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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 169
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Chapter 19
The nerve of Cici thinking that I don't care about her or Spencer! I don't know Ledger, so of course I didn't add him into my
response, but damn it all! I've only made it hallway back to the pack house but then decide to veer off and enter the woods, so I
can try and cool down some. I know my best friend is a little hot-headed, but I never thought that she would turn it on me like
this. It hurts more than anything, her thinking that I want to send any pack member into danger. I know Ledger isn't a member
yet, but he is still their mate, which automatically makes him a member in my eyes.
I whip around at the sound of my own mate's voice, so far in my own thoughts that I didn't even hear or sense him coming; I
need to get a hold of myself, "You! What did you think you were doing. back there... offering yourself up?"
Declan sighs, "Like I told them, I am their Alpha, and I should go as well."
I start poking him in the chest, "Do you want to cause me more heartache? I've already lost one mate; I can't lose another one."
He takes hold of my poking finger and brings it up to his lips for a kiss, "Do you not think me capable of taking care of myself?"
"That isn't is, Declan, and you know it! We don't know what we are dealing with yet, they are witches!"
"I will also have both Spencer and Ledger there with me."
"No, you won't have Spencer. If you insist on going then you will take Cam with you, because we both know that if there is
danger, Spencer will protect his mate before he protects you. We can't fault him for it, either, but you and both know it's true."
"So, you want to sacrifice their mate in order to keep me safe?" He gives me a saddened look, "That doesn't sound like you,
"No, I don't want to sacrifice anybody, but at least she will still have one mate left. Neither of you know what it's like to lose a
mate, hell, Gavin wasn't even my fated and it hurt like hell, it still does, but you... if something happens to you, it will destroy me!"
Suddenly, I'm pulled into a set of strong arms and crushed against a hard chest, "I will do everything in my power to keep myself
alive for you and our pups, Quinn."

I remain encased in my mate's embrace for only a moment and then I push myself away, "I'm still mad at you."
He has the audacity to chuckle at me, "Tell me then, how can I make it up to you?"
"I don't know if you can, Alpha. You're pretty deep in the doghouse at the moment." I'm proud of myself for keeping a straight
He growls low, "Are you comparing me to a dog again, my Queen?"

"Humph, if the collar fits!" I cross my arms in a huff.
Next thing I know, I'm being tackled to the ground by a growling mate who turns me over onto my stomach, pulling my leggings
down in the process. The sting of his hand goes straight to my core as slaps continue to rain down on my bare ass. I giggle at
first, but then they turn into moans. Soon after, I feel his lips on my heated cheeks as he spreads my legs and descends even
His thumb finds my tight hole and penetrates it as he continues to pleasure me with his mouth. I find myself practically humping
the damn ground until I finally growl out my demands, "Either fuck me or let me go back to the pack house so I can fuck my
favorite toy!"
I know he won't like that very much as he pulls my ass high in the air while I keep my head down to the ground and he thrusts.
himself deep inside of me. Oh Goddess, I love when he takes me rough like this; when he lets his animal side out and just fucks
me wildly. This isn't even Duke, but oh, can his wolf fuck, too!
"Is this what you wanted, Luna? Huh? Did you want your Alpha taking you like this in the middle of the woods like a fucking wild
animal?" He asks, picking up speed.
"Yes, Alpha...yes!"
His grip is solid on my hips as he pounds himself into me over and over, "Come for me, Quinn, you know you want to."
He's so right, but I'm wanting to hold off because it's so much better when it's built up. The way he's hitting every nerve ending,
though, already has me wanting to let go. I'm stubborn as hell, though, and refuse to give him what he wants just yet.
He's beginning to realize what I'm doing, so he doubles his effort, and then reaches around for my clit. I'm totally and completely
defeated as my orgasm crashes over me. I cry out causing the birds nearby to fly away and the little critters to take refuge in a
hollowed-out log or under a bush.

"That's it, baby. You can't keep them from me, I will get it every damn time." He chuckles as he slows just a little to let me ride out
the wave.
Before I've even come all the way down, I'm fucking myself on him. fast and hard; two can play at this game. He curses as he
tries to hold me still, but I cheat and use Tala's strength to keep pumping.
"Fuck!" He swears and then bends over me and sinks his fangs into his mark on my neck as he releases his load inside of me.
He takes me over once more with his bite and then I feel it; his knot is forming, and I begin cursing. I try to pull away, but he
doesn't let me, and now we are stuck together for at least ten minutes or so. I'm panting and ready to drop to the ground as soon
as he retracts his fangs.
"I can't believe you knotted me in the middle of the woods!" I gasp out as I catch my breath.
He chuckles, "It was never my intention, I just got carried away." He places soft kisses on my cheek and neck, "Can you really

blame me? You drive me fucking crazy, baby. I love it when you're mad and you get that annoyed look; it's sexy as hell."
I laugh, because I don't find myself attractive at all when I'm mad, "Well in the future, can we try keeping the knotting to the
bedroom only?"
"Yes, I will try, but you need to have that same chat with Duke. After all, he's the one that does it."
"Oh, I'm sure he can hear me clear as day, can't you Duke?"
'Huh? Sorry, my Queen but I wasn't paying attention.' His deep and sexy voice comes through Declan's lips as his eyes swirl
darkly it his sockets.
"Don't play dumb, Duke! No more knotting me in public, do you understand?"
'Yes, my Queen. I apologize that I got carried away, but can you blame me?'
"Don't you dare use Declan's excuse! That just goes to show that you did hear me and that you lied to me!"
'I'm sorry, Luna. Let me make it up to you," he begins to grind against my ass, 'I promise not to knot you again.'
"Oh, no you don't! We need to get back to the pack house and come up with a plan on how to trap these damn Shikari males
that are wandering around!"

'Ugh, fine then, here! Take your Alpha back then since you are in no need of me.' The Alpha wolf pouts and it's the cutest thing
"Tell you what, Duke, I'll let you knot me one more time before you guys leave on this little mission, how does that sound?"
'I think I can live with that, my Queen.' He smirks.
"Why do you go back and forth in calling me Luna and Queen?" I ask Duke before he gives Declan back control.
'Are you not both Luna and Queen? I must use them both equally, so you remember that you are so much more than just one or
the other. You, Quinn, are everything."
My heart skips a beat at his words, and I wish I could turn so I can kiss him deeply, "I love you, Duke. I hope you know just how
much. love I have for you."
'I know my beautiful little mate, and I love you too.' He leans in and I'm able to turn my head to the side enough for him to take
my lips. He leaves me panting as he finally gives control back to Declan.
"Fucking Casanova!" Declan grumbles.
I giggle, "Jealous much?"
He tests his knot and he's finally able to pull out, "Not jealous, just a little annoyed."
"Awe, babe, you do know that you are one in the same, right? I love you both just as much as the other."
"I know this, but he doesn't have to show off by using sweet words on you."
"Well, I guess you cancel each other out then because where he is sweet and loving, you are rough and dirty...and I love it both
ways." I finish putting my leggings back on and then look back down at him while he still lays on his back, "Do you know what I
want to do now?"
"Hm, what is that?" He asks with his eyes closed.
"Race you back to the house! Last one there has poopy diaper duty for a month!" I take off running and laughing my ass off,
knowing that he has no chance in hell in catching up to me now.