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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 436
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Chapter 436 Thinking She Could Get Away With A Lie

The faint scent of oranges lingered in the gym, mixed with the heat Marion had left behind.

Lucas strode over to the massage gun, picked it up, and placed it back in its spot. It was not even in the right

place, yet Marion thought she could get away with a lie.

Since Lucas almost caught her sneaking into the gym yesterday afternoon, Marlon had been afraid to exercise

there in the afternoons. Hence, she went to bed early last night and woke up early in the morning.

After breakfast with Lucas, she helped him with his tie and watched his black Bentley roll away before returning

to the villa to change into her workout clothes.

It was not advisable to engage in intense exercise right after breakfast, so she rested for an hour, discussed

weekend plans with Cassie, and then started her workout.

It had been a while since she exercised, and despite using the massage gun to relax yesterday, her muscles still

felt sore. Nevertheless, Marion gritted her teeth and pushed through.

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After two hours of strength training, her hands were shaking from exhaustion.

Once she finished with the massage gun, she collapsed onto the floor, staring up at the ceiling. The events of

yesterday afternoon still sent shivers down her spine.

Would Lucas suddenly cback for lunch?

Though worried, she could not bring herself to move from her spot on the floor.

When a knock sounded on the door, Marion's heart skipped a beat, and she instinctively sat up.

Before she could fully sit up, Ronda’s voice cfrom outside the door. “Madam, it’s almost


She breathed a sigh of relief and replied loudly, “Thank you, Ronda.”

Then, Marion sat for another five minutes before heading to the shower.

After lunch, Marion practiced piano for an hour. Feeling exhausted by mid-afternoon, she returned

to her room and fell asleep.

It was Friday, and Lucas had an urgent meeting at night and would not be back for dinner. As such,

Marion ate alone.

After dinner, she played a couple of games with Cassie. Feeling guilty about the upcoming performance at the

end of the month, she sat down at the piano to practice again.

She practiced until 10 p.m., and still, Lucas had not returned.

Marion picked up her phone, only to realize he had messaged her an hour ago, telling her to go to bed


Chapter 436 Thinking She Could Get Away With A Lie

She had been married to Lucas for nearly four months, and that was the first the had played the go to bed

first” card.

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Something big must have happened at the company. Afraid to disturb him, Marion sent a meek emoji in

response, wished him good night, and went to shower before bed.

She had to be up at 7 a.m. tomorrow, or she would be late for rehearsals, and it would be noon before she knew


At 11:35 p.m., Lucas emerged from the meeting room, his expression icy and devoid of emotion. Daniel trailed

behind him, not daring to make a sound.

The company’s flagship product for the second half of the year was set to launch next month, but at that critical

juncture, three test machines had experienced overheating issues.

After personally interrogating the team, Lucas learned that the tech department had yet to fully resolve the

problem. However, with the launch date looming, they were forced to push out the product with incomplete data.

They had attempted to argue in the meeting room, claiming they were close to resolving the issue. However,

both Lucas and Daniel found their excuses far-fetched.

The building was nearly empty at that hour, with only the sound of footsteps echoing through the


Lucas returned to his office and picked up his phone. When he saw Marion's message, his expression, previously

stoic, softened slightly.