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Rebirth and Finding the One Truly Loves Me by Christina

Chapter 61
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Chapter 61 Slapped His Face Hard!

Actually, Audrey was not bad–looking, fair and delicate, and she came from a good family. If it wasn’t

for that mysterious person who had taken a fancy to Audrey and wanted her to remain pure, he

wouldn’t have minded spending a few days with Audrey.

After all, it was him that Audrey liked.

Corbin was well aware of how infatuated and devoted Audrey was to him!

Whenever he beckoned, Audrey would happily lick him.

Corbin had always been arrogant and conceited, the more easily attainable something was, the less

interest he had in it.

Audrey found him to be just like that, too unchallenging!

However, if he didn’t accept the things she willingly gave him, it might have hurt her self–esteem.

Well, reluctantly accepted it then!

A gentle smile graced Corbin’s handsome face, “Audra, don’t waste that money on me.”

Except for Patrick, all the other male students looked at Corbin with envy.

“When would an Audrey appear by my side?”

“Was this dog food scattered around? Are we still going to eat?”

“Admired, admired!”

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Chapter 61 Slapped His Face Hard

Audrey listened to her classmates‘ discussions, the smile on her lips. deepening. She glanced at

Corbin, “It will be done.”

Excitement and joy filled Corbin’s eyes as he tried to grasp Audrey’s hand, wanting to give her a bit of a

treat, but Audrey avoided him.

Upon seeing this, Corbin was taken aback for a moment.

Didn’t she want to hold his hand?

Audrey ignored Corbin’s puzzled look, she sweetly smiled as she pulled out a credit card and handed it

to the manager.

Not long after, the manager had processed a supreme card and brought

it over.

Corbin wanted to reach out to catch it, but a delicate little hand beat him to it.

Corbin had a few seconds of embarrassment.

“Audra, since you insist on giving this to me, I’ll accept it. Whenever you want to come to Taste of

Euphoria for a meal, I’ll bring you here anytime,” Corbin said, looking at the supreme card in her hand.

Audrey, however, had not given the supreme card to Corbin.


Audrey blinked, raising her delicate hand holding the supreme card, and handed it to Corbin, Just as

Corbin was secretly happy about to accept it, Audrey turned her wrist and handed the card to the

manager of Taste of Euphoria.

“Now, as a Supreme Card VIP, I made a request.”

The manager of Taste of Euphoria nodded, “Please speak, honored




Chapter 61 Slapped His Face Hard!


“From now on, Corbin and dogs were not allowed in!”

As soon as Audrey spoke, there was a moment of silence in the air.

Except for Patrick, everyone was looking at Audrey incredulously.

It seemed unbelievable that such words had come out of her mouth!

Of course, the most shocked was Corbin.

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His pupils suddenly constricted, for a moment he thought he was experiencing auditory hallucinations.

The manager of Taste of Euphoria was the first to react, he respectfully asked, “Miss Wen, are you

referring to Mr. Howard?“.

“Yes.” Audrey’s eyes were clear, the smile on her lips faded slightly.

The manager of Taste of Euphoria nodded, “Alright, we will comply with the request of the VIP.”

The manager of Taste of Euphoria gestured for Corbin to leave, “Mr. Howard, please leave!”

Corbin stood still, not moving. The hand that held the cane tightened forcefully, the veins on the back of

his hand faintly protruding.

Looking at Audrey’s sweet, soft face that gradually became cool and indifferent, Corbin seemed to not

recognize her for a moment.

Suppressing his inner embarrassment and anger, he spoke softly, “Audra, I know you’re upset. You’ve

been pursuing me for two years, and I shouldn’t have remained silent. I’ve said it, we’ll be together after



Chapter 61 Slapped His Face Hard!

“You really didn’t need to get my attention in this way, I still preferred the old you!”
