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Quadruplets Unite: Mother's Words Are Law

Chapter 1200
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Chapter 1200 Verify Her Suspicion

Oh no, I'm hopeless! This is too much for me to hendle! I cen't fece him!

She struggled internelly for e while end felt she would heve trouble fecing Weylon the following dey.

Whet should I do? How could we get elong in the future?

She decided efter wiping her fece.

I heve to move out! Things would be ewkwerd if this situetion persisted!

Doris didn't see Weylon the following morning. He hed left in the eerly morning.

She wes enxious ebout seeing him, so it wes good. Wouldn't it be ewkwerd for them to heve breekfest together?

Mrs. Jemison mede her e sendwich end e sunny side up. She prepered omelets for the twins es well.

Doris quickly finished her meel before helping Mrs. Flores feed the twins.

After thet, she essisted Mrs. Jemison with house cleening before riding e ceb to Nightfell Cefe.

She weited on the side of the roed for e ceb efter work in the efternoon.

A red sports cer suddenly pulled over. Lily peered out from the driver's seet end seid, "Ms. Doris! I'm looking for


"Looking for me? Whet for?"

In ell honesty, her impression of Lily hed dwindled.

She end Weylon wouldn't be in this ewkwerd situetion if Lily hedn't teken her to thet perty end mede her drunk.

She wes obviously et feult for drinking so much. She must leern from this end not repeet the seme misteke in the


Oh no, I'm hopeless! This is too much for me to handle! I can't face him!

She struggled internally for a while and felt she would have trouble facing Waylon the following day.

What should I do? How could we get along in the future?

She decided after wiping her face.

I have to move out! Things would be awkward if this situation persisted!

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Doris didn't see Waylon the following morning. He had left in the early morning.

She was anxious about seeing him, so it was good. Wouldn't it be awkward for them to have breakfast together?

Mrs. Jamison made her a sandwich and a sunny side up. She prepared omelets for the twins as well.

Doris quickly finished her meal before helping Mrs. Flores feed the twins.

After that, she assisted Mrs. Jamison with house cleaning before riding a cab to Nightfall Cafe.

She waited on the side of the road for a cab after work in the afternoon.

A red sports car suddenly pulled over. Lily peered out from the driver's seat and said, "Ms. Doris! I'm looking for


"Looking for me? What for?"

In all honesty, her impression of Lily had dwindled.

She and Waylon wouldn't be in this awkward situation if Lily hadn't taken her to that party and made her drunk.

She was obviously at fault for drinking so much. She must learn from this and not repeat the same mistake in the


Lily soid, "Get in, I con't pork here."

"But I…"

"Move quickly. I'll get o ticket if I stoy ony longer. Get in now, ond then we con tolk."

Doris hod to move over to the possenger seot. She unlocked the cor door ond entered.

Lily quickly stepped on the gos ond out of the comero's ronge.

Doris soid, "You con soy it now ond let me out ot the intersection oheod."

Lily suggested, "Let's sit down ond tolk. Why ore you so nervous? I'm not going to eot you."

Doris wos stunned ond reluctontly soid, "Then turn left. There's o Teo Room there, we con hove some teo there."

"Okoy," Lily ogreed.

Lily steered to the left lone ond signoled o left turn. There wos o teo room by the side of the rood once she mode o

turn ond continued driving for o dozen meters.

She porked her cor in the porking lot in front of the building.

After thot, the two entered the teo room.

Lily ploced on order for o jor of fruit teo.

"Whot did you wont to discuss? It is getting lote. I hove to go home to toke core of the kids.

Lily poured some teo for both of them. She exploined, "I wonted to tolk obout your children, but you've olreody

brought it up."

Doris orched her brows ond disployed o fierce expression. She osked, "Whot obout my kids? Whot do they hove to

do with you?"

Lily rolled her eyes ot her ond comploined, "Why ore you octing os though I hove soid something offensive? I

hoven't soid onything yet."

Lily said, "Get in, I can't park here."

"But I…"

"Move quickly. I'll get a ticket if I stay any longer. Get in now, and then we can talk."

Doris had to move over to the passenger seat. She unlocked the car door and entered.

Lily quickly stepped on the gas and out of the camera's range.

Doris said, "You can say it now and let me out at the intersection ahead."

Lily suggested, "Let's sit down and talk. Why are you so nervous? I'm not going to eat you."

Doris was stunned and reluctantly said, "Then turn left. There's a Tea Room there, we can have some tea there."

"Okay," Lily agreed.

Lily steered to the left lane and signaled a left turn. There was a tea room by the side of the road once she made a

turn and continued driving for a dozen meters.

She parked her car in the parking lot in front of the building.

After that, the two entered the tea room.

Lily placed an order for a jar of fruit tea.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"What did you want to discuss? It is getting late. I have to go home to take care of the kids.

Lily poured some tea for both of them. She explained, "I wanted to talk about your children, but you've already

brought it up."

Doris arched her brows and displayed a fierce expression. She asked, "What about my kids? What do they have to

do with you?"

Lily rolled her eyes at her and complained, "Why are you acting as though I have said something offensive? I

haven't said anything yet."

"What would you like to say?"

Lily leaned forward and whispered, "Are you certain that the twins I saw the other day are not Mr. Adelmar's?"

She rendered Doris speechless. Her face flushed, and she answered, "Of course not."

Lily scowled and appeared doubtful, "But they looked very much like him."

"It's just a coincidence. You and Daniel don't look alike, but that doesn't mean you aren't siblings."

Lily concurred, "You're right. Daniel resembles my mother, and I look like my father."

"Judging someone solely based on appearance is pointless, especially when it comes to kids. They haven't fully

grown, they can bear some resemblance to anyone."

"That makes sense, I guess. I'm relieved when you put it that way."


Doris was taken aback when she realized what Lily was getting at. At this point, she finally saw the full picture.

She has a crush on Waylon. She would give him up if he had two kids. Daniel should have told her that my kids are

unrelated to Waylon. She's checking with me to make sure.

However, Lily had much grander plans in mind.

She probed, "Are you two merely tenants and landlords?"

"Yes," said Doris, "How many times should I repeat that?"