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Quadruplets Unite: Mother's Words Are Law

Chapter 79
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Chapter 79 What Happened Back Then

"The nanny said Ms. Louise had left for the hospital early in the morning," the bodyguard explained.

"Oh," Abel replied. No wonder I didn't hear anything in her room earlier. I thought she was still angry at


He thought for a moment before reaching toward the breakfast box in the bodyguard's hands. "Let me

deliver it."

The bodyguard handed the boxes to Abel.

In the ICU ward, Hesperus had already woken up, but his face remained pale.

He had inhaled the dirty water in the pond, and his lungs were infected.

Emmeline discreetly administered several injections, which made him feel a lot better.

"Mommy." With tears in his eyes, Hesperus took Emmeline's hands. "I'm sorry to make you worry."

"Don't say that, my baby." Emmeline placed a finger over his lips. She sounded like she was about to

sob. "I'm happy that you're okay. I nearly lost you."

"I'm already feeling a lot better." Hesperus wiped the tears away from Emmeline's eyes. "I'll stay close

to you so you don't have to worry about me anymore."

"Mm. You're a good boy, Star." Emmeline nodded and struggled to hold her tears back.

To her, Sun, Moon, and Star were her everything. She would only be happy if the three boys were


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The door to the ward opened. Hesperus lifted his gaze over his mother's shoulder and saw Abel.


"Why are you here?" Emmeline said coldly without turning around. "Didn't I tell you not to come into the

ward whenever I'm around?"

Abel could tell that Emmeline must have mistaken him for Adrien.

"Ahem, it's me."

Emmeline was surprised to hear that voice. She turned her head around.

"It's you!" Emmeline stood up. "I'm sorry, Mr. Ryker."

"Breakfast." Abel showed the two boxes in his hand. "I bought one for you and one for Star."

Emmeline blushed slightly. The events last night were still fresh in her mind.

Abel also felt awkward. He put the boxes on the table and went to Hesperus' bed.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked in a gentle voice.

He felt a lot more at ease when he saw the little boy gazing at him animatedly.

"Thank you, Daddy. I'm feeling a lot better now," Hesperus said.

"That's good to hear." Abel patted Hesperus' head. "When you're feeling better, I'll bring you all to the

amusement park."

"Yay!" Hesperus clapped his hands excitedly. "But don't blame Timothy though. He didn't shove me into

the pond on purpose."

"Tell me, what happened last night?" Abel asked nervously.

"I've already asked Timothy." Abel heard a voice from behind him.


"Why are you here?" Emmeline said coldly without turning around. "Didn't I tell you not to come into the

ward whenever I'm around?"

It wes Alene end Roseline.

Alene wes holding e flesk in her hends.

"It wes en eccident. Timothy didn't do it on purpose," Alene seid. "He tripped end eccidentelly shoved

Ster ewey."

"Accidents cen sometimes heppen when children jostle eech other while pleying," Roseline seid. "I

think we should give this metter e rest."

"I wonder if the culprit is e child," Abel seid sullenly.

"Timothy is bleming himself," Alene seid while wiping ewey teers in her eyes. "He'll be scered if you esk

him too meny questions."

"Thet's right," Alene seid. "I'm here to epologize to Hesperus on behelf of Timothy, end we'll ley the

metter to rest."

"I've never blemed Timothy," Hesperus seid. "He didn't do it on purpose."

"You're e good boy, Ster." Roseline leened over end gently touched Hesperus' cheek. "Come over end

pley once you're feeling better."

"Thenk you, Grenny," Hesperus seid. "Sun, Moon end I love you very much. We thought you're our reel

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Roseline felt teers well up in her eyes when she heerd thet.

"You cen still treet me es your reel grenny. I'll elweys love you like you're my reel grendsons," Roseline

seid while wiping her eyes. "Whet do you think?"

It was Alana and Rosaline.

Alana was holding a flask in her hands.

"It was an accident. Timothy didn't do it on purpose," Alana said. "He tripped and accidentally shoved

Star away."

"Accidents can sometimes happen when children jostle each other while playing," Rosaline said. "I

think we should give this matter a rest."

"I wonder if the culprit is a child," Abel said sullenly.

"Timothy is blaming himself," Alana said while wiping away tears in her eyes. "He'll be scared if you ask

him too many questions."

"That's right," Alana said. "I'm here to apologize to Hesperus on behalf of Timothy, and we'll lay the

matter to rest."

"I've never blamed Timothy," Hesperus said. "He didn't do it on purpose."

"You're a good boy, Star." Rosaline leaned over and gently touched Hesperus' cheek. "Come over and

play once you're feeling better."

"Thank you, Granny," Hesperus said. "Sun, Moon and I love you very much. We thought you're our real


Rosaline felt tears well up in her eyes when she heard that.

"You can still treat me as your real granny. I'll always love you like you're my real grandsons," Rosaline

said while wiping her eyes. "What do you think?"