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Returning from the Dead: His Secret Lover

Chapter 1983
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Chapter 1983

A huge wave of relief washed over Susan when she heard that. After waiting for some time in

the office, she finally received a call from Ian.

"Darling?" she said.

"Hey. Everything's settled. Pack your things and meet me downstairs in fifteen minutes."

A refreshing yet alluring voice, which was pleasing to the ears, came through the speakers.

Susan was overjoyed when she heard his words.

It's finally done!

She hurriedly packed her things in the office and went downstairs with her handbag. Never in

her life had she ever acted so quickly.

At the same time, she had already planned out the celebration in her mind. I'm going to the

supermarket with him to buy loads of ingredients. Then, we're going to have a great feast at the

new villa.

That evening, however, she waited downstairs for almost an hour, but the man who promised to

pick her up never showed up.

"The number you have dialed is unavailable."

"The number you have dialed is unavailable." Susan's heart sank deeper and deeper as she

listened to the mechanical dial tone. The foreboding feeling slowly engulfed her until she lost all

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Five minutes later, just as she had called for a taxi to rush over to the government

headquarters, she received a call.

"Hello, are you Mr. Ian Hayes' family member?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm from the transportation bureau. Mr. Hayes has gotten into an accident and has been sent to the hospital for

surgery. If you're a family member or a friend of his, please come to the hospital right away." The person on the

phone sounded urgent as he informed her about the news.

Susan was stunned to hear that.

All of a sudden, her mind went blank, and her brain lost its ability to think. All that remained was a feeling of

hopelessness, and she could only see darkness before her.

On top of that, she felt a shiver run down her spine as fear filled her heart.

That's... That's impossible!

Soon, she arrived at the hospital without knowing how she got there.

All she remembered was seeing the bright red light outside the operating theater and a body covered with a piece

of white cloth on the side.

In the end, her body swayed, and she fell head-first to the ground.

"Ms. Limmer!" Right then, Aubrey, who had just arrived, quickly held Susan up when she witnessed that.

No one expected such a thing to happen.

After all, Aubrey was just comforting Susan not long ago, telling the latter not to worry. Yet, shortly after Ian and

Melvin went out, one got severely injured while the other died.

Wiping away her tears, Aubrey helped an overwhelmed Susan to the bed to lie down and quickly asked the two

traffic officers, "Hello, officers. What exactly happened? How did they get into an accident?"

"They got hit by a truck. The driver's been detained, and we're examining the vehicle now. Don't worry. We'll let you

know the result once we have it," the traffic officer updated her on the current situation.

After listening to all that, Aubrey was at a loss for what to do. Hence, she could only return to the ward.

About half an hour later, Susan, who was lying on a hospital bed, regained consciousness. As she lay there, her

pupils suddenly constricted, and she sat bolt upright.

"Ms. Limmer?" Aubrey was shocked when she saw Susan's reaction.

However, Susan did not reply to Aubrey. Instead, the former got off the bed immediately and ran out like a


"Ms. Limmer, where are you going?"

As soon as Susan exited the room, she caught hold of a doctor in a white coat and started throwing questions at

him hysterically, "Ian... Where's Ian? Where's my husband? Where is he?"

She had never been so frightened before.

At that moment, she felt as if there was an invisible hand pushing her further into the

bottomless abyss. It made her tremble in panic and lose all sense of rationality.

Thankfully, the doctor informed her that the operation was still going on.

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He's still in surgery?

Looking like a half-dead fish that finally found water, Susan immediately recovered her breath,

almost slumping to the ground.

Coincidentally, Aubrey walked out as well.

When she saw Susan's state, she quickly grabbed hold of the latter. "Calm down, Ms. Limmer.

Mr. Hayes is still in the operating theater. You must not lose your calm."

After some time, with Aubrey's support, Susan walked over to the entrance of the operating

theater, where the red light was still turned on. The latter slumped onto the bench and waited

there with tears streaming down her face.

The emotions that washed over her were indescribable.

She was so overwhelmed that she had even forgotten to inform the rest about the matter. At

that moment, her mind was filled with the image of the red light at the operating theatre.

Solomon arrived at the hospital two hours later.

The moment he arrived, his face drained of color when he saw the pale white interior of the

hospital. He quickly asked the deputy general manager beside him, "How are things?"

Solomon was the one who sent Ian over, after all. Hence, if something were to happen to Ian,

Solomon would never be able to redeem himself, even if he died. He would feel guilty toward

Ian's parents for the rest of his life.

"Ian's safe for now. Some of his internal organs are severely injured, and a few of his ribs are

broken. If Melvin hadn't protected him at that critical moment, he would've..." The deputy

general manager did not finish his sentence.