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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 29
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Phoebe stirred. Her head rested on Jason's shoulder, her arm lay across his gently rising and falling chest. How many times had they mated?

She lost count. Each time blended into the next. Her body ached from their long session, but yearned for more. It was oddly contradictory,

but satisfying.

“How are you feeling, angel?” Jason asked, sensing she was awake.

“What time is itz”

“Five. The pack should be stirring soon.”

“That means we have to get up too.”

“Or we can call it a vacation. I'm entitled.”

“Is that any sort of attitude for an Alpha to take?”

“If it means spending the day with my beautiful Luna, why not?”

She tried not to laugh as she snuggled closer. His embrace tightened and she caught the scent of his arousal already stirring. She heard

rumors of an alpha’s stamina, but he was truly insatiable though his lovemaking was tender. His concern was always for her satisfaction and


He kissed the top of her head, “What are you thinking about, angel?”

«...S0, last night was your first time?”

“Yeah. It was,” Jason caressed her. He would never tire of the feel of her skin against his. ... Angel?”

“It's just... Was it good for you?”

“I couldn't imagine a more perfect night,” Jason smiled.

She blushed as he pulled her close, kissing her deeply. His warm scent surrounded her, teasing her, enticing her. She could feel her own

need rising to answer his. Reluctantly, she pulled away, trying to collect herself.

“We should...get ready for the day.”

He sighed, “My Luna is too studious.”

“And my Alpha is spoiled.”

He growled, rolling over so she was under him, “Say that again.”

“That you are spoiled?”

“The other part

Her brow furrowed, “You mean when I said my Alpha?”

“That's the part,” he leaned forward and kissed her. “I'm yours, forever.

“And I'm yours,” she whispered.

“My angel.” He rubbed noses with her, teasing and coaxing her.

“Well, your angel promised the pups she would teach them about herbs today. I can’t disappoint them.”

He growled, but relented, “Your wish is my command, but know this luy, we will be continuing where we left off tonight.”


He kissed her again, “Promise.”

Reluctantly, he let her sit up. Phoebe groaned at her body's stiffness, carefully stretching. Worried, he sat up, massaging her shoulders and

back. She leaned into his touch.

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“Are you okay, angel?”

“Yeah. Just sore.”

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“I'm sorry. I should have been gentler.

“No.” She sighed as his arms wound around her. “You were very gentle. It's just...”

“It was your first time,” he nuzzled her. “I should have known better than to carry on so long.”

There were some things even a werewolf's recovery rate couldn't completely combat. Only time and activity would help her loosen her

tightened muscles as well as acclimate her body to such activity. Right now, there was only one other thing that might help her.

“Wait here, angel,” he kissed her temple before heading to the bath.

A few minutes later, she heard the water running in the bath. Phoebe realized what he intended and smiled at his consideration. A warm

soak did sound good and they still had some time. Returning to the bedroom, he scooped her up and carried her.

Phoebe laughed, “I can walk.”

“Not while I'm here, angel.”

Steam was already fogging the mirrors. Setting her on the edge of the bath, he unwrapped her bandage to see her wounds were mostly

healed and the stitches were ready to be removed. Jason frowned a moment before grabbing a scissors and gently clipping the stitches out.

He would accept the doctor's punishment, but right now making Phoebe as comfortable as possible was his priority. Settling her down in

the warm water, he joined her, pulling her into his lap and gently washing her. Phoebe sighed, leaning against him enjoying the trail of

electricity his touch left along her skin. She smelled his arousal even before she felt his erection.

“It seems you have a one-track mind,” she said, reaching back to caress his cheek.

“It's because I'm touching you. I can hardly be blamed for that,” Jason nipped her ear. “All that matters is making you comfortable. I can

take care of that later

“Or we can take care of it now,” Mani suggested.


“What? Exercise will help loosen you up.”

Phoebe stifled a laugh. Who knew her wolf would be so insatiable?

“What is it, angel?” Jason asked, confused by her sudden mirth.

“Nothing. Just my wolf.”

“Oh? Did she say something interesting?” Jason asked, hoping to encourage her to speak more with her wolf and strengthen their bond.

During their extended love-making session, he noticed her gray eyes flashing silver, a sure sign her wolf was close to the surface. A fact

Lobo confirmed. Given his wolf linked hers without issue, as well as the fact it communicated with Phoebe, it must mean it was emerging

more often. Wolf or no wolf, he loved her the same, but for her sake he wanted her to be whole.

“She did.”

“And what was it?”

Phoebe hesitated before she changed position, straddling him, not caring about the soreness of her injured leg as she positioned her core

near his stiff member. Jason sucked in his breath, realizing the danger of this position.

“My wolf said we should take care of your issue now.”

“D-did she?" Jason's throat went dry. Was this really going to happen? “Angel?”

She leaned forward, kissing him. His arms came around her, caressing her, but he didn’t try to force her. She was in charge. Briefly, she

hesitated as she had never done this before.

“Relax, I'm here,” Mani said. “Trust me. I'm your instinct after all.

Phoebe shifted position, taking him into her. Jason groaned, not breaking their kiss. Once she sheathed his length, she followed Mani’s

gentle urges, rocking back and forth, finding her rhythm. Jason's hips moved with her thrusting upward to meet her as he matched her

pace. She moaned, adjusting and drawing out her pleasure.

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She leaned back as her pace increased. Jason watched her in amazement as she pleasured herself on top of him. He thrust harder with her

motion, enjoying the sound of her satisfaction. Sucking on her breast, he felt her near her climax. Her body quivered and clenched around

him, milking him as he reached his release.

Phoebe slumped against him. He held her, gently caressing her as she slowly recovered. Stirring, she shyly met his gaze, asking, “Was that


She blushed. He wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or if she was unsure of herself when it came to pleasuring him. Her shyness was

endearing in either case.

“Your wish is my command. I'm yours however you want me,” Jason kissed her.

“Ilove you,” she smiled.

“Ilove you.”

“So the witch said if I didn’t comply she would give me two heads...So I said make it three, I already have two,” Luke said, looking at Jason

who had been staring at his computer screen for the last twenty minutes. “Earth to Jason...Jace? Hey!”

Jason blinked, coming out of his daze. Blinking, he looked at his Beta and asked, “What was that?”

“Forget it,” Luke sighed. “Did something happen between you and Phoebe? You're distracted, but you don’t seem upset like yesterday, so it

was something good, right?”

After he escorted Alpha Thomas out, Luke returned to the office to find it abandoned. The lingering scent told him his Alpha and Luna had

gotten rather heated in his absence. Given the conversation he and Jason had earlier, he worried she had fled in fear and assumed Jason

had gone after her to reassure her.

The pair didn’t come down for dinner. He overheard the cooks talking about how the Alpha and Luna were having dinner together in their

room. It gave Luke hope they resolved the issue amicably and were spending time strengthening their bond, perhaps watching a movie.

Luke still couldn't believe how she handled Thomas and Katrina. It was like poetry. Ben and Lucille asked him to repeat the story at least five

times, both lamenting they missed it. Even Norah applauded Phoebes bravado.

Jason and Phoebe arrived at breakfast holding hands, much to the pack’s delight. He kissed her just as Blake and Emma ran up to them,

loudly greeting, “Mommy! Dad!”

Phoebe laughed and picked up Emma to rub noses. Jason followed suit with Blake. Since he mixed his blood with theirs to initiate them into

the pack, they carried a slight undertone of his scent. Ordinarily, this would fade into the general pack scent, but he strengthened it daily the

same way he did to Phoebe to reassert his claim. His scent also made it easier for his wolf to accept the pups as his own, though Lobo

didn’t seem to have any difficulty in that area.

They carried the pups back to the table where they had been eating under Norah's watch. Jason set Blake down and retrieved plates for

himself and Phoebe, piling hers high. They chatted easily with Norah about the Luna Ceremony. Lucille joined the conversation, asking all

sorts of questions about her preferences. Phoebe laughed at her sister-in-law’s eagerness.

Everything seemed fine, so Luke allowed himself to relax. Now Jason sat at his desk, distracted. Luke wondered if he dropped his guard too


“I mean, you and her are good, right?”

“She said she loves me,” Jason said.

“What!” Luke jerked to attention. “She said what?"

“She said she loves me,” Jason couldn't control the smile on his face if he tried. Lobo ran circles in his mind practically giddy.

“This calls for a drink,” Luke stood, going to the liquor cabinet as he linked Ben to join them.

He selected a bottle of whiskey and three glasses, brought them to the coffee table and gestured for Jason to join him. Ordinarily, he would

have objected, but acquiesced and sat down while Luke poured the drinks. Luke handed him a glass just as Ben arrived.

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“What the hell? I rushed over here because you said it was important and I find you drinking?”

“We're not drinking,” Luke handed him a glass. “We're celebrating.”

“Celebrating what?”

“Phoebe said she loves me.”

“Damn,” Ben sank into a chair. “When?”

“He was just getting to that. So spill it. Tell us everything. Did she say it last night?”

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“No, this morning...after we... mated.”

“After what?”

“After we mated,” Jason repeated, his face blushing deep.

“Way to bury the lead!” Ben said, slapping his shoulder.

“I'm going to need another drink,” Luke announced.

“So tell us,” Ben insisted. “After Alpha Thomas left, you two disappeared. What happened?”

“I couldn't help myself” Jason said. “The way she handled them both all while she was sitting in my lap...Goddess, she was amazing.”

“Luke said it was a sight to behold,” Ben nodded. “Sorry I missed it.”

“I thought I was going to die trying to hold in my laughter,” Luke chuckled.

“You and me both,” Jason agreed.

“And we weren't the only ones. Thomas's escort was practically shaking from holding it in.”

“So what happened after?” Ben asked after they had their laugh.

“Once we were alone...I thought I was going to eat her alive. I was so turned on.”

“It smelled like it got pretty heated,” Luke nodded. “Did she...get scared with all of that attention?”

“No, the opposite,” Jason shook his head.

“Opposite?” Ben repeated with a smile. “So you two didn’t disappear because she was upset, you disappeared to...finish.”

A pink tinge warmed Jason's cheeks as his Beta and Gamma laughed. Both had been mated for a while so they understood what it was like

in the beginning. It was overwhelming and overrode just about everything. They certainly wouldn't fault their Alpha for succumbing,

especially given how carefully Jason had been romancing his Luna.

“So, in other words, it was a very good night,” Ben said. “We should have known when you had dinner delivered.”

“She was too self-conscious to go down to the dining hall.”

Ben raised an eyebrow. Knowing it wasn't just Phoebes first time, but also Jason's, the Gamma doubted it was only her who was self-

conscious. This was all new to Jason, but he seemed to be doing well for himself without assistance.

“So you had dinner together. And?”

“And we talked and...other things. And this morning she told me she loves me.”

“What's going on in here?” Lucille asked as she entered without knocking. “Drinking before noon?”

“We're celebrating,” Ben said as she sauntered in and sat on his lap, taking his drink for herself.

“Celebrating what?”

“Our Luna told our Alpha she loves him,” Ben said.

“And they are mated,” Luke added, nearly causing Lucille to spit out her drink.

“Seriously!” Lucille exclaimed, staring at her brother, who blushed deeper. “I thought there was something different about you! So my

celibate brother finally managed to seal the deal.”

Jason scowled at her. Both of them had chosen to wait until they found their fated mates because of their mother. Lucille was lucky her mate

was a member of their own pack even if she was slow to realize it. Jason's mate had been much harder to find, but he refused to accept any

other, which had led to more than one argument with their father over the years.

“Well, this is a day worth celebrating,” Lucille held up her glass and downed it.