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Sassy Angel’s Secret Sin

Chapter 17
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Chapter 17 – The Angel Inside The Cabinet (Sky‘s POV) When Angela left the study room and closed

the door, I opened my eyes and walked to the coffee table where she placed the tray. I took the tray to

the balcony and sat on the metal decorated chair to enjoy the coffee and sandwich.

I smirked as I sipped the coffee, tasting how different it was from the usual coffee Elenita or my secretary

would prepare for me. I hate to admit it, but this is how I want my coffee. I tap the table with my fingers,

allowing them to dance near the plate as I recall how we got crazy last night.

The truth was Frank was adamant at first in taking us to a wedding officiant last night because he knew

we were drunk, and we had no idea who the girl I was with the previous night, but we were too crazy

about each other. I was too drunk that if she didn‘t stop me, I wanted Frank to get out of the car just to

indulge my desire to claim the innocent woman with me. I had to threaten my driver that I would take his

scholarship and financial support if he would not grant her birthday wish, which was to be married to the

Mighty Sky.

I propped my elbows on the table and massaged my forehead, disbelieving myself at how stupid I got

last night. Closing my eyes, I tried to recall the beautiful woman with me last night who made me crazier

when I found out I was her first. I inhaled, remembering her intoxicating scent, sweet and delicate.

The sound of my phone ringing startled me, snapping me from a dream and bringing me back to the

present. I sighed, reading the name of the caller. “Dr. Greene,” I said, hoping to hear good news from our

family doctor. “Still awake, Sky?” He chuckled as if we were friends. Remembering how he showed

interest in Angela annoyed me, but it was less of my concern now. I will deal with it later with her.

“Have you heard of a sky sleeping, Uncle David?” I asked, calling him ‘uncle‘ although we were not

related. The Greene has been a family friend for who knew how long that I didn‘t want to dig the history

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now. “Yeah, I know, but I just called to tell you that Steve already woke up and was looking for Angela,”

he informed me. “We‘ll be bringing him to a regular room tomorrow morning. What time will you come

tomorrow? I want to be here when you and Angela come.” I curled my lip, annoyed at what he said,

almost asking him why he had to see Angela again. Now, the irritation I was feeling was in the confusion

of whether I hated that he was showing much interest in her or that my father was looking for her, not

me. “I‘ll ask her later,” I answered. “But it‘ll definitely be morning, maybe before lunch.”

“Okay. I‘ll clear my schedule in the morning,” he told me, causing my forehead to crease.

Did I hear it right that he would clear his schedule for her?

“Uncle David, you seemed interested in my w... maid,” I almost slipped, wanting to say wise, but I didn‘t

know why I suddenly wanted to tell him that the young woman he was so interested in was already


I heard him chuckle softly. “Yes, Sky. She has great potential, and it would be a waste of time if no one

would give her a chance to study.”

“You think I can‘t do that?” I asked him, hoping to hide the annoyance in my voice.

He sighed. “Sky, I know you can do it, but let us give her a choice. There are only a few people in this

world who could do such a heroic act in times of an actual emergency, specifically saving someone‘s life

in danger with no formal training in responding to emergency and remaining calm, I may add.”

What Uncle David said was true, and I hate to admit it, but when I saw Dad on the floor, I had no idea

what to do first. Without Angela that morning, I could have lost my father, and the three of us would be

orphans, though Mom was still alive.

I heaved a deep sigh. “I will tell her tomorrow.”

After ending our call, I rose to my feet and walked to the kitchen, finding Elenita sitting and writing

something in her notebook, probably listing down what she needed for the kitchen. The pasta I requested

her to cook was still on the table, so I pulled a chair, picked up the fork, and began to eat.

“Stop torturing the poor child, sky,” Elenita reminded me, glancing at me before returning her focus to the


“Did Olivia eat her dinner already?” I asked. “I haven‘t seen Finn.”

“She requested sushi tonight. You know that Olivia can‘t have crab linguini. You know that she is allergic

to crab. I bet you don‘t want your sister‘s face to get swollen,” she reminded me.” Finn‘s in camping.” I

stopped eating, raising my eyebrows at Elenita, not wanting to believe Finn‘s excuse.

She smirked at me. “I know that look, Sky. Don‘t worry, I checked on him, and someone‘s keeping an eye

on him. He‘s coming back on Friday.” I nodded, sighing in relief as I heard he was not at home when the

incident happened.

“If you want crab, you have to tell me in advance. I must be careful in choosing ingredients for your

meals since Angela is also allergic to crab,” she said, standing up. “I know I‘m not in the position to ask

you this, but what do you intend to do with her?”

Everybody seems to be concerned about my plans for Angela.

I looked at her and met her eyes. “You know the answer to that, Elenita,” I said, pursing my lips while

thinking of the right words to say, and then I continued, “I barely know the young woman I was with last

night. She seemed to be at the party by mistake, we got drunk, and we... No... I did not use my brain and

did not handle the situation well. Instead, I took advantage of her.”

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“Are you planning to divorce her? What if she blackmails you?” She asked worriedly, giving me a glass of water.

I only heaved a sigh, not answering her questions. I finished my pasta in silence and left the kitchen

without uttering any words, leaving Elenita looking at me with concern. When I entered my bedroom, I

was expecting Angela to be sleeping in my bed, but she was not there. Maybe Elenita let her sleep in the

guest room, or perhaps she was still awake, wandering

the mansion.

I walked to the closet room and saw the paper bags on the floor. Other women would be excited to see

what they had splurged their money on, but the things they shopped today were still inside the bag. After

what she did to Dad, I asked Elenita to buy everything she wanted, but she called me a while ago, telling

me that Angela was not like other women she knew I dated. She told me how Angela picked a pair of T–

shirts and jeans, the less expensive among other clothes.

I took off my clothes, tossed them in the basket, and walked to the shower room, spending almost half an

hour just standing under the shower head, hoping my worries would be washed away. As soon as I was

done taking a shower, I dried my body and walked naked inside my room, not expecting Angela to be

walking inside my bedroom at this hour.

The drawer where my underwear is empty and the cabinet where my pajamas should be is not there. I

groaned, realizing Elenita must have asked the maids to rearrange my clothes to give Angela a space in

the closet room. I sighed, opening every closet to find what I was looking for, only to be surprised when I

saw Angela sleeping like a baby inside the cabinet. “What in heaven‘s name are you doing inside the

cabinet?” I asked her angrily as she opened her eyes. I opened the door wide, worried that she might

suffocate inside, but when her mouth opened as if gasping for air and her eyes gaped and pinned on my

manhood, I panicked she would scream again like what happened this morning. Instead of looking for a

towel to cover my body, I dive inside the cabinet with her.