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Sassy Angel’s Secret Sin

Chapter 14
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Chapter 14 – The Chance

(Anj‘s POV)


I grabbed Elenita‘s arm, pulling her back. “Where are we going?” I asked, still panting after running after

her. We just got home, and now she told me we were leaving again.

She raised her eyebrows at me, looking at my hand in her arm, burning me that I released her.

“Shopping,” she answered. “I told you we can‘t find your clothes and shoes, and you can‘t wear one or

two dresses.” She glanced at her wristwatch. “We must be home before dinner, so we‘d better hurry.”

1 pretended to understand her and walked side–by–side with her. “You need to learn how to cook the

food the way Sky liked them,” Elenita said as she got in the car. “You have to know what he likes and

doesn‘t like.”

I nodded, plopping myself inside the car. “Did you know that I‘m a Virgo, and he‘s a Pisces?“I informed

her, hoping she would get the message right away. She gave me a sullen look. “I don‘t care if you‘re not

compatible, and I have no intention of knowing until when you decided to give up on your madness last

night. You must get to know him as long as you‘re married to him.” “Elenita, don‘t you think teaching me

how to cook for him is a little dangerous. What if I poison him?” I narrowed my eyes as I asked her.

She rolled her eyes at me. “I know you can‘t do that, Angela.” She heaved a deep sigh as she closed her

eyes. “I know how much you wanted to go home, but for now, be there for Sky. He needed you.”

I pressed my forehead on the window of the car, sighing deeply. I remained quiet, not disturbing Elenita

in her sleep if she was really sleeping. When we reached the shopping mall, our driver, who was older

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than Frank, stopped the car at the mall‘s main entrance. He opened the door for Elenita, but I had

already gotten myself out before he could come to my side.

He smiled at me meekly before going back to the driver‘s seat. Elenita had already grabbed my wrist and

tugged me inside the shopping mall before I could say thank you to him.

“You needed a new phone,” she said, causing my eyebrows to raise. “Sky always has important and

confidential calls, so you can‘t borrow his phone all the time. It goes the same with me.”

She led me to a cell phone store, not buying me but taking the paper bag she seemed to have ordered

earlier before we came here. She took the smartphone inside and gave it to me after saving a few


“Here I already saved my number, Sky‘s, and Frank‘s. He will personally drive you if you want to go

somewhere,” she said, walking again, not giving me a chance to browse or at least check on my very

first cell phone.

Elenita walked like she was in a marathon. I followed her around, picking up nightwear clothes and pairs

of underwear from the shops she must have ordered ahead of time, like the cell phone. I was already

holding five paper bags when we stopped at a boutique.

“Elenita,” The woman with a nameplate Gemma approached her. “Is this her?” she asked, smiling at me

with amusement in her eyes and lips.

She nodded, “Gemma, give her everything she wants,” she said, sounding tired already. “TIL be in the

café Call me when it‘s done.”

“Sure! Don‘t worry, Elenita, I‘ll pamper your niece,” she said, causing me to look at Elenita, but she only

smiled at Gemma, not at me. When we were alone, she took me to the boutique‘s second floor, taking

clothes and dresses from the rack.

I watched her in awe, looking at my body and choosing colors of clothes. She has good taste in fashion,

but as she gave me pairs of shirts and jeans, skirts, blouses and dresses, almost everything, I could

hardly breathe when I saw the prices on the tag.

She led me to her office and gestured her hand, telling me to sit on the couch.

“So, what‘s with the story of red dots on your face?” She asked as she took the clothes off from the


“Huh?” I raised my head, and the look on my face could tell I hardly understood what she said because I

was too focused on choosing which one to take

“Your face, dear. You look hideous with those dots. Why don‘t you just put different colors to make your

face funny rather than ugly,” she chuckled, taking wet wipes from her side and carefully wiping the red

dots on my face. I pursed my lips, but I could not help myself from raising my eyebrows at her. “You have

a name, dear?” She asked, taking another wet tissue from the box.

“Angela,” I answered briefly.

When she was done, she narrowed her eyes at me. “You looked familiar, but I could not remember

where or when I have seen this face,” she said, cupping my face. “Are you related to the Greene,

Wilbur...” she raises her eyebrows and looks at the ceiling as she thinks. “Johnsons ... Mars? You

looked like the young Olivia, but you also looked like...” Her voice trailed off, upset with herself that she

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could not recognize my face. “I‘m not related to any of them. I‘m an orphan,” I said truthfully, but she only

laughed at me.

“Pfft, orphan? Don‘t worry, dear, because I‘m not spilling any info to the press if you‘re Steve‘s illegitimate

child,” She chuckled. My eyebrows raised at her. Illegitimate? “I‘m not his daughter,” I said, standing up

and getting a pair of V–neck shirts and jeans. It is my birthday anyway, so I feel like giving myself a treat

and thinking of breaking my piggy bank. “I‘m choosing these,” I said, typing a message to Elenita, telling

her I wanted to go home and clicking the sent button. She laughed at me, standing up to go to her table

and get something from her drawer. “You‘re not here to choose one pair. All these are yours. Sit down,”

she ordered me and heaved a sigh as she put dots on my face using a new lipstick pen.

Gemma was putting dots on my face when Elenita came.

“We‘re almost done, Elenita,” She glanced at her, smiling at her arts as she pressed the point of the

lipstick on the tip of my nose. She handed me the lipstick. “Don‘t worry, Angela. This is

hypoallergenic. You can have this. At least this one won‘t smear your face every time you sweat or cry.”

Her staff came in, folding the clothes and placing them in the paper bag. “I don‘t need a lot. I just need

one,” I looked at Elenita, but she ignored me and took the paper bags from the staff. “Thank you for your

help, Gemma,” she said, turning her back on her. I was left in the middle, not knowing what to do. “Go,”

she mouthed. “Your secret is safe with me,” she smiled and went to her table. I was left with only one

choice, and that was to follow Elenita. When we got to the car, the driver was already busy placing the

paper bags in the trunk of the vehicle. I found Elenita busy reading a message which definitely was not

from me. “Are you ready for your first lesson?” She asked, giving me a quick look before returning her

eyes to her cell phone. “First lesson?” I repeated, and now I sounded like a moron. “We are to cook

Venetian Crab Linguine. Sky‘s favorite pasta,” she answered. Without Elenita noticing it, the corners of

my mouth lifted, and for the first time in my life, I had never been so thankful that our meal today would be the one that could kill me if I ate too much of it.