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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 60
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60 A Little Too Obsessive

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“No! She thought I hurt myself. She would never beat me for finding a mate,” I smiled awkwardly, “She

doesn’t like the idea of me finding a mate, that’s very true but not because—,” I paused when trying to

excuse my mother’s constant reminder of not finding a mate.

“Because? Why doesn’t she want you to find a mate?” Akin slouched down, focusing on my face for his


“Because— of yes! Because that will only be possible if I s*ip my medicines, and she doesn’t want me

to do that. The day I completely stop taking my pills, my scent will reach him,” I said, repeating my

mother’s exact words to them.

“Just out of curiosity, who is he?” Helel questioned, making the others look more attentively at my face


I was nervous about the way they were watching me, but then I felt maybe it was because they were

worried about me. I could see the tension on their faces after Maddox told them my mother hit me.

They acted like they didn’t care, but now they were all ears and ready to help me in any way possible. I

felt special at that moment.

But before I could answer them, I found their gaze traveling behind me and a shine appearing in their


“Gwen!” Helel and Akin said her name in unison. Goosebumps crept over my skin when I watched

them look so happy when seeing her.

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Maddox and Zane shared a glance before they too fixed their eyes on her.

Why was this happening?

60 A Little Too Obsessive

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These were my mates. Why were they more attentive to her

than me?

“When did she come here?” Maddox, who had been paying attention to my matter, asked, looking


“We brought her in last night,” Helel answered, getting out of his seat to offer her his place. She

steadily shook her head, sticking to the corner timidly. The way she was acting and the way they were

reacting to her were giving me major main- character vibes. Even in my life, she looked like a heroine,

and I might look like a villain.

“Come, sit here,” Helel insisted, and she finally accepted his offer. She walked over and sat down in his

place, her head lowered and her hands tied in her lap.

“Are you feeling okay now?” Akin adjusted his coat before. asking her how she was feeling, and in

response to him, she only nodded.

I was silently glaring at her.

‘Don’t worry! She might be getting their attention by acting all scared and sweet, but your beauty can

seduce the f*ck out of them. All you need to do is keep me alive inside you, and I will help you get to

them,’ my wolf mumbled, convincing me not

to take the medicines.

‘You are not talking to me. That’s the problem. You take advice from the wrong people,’ she grunted as

she probably mentioned my mother.

‘I don’t even know you. I don’t feel like you are a part of me,’ I responded to her bitterly.

60-A Little Too Obsessive

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‘You can know me anytime you want. Here! Let me introduce myself to you. I am Ace! Your special

wolf,’ she whispered, and my body formed visible goose pimples.

“I feel like I am bothering you guys,” Gwen’s whisper made me look at her and divert attention away

from my wolf.

“You are not.” Akin shook his head, confirming they were okay with her staying here.

“By the way, these are the other two twins. Maddox and Zane have visited you in the hospital, but you

were in a coma, so they couldn’t communicate with you.” Helel then introduced the other two brothers

to her, who was looking at her like a child staring at a candy shop from across the glass door.

“Thank you so much. Can I ask you guys a question?” She asked sweetly, and they all nodded in


“I noticed you brothers sometimes introduce each other as alphas and not alpha kings. Why is that?”

She looked so innocent when asking that question that not only the brothers but even I couldn’t look

away from her face for a moment.

“It is because our crowning hasn’t happened yet. So we kind of flip-flop between terms,” Maddox

responded to her with a smile so sweet that it burned my heart.

“Don’t do that. You are alpha kings, even if the crowning takes years. Always use the right title,” she

tilted her head to speak to Maddox from afar and I watched him get excited a little

more than the others.

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“We will do that. I am glad you take such things so seriously,” Akin looked so impressed when

complimenting her for her


60 A Little Too Obsessive

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consideration. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and scoff at


Just when I averted my eyes from her, I made an eye contact with Zane, who was staring at me instead

of Gwen this time. There was a slight smirk on his lips, and his eyes shone when watching me. It was

as if he was having pleasure seeing me get so jealous that I decided to get up and leave.

“I will be in my room now,” I muttered, and neither of them responded to me because Akin was busy

talking about the history of werewolves with Gwen now. She was paying so

much attention to him.

I ran upstairs to take the medicine. My wolf was getting hornier with every passing minute, so I needed

to calm down

one b*tch at a time.

I had only taken out the pills on my palm when Zane arrived from the back and held my hand to prevent

me from taking those pills.

“Hey!” I complained, watching him throw them away and push me against the wall.

“What did she say?” he smirked, caging me between his arms when placing his hands on either side of

the wall.

“I don’t know. I didn’t pay attention to her.” I turned my face to the other side when talking about Gwen.

“I am not talking about her. I am talking about your wolf. She spoke to you, didn’t she? Tell me, what did

she say?” He insisted, looking very intrigued by the fact that he had scared
