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Revenge of The Furtive Billionaire Heir by Ryker Helios

Chapter 11
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11. Why would I harass her?

“Hey, baby,” the guy who got out of the vehicle, the guy who is apparently Coraline’s boyfriend-because of course, this moment has to be more dramatic than it was, why not?-presses his lips to her cheek and

gives her a smacking kiss. Then, he takes another drag of his cigarette.

He gives me a once over before asking his girlfriend, “Is this dude harassing you?”

I gape at them. She was the one harassing me!

Coraline shakes her head, “No, it’s complicated…”

“Wait, do I know you,” letting go of his girlfriend, he steps towards me, and blows the smoke from his

cigarette which he was holding all over my face.

I screw up my face in disgust and step back. Geez, where were this guy’s manners?

“I doubt you do,” I mutter.

“No, no, you look familiar,” he points at my face, “I think I’ve seen you in Empire city. You’re Anton,

aren’t you?”

Empire city? Well, there is only one place in Empire city where people could find me. That was at the

Kings’ College. So, this guy goes to Kings’ College, or he is at least familiar with the place. I can’t help

but worry that things are about to get more complicated than necessary. Maybe I should just call Gerald

so he can come here and clean this mess.

“No,” I sigh, “I’m not Anton. My name is Jace. Jace Greyson, nice to meet you.”

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Out of politeness, I extend my hand towards him for a shake, but the guy just looks at it with a sniff and

ignores me. Awkwardly, I retract my hand.

“Whatever, you’re the Cockroach anyway.”

“Huh?” both Caroline and I utter.

Cockroach? What was he referring to? Who was this guy anyway? Seems like a typical douchebag.

“Oh, babe, this guy right here is called the Cockroach in Kings’ Collage. He’s the most famous white

trash in there.”

My eyes shoot up. I had a reputation in Kings’ College as the Cockroach? This was the first time I’m

hearing it, and blatantly so.

“He came from the garbage, and he lives in the garbage,” Coraline’s boyfriend goes on, his voice

gleeful, “Rumor has it that he works three jobs and got a loan to pay for college. Is that right, cockroach

boy? Are you still living in that dump you call an apartment?”

Anger flushes through my veins as my fists clench. First off it was two jobs, and second off, I was on a

scholarship. I hold myself back from slugging the dude on his cheek as he deserves. Who does he

think he is, talking about me like that when I was standing right next to him? I was getting tired of all

these assholes coming for me for no reason. First Stone and Kayla, then Coraline and Jon, and now

this idiot.

Was I a douchebag magnet? I swear to God, my patience was wearing thin with all this.

I am not a coward. Maybe I should attack him for his words, maybe I should give him a piece of my

mind. But I do not want trouble to come after me. I had my father’s reputation to consider now. I don’t

think he’d take it well if I end up in prison over beating up some guy just because he mocked me,

especially when we are still in somewhat of a problematic position.

So, I tell myself to hang on until they both leave. Eventually, they would get tired, especially when they

don’t get the reaction they deserve. They all do.

“Babe, I don’t think talking about him like that when he’s next to us is very nice,” Coraline chimes in,

looking worried, “besides, the party is going on inside. Maybe we should go in. Don’t want to miss the

fun, right?”

“Sure, sure, but I want to ask, what’s the cockroach doing here?”

“I came to the party,” I find myself replying, “and now I’m leaving. Have a great night, you two.”

I turn to hightail it out of here, but the boyfriend calls me out.

“What’s the hurry there, cockroach? Late for your third job?” he taunts with a grin on his face, “didn’t

know you went to Coraline’s high school. Was he this much of a wimp back in high school too,


“No, he wasn’t, let’s go in,” Coraline tries to drag him in, but he pushes her away a bit, making her

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stagger. For some reason, the action rings alarm bells in my mind.

“Come on, babe, let me talk to my fellow university student over here,” the guy says, taking a step

towards me, “it’s a shame you got into a good school like the Kings’ College. You’re taking up the spot

of someone who can actually pay for it, rather than taking out loans. You must feel so pathetic with that,

having to beg money.”

I glare at him, “I don’t want any trouble.”

“Or, sure you don’t. God, you’re weaker than I thought. What a sissy.”

“Aiden, can we just go in,” Coraline, sounding distressed, pulls at his arm again.

I notice the exact moment the asshole’s facial expression changes, and he shoves at an unsuspecting

Coraline. Hard. Coraline, on her heels, loses her balance and falls to the ground with a cry and a

thumb. She looks up at her boyfriend with an expression somewhere between hurt and disbelief.

I’m pretty sure my face is also frozen in shock.

“The hell is with you?” her boyfriend growls at her, “pulling my arm and making me look like a fool in

front of the cockroach. What’s he to you to get all butthurt about him?”

He takes off his sunglasses and narrows his eyes at her. The expression on his face looks downright

predatory, “You’re my girlfriend, not his,” he sneers, “unless, of course, you are cheating. Is that it,

Coraline? I come here to find you two alone in the parking lot, chatting like good old buddies. I knew

something was up the moment I say.”

“So tell me, Coraline,” he growls, “are you cheating on me with the fucking Cockroach?”