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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 35
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Chapter 35

“If something happens to Vince, I certainly won’t let you off!” Veins were bulging on Glen’s forehead.

“I’ve already said this two years ago—you no longer have any connections to the Coleman Family, so

why are you bothering Vince again? Will you only be appeased when he’s dead?”

“Can you really sever blood ties?” As the taste of blood spread in her mouth, Victoria wiped a corner of

her lips to discover that it was injured. “If you regret birthing me so much, then you should’ve aimed

somewhere else back then.”

She even thought that if her father knew of her suicide attempt, he might care about her at least a little.

Evidently, she had overestimated herself.

Glen gulped for breath as a twisted expression appeared on his face. However, fearing that someone

might overhear, he lowered his voice and growled, “Vince is so good to you. If you have the smallest bit

of conscience, stop dragging him down!”

Hearing that, Victoria grabbed the fabric of her clothes, slightly tilting her head back to stop her tears

from falling.

If she wasn’t scared that Christian might turn his wrath on the Coleman Family, she would’ve died

earlier instead of living in such suffering and humiliation.

However, to her father, she was only a burden!

“If you’re looking to Vince just for money, I can give you that.” She was still the daughter he used to

pamper, after all. When he saw her like that, Glen softened a little.

He opened his briefcase and signed a check before passing it to Victoria. “I’ll give you three hundred

thousand first. Send your account number to my secretary, then I’ll have him send you two million.

Don’t get involved with the Coleman Family anymore.”

“Three hundred thousand?” Victoria took the check and looked down at the number written on it. She

smiled. “That’s equivalent to six years of my salary.”

Glen put his pen back in his briefcase, saying, “As long as you keep to yourself, this sum of money

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should be enough to last you all your life. I won’t hold a grudge against you for ruining my partnership

today, but don’t you dare appear in front of me again—”


Victoria smiled as she looked at him. She tore the check in pieces and threw it in his face.

“Partnership? What partnership? The one with Christian?”

“You—” Glen was jumping in rage. He had only started talking when he was interrupted by Victoria’s

sneering. “Why is it my fault that Christian refuses to partner with you? Just because I hurt the woman

he loves, and he hates me now?”

Her smile was desolate. “Hahaha! You all say that I hurt Bella, but why doesn’t anyone believe that I’ve

been wrongly accused? Just because Bella is a gentle and generous person, but I’m a flashy girl from

a rich family? Huh? You feel injustice, but what about me? Who would take pity on me?”

Her mind was in a mess, and she didn’t even know what she was saying. She only knew that some

things had been suppressed in her heart for so long that they almost suffocated her.

Why did everyone blame her?

Why did everyone pin her as the criminal?

What crimes had she actually committed?

She never did anything, but the love of her life broke her legs. She was thrown into prison for two

years, and she had to stay in Delta Club to work a humiliating job. Wasn’t she the one who was

suffering the most injustice?

Victoria used to be a wretch, but she had never behaved like that in front of Glen. He was so mad that

his face went red. He grabbed at his chest, seeming as though he couldn’t breathe.

Seeing that, Victoria wanted to just ignore him so that he could experience for himself what it felt like to

be abandoned by his own family.

However, it was exactly because she knew too well the feeling of being abandoned by family that she

couldn’t do the same thing.

“Where’s the medicine?” Victoria suppressed the raging emotions in her heart, walking toward Glen as

she asked.

Glen’s heart disease was working up, and every breath he took was heavy and thick. Even so, he still

said stubbornly, “It’s… It’s none of your business!”

“Is it in your briefcase like it was in the past?” Victoria ignored his rejection and snatched his briefcase.

She flipped through it, produced the medicine, then fed it into his mouth.

The medicine bottle wasn’t too big, and it would’ve been more convenient to put it in his suit pocket.

However, Glen felt that it would crease the suit and affect his image, so he insisted on putting it in his


Glen took some time to recover himself, but still he treated Victoria unkindly.

“It was inevitable that you appeared in front of me today, so I am not the one to blame here. In the

future, as long as you don’t come to me on purpose, I won’t go to you either. It only gives me pain.”

Unwilling to stay behind and be humiliated, Victoria left right away after she said that.

However, perhaps because the commotion was too loud at the stairwell, Victoria found quite a number

of people at the entrance when she went out, trying to peer inside with their necks stretched.

When they saw her walking out, the people saw the obvious outline of a palm on her face. They smiled

awkwardly and scattered.

Glen also came out soon after, but he didn’t even spare Victoria a glance as he went to the elevator

section to wait for the elevator.

Unexpectedly, when the doors to the elevator opened, Bella wheeled onto the scene in her wheelchair.

“What a coincidence, Mr. Coleman.”

“A coincidence, indeed.” Glen smiled warmly. “I received some decent supplements recently, so do tell

me when you’re free so that I can have them delivered to you.”

“I shall thank you in advance, then, Mr. Coleman.” Bella glanced at Victoria and said smilingly,

“However, Victoria just got discharged from the hospital, so she is in ill health. Do you think it’s more

suitable for those supplements to be used on her?”

“She severely injured your leg, so she has no right to use those supplements.” The smile disappeared

from Glen’s face, and it was replaced with a frown as he continued, “I’ll get someone to deliver the

supplements to you. I still have something to attend to, so I’ll be going now.”

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He passed by her and entered the elevator.

“Victoria works here. Won’t you talk to her for a bit before leaving?” Bella tried to hold him back with her

innocent behavior.

Glen pressed the button to close the doors, pretending not to hear her question.

Bella watched the doors of the elevator slowly come to a close, then curved her lips as she turned with

the wheelchair to face Victoria. She complained, “Mr. Coleman is a good man, so why is he so cruel

when it comes to you? I already said I don’t blame you, but Mr. Coleman still…” She sighed.

“There’s only the two of us here. You don’t have to put on an act anymore, Miss Spritz.” Victoria looked

at Bella coldly, feeling more like a fool as time ticked by. She had thought her enemy was her friend.

“Put on an act?” Bella sighed and said helplessly, “Victoria, even though you did this to me, I really

don’t blame—”

Victoria interrupted her, saying, “We both know how it actually played out back then. Miss Spritz, don’t

you feel disgusted when you put on such fake acts?”xo.com fast update

“We both know?” Bella slowly pronounced the syllables, then smiled.

Her smile was a little eerie. It looked like either a smile of mockery or of glee. Victoria felt goosebumps

as discomfort spread throughout her entire body. “Miss Spritz, is there anything else? If not, I’ll leave

right now.”

“I’m here to deliver your medicine.” Bella took out a tube of ointment. “I recall that you have a bruise on

your leg, so you should apply some of this. I don’t know if this ointment can help with the swelling on

your face, though.”

Victoria lowered her head to look at the ointment without taking it. It was something Bella so ‘kindly’

delivered, so she didn’t dare use it.

“There’s no need to be so shy. Take it.” Bella stuffed the ointment in Victoria’s hands. She glanced at

the mark on Victoria’s face and said worriedly, “Who did this? By the size of the palm, it looks like a

man did it.”

She seemed to have thought of something as she suddenly covered her mouth, saying in surprise, “C-

Could it be that Mr. Coleman did it? He’s such a saint, and he would even worry for children in the

mountain areas who can’t go to school. How could he hit his own daughter with such force?