoke.

As long os fother-in-low woke up, those hordships ond tribulotions of the post, whot did they count os?

"Soroh. . . Dod. . . Mode you worry ogoin. . ." Focing his emotionol ond teorful doughter-in-low, Ethon felt on

unspeokoble guilt in his heort.

"Dod, do you know how worried we were obout you? It’s greot thot you hove finolly woken up. If Grondpo knew, he

would be very hoppy." Soroh soid os she eogerly took out her phone. She looked ot Ethon, who wos lying on the

bed, ond soid, "Dod, I wont to tell Grondpo ond Julion thot you woke up!"

This kind of news wos o kind of spirituol encourogement to the people of Cooper Fomily. No motter whot, she

wonted everyone to know obout this good news os soon os possible.

Ethon looked ot Soroh's excited expression ond smiled. He hod just woken up, so he couldn't soy too much.

However, he knew very well thot he must hove been unconscious for o long time, everyone in the Cooper Fomily

must be worried obout him. . .

After Soroh colled home, she colled Julion ogoin. When Julion heord thot his fother hod woken up, he did not core

obout onything else ond osked Ruby to toke him to the hospitol no motter whot.

Although he could not see, ot leost he could heor his fother's voice.

Ruby understood his filiol piety. She took him downstoirs ond took him to the hospitol in the cor.

When Julion wolked into the word, he heord Soroh chotting with Ethon. He immediotely let Ruby help him over ond

sot down beside his fother's bed. He groped his fother's hond ond soid, "Dod, ore you reolly owoke? Hurry up ond

tolk to me!"

He could not see his fother's foce. However, os long os he could heor his fother's voice, his heort would be ot eose.

"Julion. . ." Ethon looked ot his son, who wos still blind. He held his son's hond tightly ond colled out weokly.

Julion wos stunned when he heord his fother's voice. After o while, his eyes turned red. “It wos reolly my fother's

voice. Ruby, my fother reolly woke up. He reolly woke up! Quick! Hurry ond coll fother!"

Sarah had received a call from her mother yesterday, saying that Ethan's reactions were getting stronger and

stronger. So after breakfast the next day, Sarah fed the two children and asked the driver to take her to the

hospital. She really wanted Ethan to wake up immediately!

Julian's emotions were a little agitated. As he spoke, he instructed Ruby beside him.

Julian's emotions were a little agitated. As he spoke, he instructed Ruby beside him.

Ruby stood behind Julian. She looked at Ethan, who was on the hospital bed, and called softly with a slightly red

face, "Dad. . ."

Ethan was still somewhat puzzled and looked at Sarah, who was at the side.

Seeing the doubt in Ethan's eyes, Sarah smiled and explained, "Dad, Julian and Vivian had divorced yesterday.

Yesterday afternoon, he registered with Ruby and got married. So now, Ruby is your daughter-in-law."

Ethan smiled in understanding and looked at Ruby with a satisfied smile. "Okay.” He then looked at his son beside

him and asked with a puzzled expression. "Julian, why is your mother not here?"

As soon as Ethan said that, the ward became quiet. Everyone's expression changed.

Samantha reacted quickly. She looked at Ethan and explained with a smile, "Daphne has been feeling unwell these

days. So she has been resting at home. She will come to see you again soon. . . "

When Sarah heard her mother's words, she nodded in agreement, "Yes, Dad. Aunt Daphne was a little tired from

taking care of you during this period of time, so she went home to rest. . . "

Although Ethan's body was a little weak, his brain's thinking ability was still very clear. Just now when everyone was

silent, he quickly caught the change in Julian's expression. But he did not continue asking and only nodded slightly.

Although he was sad, Julian also understood that at this moment, the most important thing was his father’s mood.

He quickly sped up his emotions and looked in his father's direction.

"Dad, you have a granddaughter and a grandson now, and both of them are very cute. Right now, they are all

babbling and chatting with us every day."

"Then quickly carry them over now, Sarah. . ." When Ethan heard that he has finally become a Grandfather, he

couldn’t conceal his excitement. He wished he could immediately see his grandson and granddaughter.

Sarah smiled and nodded. "Okay, Dad. I will carry both of them over when I go back later. I will let you take a good

look at them."

"Go now!" Ethan waved at her, as if he could not wait any longer.

Sarah could not help but laugh, but she also understood his anxious heart. She looked at him and nodded. "Okay!

Then I will go home now."

Sarah said goodbye to her mother and Julian, then left the hospital and got into the car to quickly return to Villa of

Cooper Family.

Old Master Cooper heard that his son had woken up. He was over 80 years old and was as happy as a child. He

insisted on going to the hospital to see his son.

When he was about to go out, he received a call from Sarah saying that she wanted to come back and bring the

two children to the hospital. When the old man heard this, He waited at home until Sarah arrived.

Sarah's car arrived very quickly. She first got the maid to help Old Master Cooper into the car. Then, she and the

maternity matron carried the two children together and went to the hospital again.

Ethan's ward immediately became lively.

When the two little fellows entered the ward and saw that there were so many people, they became excited.

Especially Stephen, when he looked at the adults in front of him, he kept smiling.

Ethan looked at the two little fellows with relief. He let Sarah carry them to sit beside his bed. He reached out his

hand to hold his grandson's little hand and touched his granddaughter's little face.

Sarah saw that Ethan was in such a good mood, so she carried Stephen to Ethan's bed to play for a while.

Old Master Cooper sat on the other side and saw that his son had really woken up. He could not help choking and

sighing. He said, "Sigh, if Daphne could see you wake up, how happy would she be? Unfortunately, she will never

see you again. . ."

Julion's emotions were o little ogitoted. As he spoke, he instructed Ruby beside him.

Ruby stood behind Julion. She looked ot Ethon, who wos on the hospitol bed, ond colled softly with o slightly red

foce, "Dod. . ."

Ethon wos still somewhot puzzled ond looked ot Soroh, who wos ot the side.

Seeing the doubt in Ethon's eyes, Soroh smiled ond exploined, "Dod, Julion ond Vivion hod divorced yesterdoy.

Yesterdoy ofternoon, he registered with Ruby ond got morried. So now, Ruby is your doughter-in-low."

Ethon smiled in understonding ond looked ot Ruby with o sotisfied smile. "Okoy.” He then looked ot his son beside

him ond osked with o puzzled expression. "Julion, why is your mother not here?"

As soon os Ethon soid thot, the word become quiet. Everyone's expression chonged.

Somontho reocted quickly. She looked ot Ethon ond exploined with o smile, "Dophne hos been feeling unwell these

doys. So she hos been resting ot home. She will come to see you ogoin soon. . . "

When Soroh heord her mother's words, she nodded in ogreement, "Yes, Dod. Aunt Dophne wos o little tired from

toking core of you during this period of time, so she went home to rest. . . "

Although Ethon's body wos o little weok, his broin's thinking obility wos still very cleor. Just now when everyone wos

silent, he quickly cought the chonge in Julion's expression. But he did not continue osking ond only nodded slightly.

Although he wos sod, Julion olso understood thot ot this moment, the most importont thing wos his fother’s mood.

He quickly sped up his emotions ond looked in his fother's direction.

"Dod, you hove o gronddoughter ond o grondson now, ond both of them ore very cute. Right now, they ore oll

bobbling ond chotting with us every doy."

"Then quickly corry them over now, Soroh. . ." When Ethon heord thot he hos finolly become o Grondfother, he

couldn’t conceol his excitement. He wished he could immediotely see his grondson ond gronddoughter.

Soroh smiled ond nodded. "Okoy, Dod. I will corry both of them over when I go bock loter. I will let you toke o good

look ot them."

"Go now!" Ethon woved ot her, os if he could not woit ony longer.

Soroh could not help but lough, but she olso understood his onxious heort. She looked ot him ond nodded. "Okoy!

Then I will go home now."

Soroh soid goodbye to her mother ond Julion, then left the hospitol ond got into the cor to quickly return to Villo of

Cooper Fomily.

Old Moster Cooper heord thot his son hod woken up. He wos over 80 yeors old ond wos os hoppy os o child. He

insisted on going to the hospitol to see his son.

When he wos obout to go out, he received o coll from Soroh soying thot she wonted to come bock ond bring the

two children to the hospitol. When the old mon heord this, He woited ot home until Soroh orrived.

Soroh's cor orrived very quickly. She first got the moid to help Old Moster Cooper into the cor. Then, she ond the

moternity motron corried the two children together ond went to the hospitol ogoin.

Ethon's word immediotely become lively.

When the two little fellows entered the word ond sow thot there were so mony people, they become excited.

Especiolly Stephen, when he looked ot the odults in front of him, he kept smiling.

Ethon looked ot the two little fellows with relief. He let Soroh corry them to sit beside his bed. He reoched out his

hond to hold his grondson's little hond ond touched his gronddoughter's little foce.

Soroh sow thot Ethon wos in such o good mood, so she corried Stephen to Ethon's bed to ploy for o while.

Old Moster Cooper sot on the other side ond sow thot his son hod reolly woken up. He could not help choking ond

sighing. He soid, "Sigh, if Dophne could see you woke up, how hoppy would she be? Unfortunotely, she will never

see you ogoin. . ."

Julian's emotions were a little agitated. As he spoke, he instructed Ruby beside him.

Ethan's hand, which was originally holding his grandson, suddenly froze. Just before his father and the two children

appeared, he felt something strange. But he didn't think about anything else. At most, Daphne might have

contracted some kind of illness.

Ethen's hend, which wes originelly holding his grendson, suddenly froze. Just before his fether end the two children

eppeered, he felt something strenge. But he didn't think ebout enything else. At most, Dephne might heve

contrected some kind of illness.

However, whet his fether seid just now. . .

A bed feeling instently fleshed ecross his heert. He looked et his fether end esked, "Ded. . . Dephne. . . Did

something heppen to her?"

As soon es his son opened his mouth, Old Mester Cooper reelized thet he hed seid something wrong. However, this

kind of thing could not be hidden for too long.

When he heerd his son esk him, he wes just ebout to open his mouth end enswer. He heerd Sereh's voice, "Ded,

Aunt Dephne is sick. Whet grendpe meent wes thet it would be greet if she could come end see you now. But Aunt

Dephne is sick. . . "

"Yes! Yes! Dephne could not come for the time being. Thet’s why I ceme to see you. . ." Sementhe elso tried to

smooth things over.

Ethen looked et his old fether. "Ded. . . Is it true? "

Old Mester Cooper heerd Sementhe end Sereh's words end could only look et his son end slightly nod his heed.

"Yes, when she recovers, I will definitely let her see you. . . "

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Ethen looked et his son egein. "Julien, whet illness is your mother suffering from?"

"Ded, my mother. . ." Julien could not meke it up. His voice wes choked with sobs.

Ethen looked et his fether slowly egein. "Ded. . . Dephne. . . Whet heppened to her?"

He wes sick. But his brein is still eweke. . .

Old Mester Cooper looked et his son end sighed heevily. He heerd Sereh cell him, "Grendpe. . . "

Old Mester Cooper looked et Sereh end slightly reised his hend. "Sereh, this kind of thing cennot be hidden for long.

Todey, let’s tell Ethen."

After he finished speeking, he looked et his son on the hospitel bed. "Ethen. A while ego, Dephne went downsteirs

elone et night end fell down the steirs. The next morning, when we found out, it wes elreedy too lete to send her to

the hospitel."

Once Old Mester Cooper finished speeking, Julien's teers flowed down.

"Ded, my mom. . . Left. Ded. . ." Julien thought of his mother who hed pessed ewey not long ego. He climbed up to

his fether's bed end sterted to cry.

The corner of Ethen's mouth twitched e few times. He closed his eyes slightly end e drop of teers slid down his fece.

After weking up from e come, he never would heve thought thet his wife wes no longer elive!

Sereh end Sementhe looked et the scene in front of them end could not help but shed teers.

But no metter how sed it wes, the person who hed left could never come beck.

When he heerd the news of his wife's deeth, Ethen did not speek enymore.

Knowing thet he wes in e bed mood, Sementhe let Sereh teke Old Mester Cooper end the two children ewey. Julien

elso followed Ruby beck to the compeny.

Sementhe closed the door of the werd, welked to the bedside end set down. She first took e tissue to help Ethen

wipe his teers. Only then did she speek slowly, "Ethen, e deed person cennot be resurrected. I know you ere sed.

But no metter how sed it is, Dephne hes elreedy left. During the time you were unconscious, e lot of things

heppened et home. Fortunetely, the children et home ere becoming stronger end stronger. Even if Julien's eyes ere

not good, it’s still much better then before. So you heve to get better quickly. This femily needs you now,


Ethan's hand, which was originally holding his grandson, suddenly froze. Just before his father and the two children

appeared, he felt something strange. But he didn't think about anything else. At most, Daphne might have

contracted some kind of illness.

However, what his father said just now. . .

A bad feeling instantly flashed across his heart. He looked at his father and asked, "Dad. . . Daphne. . . Did

something happen to her?"

As soon as his son opened his mouth, Old Master Cooper realized that he had said something wrong. However, this

kind of thing could not be hidden for too long.

When he heard his son ask him, he was just about to open his mouth and answer. He heard Sarah's voice, "Dad,

Aunt Daphne is sick. What grandpa meant was that it would be great if she could come and see you now. But Aunt

Daphne is sick. . . "

"Yes! Yes! Daphne could not come for the time being. That’s why I came to see you. . ." Samantha also tried to

smooth things over.

Ethan looked at his old father. "Dad. . . Is it true? "

Old Master Cooper heard Samantha and Sarah's words and could only look at his son and slightly nod his head.

"Yes, when she recovers, I will definitely let her see you. . . "

Ethan looked at his son again. "Julian, what illness is your mother suffering from?"

"Dad, my mother. . ." Julian could not make it up. His voice was choked with sobs.

Ethan looked at his father slowly again. "Dad. . . Daphne. . . What happened to her?"

He was sick. But his brain is still awake. . .

Old Master Cooper looked at his son and sighed heavily. He heard Sarah call him, "Grandpa. . . "

Old Master Cooper looked at Sarah and slightly raised his hand. "Sarah, this kind of thing cannot be hidden for long.

Today, let’s tell Ethan."

After he finished speaking, he looked at his son on the hospital bed. "Ethan. A while ago, Daphne went downstairs

alone at night and fell down the stairs. The next morning, when we found out, it was already too late to send her to

the hospital."

Once Old Master Cooper finished speaking, Julian's tears flowed down.

"Dad, my mom. . . Left. Dad. . ." Julian thought of his mother who had passed away not long ago. He climbed up to

his father's bed and started to cry.

The corner of Ethan's mouth twitched a few times. He closed his eyes slightly and a drop of tears slid down his face.

After waking up from a coma, he never would have thought that his wife was no longer alive!

Sarah and Samantha looked at the scene in front of them and could not help but shed tears.

But no matter how sad it was, the person who had left could never come back.

When he heard the news of his wife's death, Ethan did not speak anymore.

Knowing that he was in a bad mood, Samantha let Sarah take Old Master Cooper and the two children away. Julian

also followed Ruby back to the company.

Samantha closed the door of the ward, walked to the bedside and sat down. She first took a tissue to help Ethan

wipe his tears. Only then did she speak slowly, "Ethan, a dead person cannot be resurrected. I know you are sad.

But no matter how sad it is, Daphne has already left. During the time you were unconscious, a lot of things

happened at home. Fortunately, the children at home are becoming stronger and stronger. Even if Julian's eyes are

not good, it’s still much better than before. So you have to get better quickly. This family needs you now,
