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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 21
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“000, how about this!” Lucille said, pulling out a short black dress with a lace-patterned bodice.

“...Um...I don’t think so,” Phoebe shook her head. She had never worn anything so revealing and was rather self-conscious about her body.

“Oh for Goddess’s sake, Lucy,” Norah sighed, “stop picking out things for yourself. We're shopping for Phoebe.”

“Well, it would help if you told us about your style.”

“I really don’t have one,” Phoebe said. “Cheap?”

They had already shopped for Blake and Emma, who were all too happy to grab whatever they liked. Norah insisted on not only buying

them clothes, but toys and games as well. Now, it was Bridget and Phoebe’s turn and it was slow-going. Both were hampered by their

previous experiences of watching expenses.

“You'll look pretty in this one, mommy!” Emma declared, tugging at a pretty yellow sundress. She was all too happy to call Phoebe mommy

and was quickly warming up to their new adoptive family.

“Oh yes, she definitely will,” Norah agreed, taking out the size she believed would fit Phoebe best.

It was a pretty dress that wouldnt be too revealing as it reached as far as her knees. Norah handed it to the clerk to take to the fitting

rooms as they continued to peruse. Once they had a decent pile, they had Phoebe and Bridget model before making final selections.

Bridget found this particularly embarrassing with Noah among the security team, while Phoebe was simply self-conscious.

This process continued from one store to the next, but they were making progress. Phoebe cringed at the totals rung up, but neither Norah

nor Lucille batted an eye as they swiped their black cards through and continued on. Around noon, they took a break and ate at the food

court, where the pups marveled at the sheer variety available. Phoebe remained pensive.

“Phoebe dear, don’t worry about it,” Norah insisted.

“But the money...”

“It’s all right. As Luna, you receive an annual stipend,” Norah said. “All authority members of the pack do, even Lucille, who technically only

holds Gamma rank. You can hardly expect to receive less.”

Phoebe frowned.

“So how exactly does it work?” Bridget asked. “At our old pack we had our own accounts. Our pay was added automatically at the end of

every month.”

“The same,” Norah nodded. “You'll be added to the pack’s accounts and given a card. The card you'll be issued will be determined by

status, which also determines its limit. Non-professional pack members receive a blue card, professional pack members like doctors and the

like have gold cards and pack authority members have black cards. Black cards have no limits. Bridget, you'll be issued a gold card with a

limit approaching that of a black card, considering the patent. You'll receive full credit as its creator and a share of the profits.”


“Of course,” Norah said. “Blue Moon is very fair in that sort of thing.”

“And you are sure this trip won't strain finances?” Phoebe asked.

“Believe me, Blue Moon could fund a hundred of these shopping sprees and not worry about it. It's fine,” Norah patted her hand. “It’s a

matter of pride for a pack to care for their Luna. Don’t insult them by refusing.”

“Right,” Phoebe sighed, still hesitant.

“Now eat. Jason will throw a fit if we don’t make sure you eat. You are too thin.”

Phoebe blushed, but focused on her cannoli. She certainly didn’t want any of them in trouble and she was hungry. More importantly, she

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didn’t want to be wasteful in front of the children.

After lunch, they proceeded to more stores, these catering to evening gowns and formal wear. Luna Ceremonies were the pride of every

pack, in some cases even more important than the Alpha Succession Ceremony. Norah was certain this one would be even more highly

anticipated given how long the pack had waited for their Luna. She wanted it to be perfect for Jason, Phoebe and the pack.

Traditionally, lunas wore white or silver. As it was almost like a human marriage ceremony, some lunas wore a wedding dress. This was a new

era for Blue Moon. Norah wanted it to be extra special.

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“000, Grandma Norah, how about this one!” Emma said.

Emma’s pick was a shimmering, silver gown with a cowl-style neckline that would lie beautifully across Phoebe’s neck and chest. Norah

smiled at the pup, “This is the one. Let's get her to try it on.”


Emma dragged Phoebe to the fitting room where Norah waited. She shoved the escorts away, insisting no one could see Phoebe in her

gown before the ceremony. Ushering Phoebe into the room, Norah, Lucille, Bridget and the pups waited, holding their breaths as Phoebe

finally stepped out, blushing.

“Wow!” Lucille said. “You look fine, girl!”

Phoebe’s blush deepened.

“This is the one,” Norah decided. “This is the dress.”

“Jace is going to lose it,” Lucille giggled, picturing the stunned look that was sure to grace her brothers face.

Norah took charge of the dress, paying for it and carrying it herself insisting no one else touch it. Luckily, it was the last of their purchases

and the group was ready to head home. They were almost to the door when Lucille suddenly grabbed Phoebe and Bridget, pulling them

into one last store.

“Lucy!” Norah admonished.

“We'll catch up!”

“Come on, pups,” Norah shook her head, herding the pups onward and forcing their escort to split.

“Gamma, are we not following?” Noah asked as Ben took a stand by the door.

“One thing I've learned about mates...never bother them when they shop for underwear

“What?” Noah blinked before looking up at the sign above the door: Victoria's Secret. A deep blush colored his cheeks and he looked to

see the other warriors snickering. “Hey, turn around. Backs to the store!”

“Here we are! Ooo, this one’s good. How about it, Phoebe?” Lucille asked, holding up a red négligée.

Phoebe’s cheeks turned the same color as the lingerie.

“Or not?”

“I c-can’t wear that!” Phoebe shook her head. She turned to see Bridget holding up a black teddy with a thoughtful expression. “Bridget?”

“I just thought it might be fun.”

“That's the attitude,” Lucille insisted. “Sometimes you need to spice it up.”

Phoebe’s blush persisted.

“Look, you don’t need to tell me what you and my brother do behind closed doors. I sooo don’t need to know that. But at what stage are

you with him? You have kissed, right?”

Phoebe nodded.

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“Nibbling? A little heavy petting, maybe?”

Phoebe hid her face.

“Fair enough. Well, my advice, trust your instincts.”

“My instincts?”

“Yeah. We have incredible s*x drives, but it's tempered by our wolves’ desire for their mates. As much as they complain if we don't wait for

our fated mate, I don’t know anyone more obsessed with s****| pleasure than my wolf, so pay attention to yours.”

Phoebe didn’t answer, but it was food for thought. Mani had been getting more active since they found their second chance mate and

making all sorts of suggestions she wouldn't dare repeat.

“Now let's find something that will give my brother a heart attack.”

Jason stared at the paperwork in front of him, not really seeing it. He had patrolled the area of the breach, checked the territorial markings

and conferred with the patrols. Satisfied with the countermeasures Ben implemented, he returned to his office to review any pending

requests, but his mind kept drifting.

“Earth to Jason? Hey! Jace!”

Jason snapped to attention, glancing at Luke who had been at his side catching up, “Sorry.”

“Nah, it’s fine,” Luke sat in one of the chairs across from him. “It’s to be expected. I took two weeks off after met Mona, remember?”

Jason nodded. It was bad enough he missed several weeks due to the security tour. He couldn’t afford to fall behind in his paperwork

anymore, no matter how much he wanted to curl up in bed with Phoebe and stay there.

Lobo whined in agreement.

“Well that was fun,” Ben announced as he entered without knocking. He joined them, slumping in the other chair. “Lucy was in fine form.”

“She does like to shop,” Luke chuckled.

Mona had declined the offer to join them, preferring to stay busy with her own work. Prior to joining Blue Moon, she had gone to school for

psychology and was currently leading a study on rogues, why they went feral and what motivated them to attack. Given the rise in attacks, it

was important work.

“I think they got everything though. Your mother found Phoebe’s Luna dress and wouldn't let anyone else near it. Lucy decided at the last

minute to peruse Victoria's Secret. Don’t know what they bought, but they all came out with a couple bags each.”

“Really?” Jason raised an eyebrow.

Luke chuckled at Jason's piqued interest. He had to admit, any time Mona brought home such bags he was eager for her to reveal what she

bought after dinner.

“There you are!” Lucille entered without knocking. She sat in Ben's lap and smiled at her brother warily eying her.

“This is my office, not a lounge.”

“Yes sir, Mister Big Tuff Alpha,” Lucille rolled her eyes. “just thought you'd like to know your Luna is back safe and sound and as innocent

as ever despite my attempts to corrupt her.”

Jason growled.

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“Oh would you relax!” Lucille laughed. “I'm happy for you Jace! Phoebe is wonderful! She’s kind, smart, charming and has a wicked sense of

humor. You should have seen her with the pups today. It was so sweet. It took them all of two seconds to call her mommy.”

Jason's eyes, which had been swirling amber, darkened as he smiled at the image of Phoebe with the pups.

“Well, it's to be expected. She’s been taking care of those pups for a couple of years now. Blake's old enough to have some memories of

their parents, but I doubt Emma has any,” Luke said.

“Why didn’t Phoebe adopt them before now?” Lucille asked. “During the whole shopping trip she was concerned about money. If she

adopted the pups, her old pack would have offered assistance in raising them.”

“She tried. Rimrock’s Alpha denied her application,” Luke said.

“Why would he do that?” Lucille scoffed.

Luke glanced as Jason before answering, “Well, he was her first mate.”

“The one who rejected her?” Lucille asked, eaming another growl from Jason.

“Easy man,” Luke said. “There's no sense in keeping it from her.”

“Damn. Mated twice, alphas both. That's got to be a record.”

Jason glared at her.

“Okay sorry. 'm done,” Lucille threw up her hands. “But why would he deny the adoption application because of that?”

“Best guess...either he wanted to make sure Phoebe was miserable and alone, or he was jealous of the pups getting all her attention and

love,” Luke shrugged.

“So he’s a narcissist,” Lucille rolled her eyes. “Poor Phoebe. So what's going to happen with Rimrock now?”

“Who knows? It’s not really our problem,” Luke said. “Now that Phoebe has her second chance mate and left, hopefully Rimrock’s Alpha will

focus on his pack.”

Jason remained silent, but pensive. That was the best case scenario, but he didn’t expect it to be easy given how many years Rimrock’s

Alpha neglected his duties. Regardless of what happened, Phoebe was safe at Blue Moon. He would ensure her health and happiness from

now on.

“Yes, Mate stay with us!”

“Oh, mom wanted me to tell you,” Lucille said, “we’ll be having a welcome party tonight for Phoebe, Bridget and the pups so they can meet

the pack and officially join it.”

“That's a little soon,” Luke frowned. “Do we really have to rush?”

“Well, the next full moon is only a couple of weeks away and it’s a blue moon. It's the perfect setting for her Luna Ceremony, so mom wants

everything done before that. This is going to be an important night for the entire pack.”

Jason nodded. They had waited so long for their Luna. His mother wanted to make sure it was special. Luna Ceremonies always happened

on nights of a full moon so that the pairing could be blessed by the Moon Goddess, but a blue moon would be considered a special

blessing from the Goddess.

“You know what officially joining the pack means,” Luke warned.

Jason frowned. Since none of the new pack members had a blood relative among the Blue Moon members, it meant a blood oath, which

meant their blood had to mix with his own. It wasn’t going to be pleasant for them, especially the pups. No doubt his mother was already

preparing them as best as she could.