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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 531
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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 521 They Want To Punish Her. (Zane Spade)

I was extremely worried about Beatrice.

My brother surprised me when they took a whole turn and decided to punish Beatrice.

‘We shouldn’t have done that. What if they are really against her and they try to punish her? We don’t know

how crazy one can go to steal their mate from others. It is like if she couldn’t be theirs, she cannot be ours,’

Zey was right but he was only causing me anxiety at this point. I rolled my eyes and clenched my jaw.

‘It is like they are so unpredictably evil. I have never met someone who would do something this extreme

just because they couldn’t get together with their mate,’ I complained, realizing my brothers were not at all

saints. ‘We have to make a quick plan about getting Beatrice out of here,’ Zey then suggested as I watched

Beatrice stand in the corner of the room. Honestly speaking, she was listening to me, obeying me like a good

girl, but something was missing.

Title of the document

I didn’t want to admit it, but I liked her more when she argues with me and tries to boss me around. So basically, I

like her the way she originally is. But sadly, she had forced me into taking this step and now I liked the idea of

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enslaving all the she-wolves and she weredragons to my people.

Once that happens, we can get them all pregnant and then discard them after taking away the babies. The kids

born will be groomed in a way that they follow our orders and are more interested in chaos.

It was all set except for my relationship with Beatrice. I aimed to set her free. Because her own charms were the

ones that made me fall for her. I didn’t want to enslave her. I wanted her to get on top of me of her free will and

have wild sex with me because she wants to. Just the thought of it happening made my body feel a new kind of

enthusiasm. But then I was reminded of my brothers and their evil minds.

“Beatrice! You can come sit,” I said as I felt bad watching her stand over there. She came and sat in the bed, her

posture straight and her eyes keep getting watery.

“Do you want to cry? Why would you cry? Look, I helped you see what they think about you. None of them even

thought twice before just accusing you. They didn’t even let you say anything for yourself,” I started talking to make

her feel better. I knew she would be hurting from the betrayal of my brothers.

They should have kept her secret, even if they were certain she killed Gwen. As I was busy trying to make her see

the difference between them and me, I received a call from Huia and right off the bat, I could tell it was bad news.

“Tell me you find out the location of the dagger,” I muttered, raising my brow to give off dark energy. She must

know there was no room for failure when it came to Beatrice.

“I did,” she replied, but before I could ask her any more questions, she added, “Reign has the dagger.”

“What?” I raised my voice, got out of bed, and paced in front of Beatrice, who raised her innocent face and stared

at me.

I knew she wanted to know what was going on.

“Reign, find out the location before me,” the sadness in her voice made me even angrier. She cannot act like a

victim after losing a literal child.

“You are f*ucking old seer, yet that useless piece of s*hit did a better job than you. Tell me, what have I hired you

for?” I wanted to pay her a quick visit and f*ucking cut her head off her neck, but I wouldn’t dare lose a seer. At

least not until I get myself a new and better one.

“Maybe she was already on it,” she replied sheepishly, knowing very well she had pissed me off already, and now

her excuses were just adding fuel to the fire.

“Shut up. I will have to do something myself,” I hissed and hung up on her. That was a failure.

“Your mates found the dagger that you used to kill Gwen,” as soon as I said that, her eyes jumped out of their


“I killed her?” she asked in a soft tone. Since she was not able to defend herself, she had just completely stopped

talking until now.

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“You did and your so-called lovers are not afraid of dragging you for justice,” I informed her and watched a

tear leave her eye.

I couldn’t tell what was upsetting to her. The fact that she killed Gwen or that Akin and Helel were not willing

to keep her crime a secret.

While I stared at her face to observe her reaction, a hard banging on the door made me aware of the bad

news at the door. I opened the door to find Helel standing in my way, his eyes traveling back to Beatrice.

“Reign observed the dagger,” Helel hissed. His body language told me they have figured it out, so I instantly

blocked him from getting near Beatrice.

“The last person to t*ouch the dagger was Beatrice,” Akin came out from behind Helel and announced,

making me clench my fists secretly.

No way I would let them take her away from me for Gwen. So, what if she died? Her purpose was done

anyway. She gave birth and left. It is not like she had another purpose left in this life.

“You are not going to arrest her, are you?” I asked them, watching them stare back at me angrily.

“She will stay here in this room until we decide what we are going to do with her. And if you want to stay in

the room with her, you are welcome. She is only safe until she gives birth and then her fate will be—worst.

Just the way she deserves,” Akin surprised me when he showed no affection for her and delivered her

punishment without stuttering.