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Rebirth and Finding the One Truly Loves Me by Christina

Chapter 133
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Chapter 133 The woman he was interested in, had to be excellent.

Who didn’t know that Audrey was recently fawning over Sterling? She must have felt upset when she

saw rumors about him and Chloe!

–Chloe was the goddess of Sixth High School, and when she transferred to Elsa Noble High School,

she became our goddess at Elsa Noble High School too. Audrey, you better step aside!

“Hey, the one upstairs, you really have the nerve to boost others‘ morale while undermining your own


If you ask me. Audrey was not at all less attractive than Chloe!

Exactly, Kelsey left, and the new school beauty of Elsa Noble High School was still in the PK. It was still

uncertain who would win or

lose in the end!

“Come on, being the school beauty isn’t just about good looks, okay? Based on Chloe’s performance

just now. combining beauty and talent. she must be the new school beauty!”

The barrage was in an uproar, with some supporting Chloe and others. supporting Audrey,

Audrey hadn’t checked her phone and didn’t know that she had become. the hot topic at school.

Eden and a few others in the audience saw the live barrage of comments. Eden was so angry that he

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was grinding his teeth.

“Damn it, Audrey hasn’t even gone on stage and you already know she can’t do it?” Eden looked

around. saw Cheryl holding up her phone.


wanted to go over and stop the video, but Sterling pulled him back down

Eden looked at the expressionless Sterling in confusion. “Sterling, that woman is live streaming,

causing Audrey to be ridiculed. What are you dragging me into this for?”

Sterling pursed his cold, thin lips, saying lightly. “She hasn’t gone on stage yet, what’s the rush?”

Eden was taken aback for a moment. then exclaimed. “Holy shit. Sterling, do you believe Audrey is

more capable than Chloe?”

Sterling raised an eyebrow. “Where does the woman I’m interested in fall short?”


Alright, even if things were bad. Sterling wouldn’t have allowed them. to say it out loud!

Audrey was the last one to go on stage.

She didn’t wear her school uniform today, instead. she wore a white knee–length dress that perfectly

outlined her slender and graceful figure. Although it wasn’t a curvaceous silhouette. it carried a sense

of youthful delicacy.

A small face as big as a palm was lightly made up. with red lips and white teeth. naturally beautiful, and

clear eyes.

She was poised and confident, neither coy nor shy, radiating youthful self–assurance. After the judges

notified her that she could begin, she responded fluently in both languages.

Her pronunciation was standard. her enunciation clear, and her pitch. tone, and rhythm varied with the


Chapter 133 The woman he was interested in, had to be excellent

She seemed like a born host.

Facing the judges‘ questions, she answered fluently, without even a moment’s hesitation or stumbling.

Carlie in the audience was stunned.

She stared at the confident, elegant, and poised Audrey on stage, feeling as if she was looking at a


In her memory, Audrey was clearly just a love–struck fool who didn’t know anything.

But recently, she seemed to have undergone a complete transformation. Not only did her grades

improve significantly, but she also handled hosting duties with ease.

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Even her pronunciation was more pleasing and charming than Chloe’s. Facing the questions from the

judges, her answers also had depth and connotation.

Not only was Carlie left speechless, but there was also a few seconds. of silence in the barrage of


Those who originally mocked Audrey didn’t dare to jump around


The rest were all rainbow farts praising Audrey.

“Didn’t you notice? After Audrey stopped chasing Corbin, she not only became more beautiful, but also

more talented and cultured.”

“Oh yeah, I noticed that too. I guess Corbin was probably afraid that Audrey would surpass him, so he

deliberately said he liked her with heavy makeup, acting like a fool!”

“Sterling was indeed great. After Audrey got closer to him, she


Chapter 133 The woman he was interested in, had to be excellent.

improved so much!”

When he saw this barrage. Sterling faintly hooked the corner of his
