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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 170
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Chapter 20
"I know what I said earlier, Ledger, but I've changed my mind. I want to mark you, if you are still willing. I can't bare having you
leave here and not know what's happening." I can't believe that I'm saying this to him, knowing that he doesn't know who he is.
Hell, for all I know, he could have a girlfriend or even a wife wherever he' s from.
'Don't even think that Cici! He's ours!' Rani growls at me.
'Well, what if it's true? What if he has a family? Am I...are we being selfish for wanting what is meant to be ours?'
'I'm not listening to you, human! I will not allow myself to even entertain that notion.' My wolf huffs and goes back to her little
I gaze at the beautiful male before me, with his dark brown hair that is a bit shaggy but in a neat way, and his chocolate brown
eyes that will melt the toughest of hearts. I can't believe the Goddess gave this God-like specimen to us as a mate. Where both
Spencer and I have blonde hair, Ledger is the darkness to our light, but that is just in his looks. I haven't been able to see any
kind of darkness in him. Either he already had a kind heart or him getting amnesia was the best thing for him.
"I won't pressure you into doing it, Ledger," I continue, "but I want to do it now. I'm just scared that you may already have
someone, a family out there somewhere and when you get your memory back, you will leave us."
He steps up to me and runs his finger down my cheek, "We will cross that bridge when we get to it, if we get to it. I don't feel like I
have anybody like that in my life. Not like I can feel that I have parents, but I can't remember them, if that makes sense."
I give him a little smile, "Well, I will leave it up to you."
"How will I mark you?" Ledger asks as he looks between me and Spencer.
"Sterling is telling me that we need to be as one and trust in the process, whatever that means." Spencer enlightens us of this
but for some reason, I feel like I already knew that. Maybe it's my wolf telling me the same thing, so I nod in agreement.
"I don't really know what that means," Ledger confesses.
Spencer steps up to our mate and takes hold of his face. I take a step back, so I can watch and see what he's going to do. Hey,
don' t judge me, I missed the hot make out session earlier, and now I'm hear and I'm all for watching my two hot mates make out.

with one another.

"It means," Spencer begins to explain, "that the three of us need to have sex and be as one. I'm assuming, both of us need to be
inside Cici, or at least each other, but I think we still have a little way to go before we get to that part. I don't want to hurry our first
time along. Instead, we will use Cici's body to fuse us together." My mate chuckles and glances over at me, "You don't mind us
using your body, do you?"
"Fuck no! But first, I want a little less talking and a little more kissing between the two of you please." I give them my cheesy grin.
"What," Spencer asks, "like this?" He then takes Ledger's mouth in a soul crushing kiss as he holds his jaw in one hand and
slides his other into our new mate's hair, holding him in place.
Ledger's hands come up to Spencer's waist and grip his bottoms as he pulls him into his own body, "Fuck, I can't get enough of
this!" He says and then squeezes Spencer's muscular ass cheek. He takes control of the kiss and takes Spencer to the bed
without releasing his mouth. He follows him down onto the mattress and the two of them begin grinding on each other. I don't
think I have ever been so turned on in my entire life as I am right now.
He slowly pushes Spencer's bottoms down over his hips, releasing his raging hard on. Moving off to the side, Ledger takes hold
of Spencer's cock and begins to slide his hand up and down, causing little moaning sounds to leave our mate. I watch as Ledger
breaks the kiss and starts nibbling on his neck as he continues to jerk our mate off.
"Jesus that feels so fucking good." Spencer thrusts up into Ledger' s hand.
I decide to go over and join Ledger in pleasing our mate, so as he pumps his cock, I cover the tip with my mouth and begin to
suck. while undoing Ledgers pants in the process and setting him free as well. I lay here sucking Spencer off while jerking
Ledger's cock all while he still continues to make out with Spencer.
"Fuck, I'm going to come if you don't stop now." Spencer grunts.
"Come then. Fill our mate's mouth up full with it." Ledger orders as he takes hold of my head now and starts bobbing it faster. As
soon as Spencer explodes in my mouth, Ledger holds my head down, "There you go, swallow it all."
When Spencer is done coming, Ledger rips me from his cock and crashes his mouth into mine, demanding entrance. Opening
my mouth, he moans as he begins to taste our mate on my tongue. As he begins to pull away, I bite his lip, drawing a little blood
and reveling in his sweet taste. I push him onto his back and then pull his bottoms completely off before tearing away my own
clothes. and climbing up, not wasting any time in penetrating myself with his thick cock.

Mewling sounds spill from my lips as I take him all the way in. Spencer leans over and kisses him for a few moments while I ride
him, but then he moves to grab the lube once again. I would love to have Ledger in my ass, but we need him in front of us in
order to mark him.

While Spencer prepares my ass to be fucked, I gaze into Ledger's brown eyes and I swear I see a slight swirling of some kind,
but it may just be my imagination, "Are you ready for us to claim you Ledger? Are you ready to be a part of us?"
He brushes some hair from my face, "I know I don't remember anything of my past but for some reason, I feel deep within that
this is where I'm supposed to be, and I'm beginning to feel complete, if that makes sense."
I grin, "That's what Spencer said when we realized that we were mates, too."
"Well, I guess this is meant to be then." He smiles back and then watches my face as Spencer enters me.
My mouth goes wide and my eyes close as he slowly begins to push inside of me, "Damn, this is so tight." Spence states from
behind but he doesn't stop, and Ledger doesn't pull out this time.
"Look at you, beautiful, taking his cock without me needing to pull out. Your body is adjusting to us." Ledger reaches down and
begins to rub my clit.
"Mm...it's so...full." I moan.
"And it will only get fuller once he's all the way in, so be a good girl and let us both in." He brings my mouth down muffling my
cries as Spencer pushes himself the rest of the way in.
"Fuck, I always find it hot when you use your dominance over her. She needs more of it." Spencer says to Ledger as he begins
to thrust in and out of my tight ass.
I feel like a rag doll, pinned by the two of them as they take what they want, and I wouldn't want it any other way. I want to give
my mates everything they need in every way possible. When they have me coming for the first time, Ledger bites down on my
shoulder with his blunt teeth, not trying to mark me, just wanting to cause me sweet pain.
Once they have made me come three times, Ledger sits up, so he's at the edge of the bed and I'm still riding him with Spencer
standing on the floor behind me with his cock up my ass. I begin to lick one side one Ledger's neck while Spencer leans in,
crushing. me to Ledger's chest and starts licking and kissing the other side of his neck. Our fucking starts getting intense, and in
sync, I bite. into Ledger's neck the same time Spencer sinks his fangs into it. on the other side.

"Oh, Fucking A...." Ledger begins to slam into me harder from below and suddenly, I feel a pinch in my own neck.
I'm enjoying the sweet taste of my mate when my eyes fly open at the feel of his own bite. I don't know how he did it, but the
euphoric feeling is sending me into a mind spin as we claim each other and become one. I get all of his feelings crashing inside
of me, and I truly know now that he has been sincere with us this whole time.
The orgasm that hits has me releasing his neck and crying his name out so loud that I'm afraid the neighbors are going to hear
but I don't give a shit. I feel him swell inside of me just before he releases his own load. He's still coming inside of me when he
pulls away and I faintly hear Spencer gasp as Ledger claims him as well. My ass begins to fill with Spencer's hot seed as our
mate claims him, and I know I'm going to be a dripping mess once again by the time we are done.
I hope you have enjoyed these two longer chapters. I appreciate you all for continuing to read this story and can't wait to take
you more into it as you continue to follow these five characters. I hope you all have an amazing day! =)