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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate

Chapter 125
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#Chapter 125 – Murder for Hire


The attack comes just before I reach the edge of the Calypso territory

I left the car at the edge of the woods when night fell, wanting to do a bit of reconnaissance before

deciding how my quest should proceed. There’s a chance that when all is said and done I’ll retrieve the

car and enter Tartarus without further deception, driving right up to the front door and introducing

myself to Blaise Denizen under a diplomatic front,

However, I think it’s far more likely that I’m going to need to hide my presence here at all costo. I

suspect that if I do approach Denizen in person, it will not be under my true identity. However I can’t

decide which tact to choose before I’ve been the Calypso pack for myself. I want to find out what the

common people know about their Alpha’s quest to find Volana wolves, and I need to get my boatings

and plan contingencies including escape routes in case things take a turn for the worse.

The Eastern mountains aren’t nearly as tall as those surrounding Elysium, but they do seem to have

been corved from pure granite, Dense trees are broken up by massive boulders and rockfaces my

paws scrabble over without croco, and I actually consider shifting back into human form to climb up

some of the trickler inclines. Still, the night is cool and quiet, with the waning moon ohining bright


Following my nose towards the city and enjoying the freedom to stretch my legs after so many hours of

being cramped in the car, I tackle the steep slopes and unfamiliar terrain with increasing vigor. The

closer I draw to my destination, the more my curiosity grows. I also con’t help but thinking that the

sooner my mission is complete, the sooner I can return home to my family, I already miss Selene and

Lila, though it’s barely been two days since I left them. I’m still picturing their beautiful faces when I

hear quiet footsteps moving through the woods a few hundred meters to the south. Pretending I don’t

hear whoover is on my trail, Iscent the air. Unfortunately they’re downwind, sol can scarcely smell

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

them. However I can tell there are at least a dozen shifters, and they aren’t all wolves. There’s at least

two felines and one bear, which frankly doesn’t bode well for me,

I’ve been so focused on the threat posed by Blaise Denizen that I didn’t give much thought to rogues

and bandits in the borderlands, but now I’m kicking myself for the oversight. Hopefully when they see

I’m in wolf form and not carrying anything of value they’ll pass by without incident, but one can never be

too careful.

They’re moving faster now, doubtless trying to reach me before I can cross over into Calypso territory,

where Blaise will undoubtedly have sentries patrolling the forest. If I were so inclined, I could break into

a run and probably reach safety before they can catch up. But it’s not in my nature to run from a fight,

and if I’m wrong and they do follow me across the border, I’ll have wasted my energy in the chase.

Instead I turn to face them head on, watching as seven gray wolves, two foxes, three bobcats and a

black bear come slinking through the trees around me, their eyes glowing in the pitch darkness. Three

of the wolves are females, but they’re all clearly rogues. Their shabby appearances and plentiful battle

scars combine to emit an undeniable aura of menace.

If you’ve come looking for an easy mark, I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed. I tell them, sending

out a wave of Alpha authority that visibly startles the group. A few of the shifters exchange surprised

glances, and I continue, I don’t have any money or valuables on me, you might as well move along.

The largest wolf omong the ragtag pack steps forward, and I clock a long scar through one of his

golden eyes. He bares her fangs, growling low and deep, We aren’t here to steal from you, Durand.

My heart sinks when I hear my name. This is not good. The only silver lining is that I made the right

decision by not running, these shifters have only one goal in mind attack. So you know who I am, I

snarl, not letting my agitation show. But you clearly didn’t warn your pack who they’d be dealing with. I

know! wouldn’t appreciate being kept out of the loop, especially since you’re putting their necks on the


An ripple of unease passes through the other shifters, and I know I’ve hit a nerve. Still, the leader

Ignores my words, you leave my people to me.

Of course, if they want to follow a bastard who doesn’t give a damn about their lives, that’s their choice.

I counter, hoping at least one or two of my attackers will abandon the fight before it begins. I

desperately need to thin

the herd if i’m going to win

Not going to offer to pay us off, Durand? The leader questions, almost seeming as though

I’m letting him down.

No. I inform them stonily. They’ve clearly been hired to come after me, even if I was cowardly enough

to try and buy my safety, it wouldn’t do any good.

They’d only slit my throat after I paid them, in order to take what’s mine ond still collect their fee. If you

want my money you’ll have to find it yourself, assurning you survive that is

You’re awfully cocky for being so outnumbered Alpha. The wolf taunts.

I’ve survived worse odds. I announce coldly, and I have a hell of a lot more to fight for now than I did in

the past.

So I’ve heard. The man sinirks, sending a river of ice through my veins, I have a message for you. He

proclaims, salutations from my benefactor.

And who might that be?i demand.

The rightful heir to the Nova pack. The rogue explains, his eyes glittering with predatory glee, Frederic

wants you to know that you’ve had this coming for a long time.



#Chapter 125 – Murder for Hire

My cousin’s name bounces around my brain with painful reverberations. We’ve considered the

possibility of my late uncle’s surviving family being behind all our troubles ever since Mom saw Odile,

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

but this confirms it. Belatedly I realize my assailant is still speaking, pulling me out of my thoughts.

You should have sided with your uncle when he tried to claim his rightful place in the pack. The wolf

recites, clearly having memorized his little murder speach. Your father has already paid the price for his

mistake, and now it’s your turn.

If my uncle had been strong enough to lead the Nova pack, then he would be. I argue, my hackles

raised as I keep a sharp eye on all the shifters closing in. Though I have to admire Frederic learning

from his father’s mistakes. Clearly he knew he couldn’t defeat me in single combat. Does it worry you

that he felt the need to hire so many of you to try and bring me down? Do you truly enjoy doing a

coward’s bidding so much that you’re willing to risk me killing you the way my father killed his – in one


I’m not finished. The wolf interjects, sounding no less confident even though his compatriots are looking

increasingly nervous. Frederic says not to worry about Selene. He plans on taking very good care of

her, if you know what I mean.

A savage, thundering growl bursts from my chest, and half the assembled rogues visibly shiver.

Without another word, I lunge for the cocky wolf, moving so quickly he doesn’t have time to even

register my attack before my jaws are locked around his throat. Sinking my fangs in deep, I rip his flesh

from his bones, killing him in one vicious strike and letting his bloody corpse fall to the ground at my


I can see wolves lunging in my periphery, but I also notice the foxes and bobcats taking off at a run,

clearly seeing reason and deciding not to take on a predator twice their size. Fangs slice into my

haunches, but I throw off my attacker, flinging their body into the rocks so forcefully they pass out cold.

I dispatch the other wolves one by one, but then the bear is running towards me, roaring like a wild

beast. Calculations race through my mind. I’ve never fought such a large opponent, though while he

might be bigger, I know I’m faster. I wait until his slobbering fangs are only a foot away from my face,

before diving beneath him and dragging my razor sharp claws down his torso, gutting him like a fish,

The remaining rogues take one look at my blood drenched body and rabid expression and turn tail,

fleeing as fast as their terrified feet can carry them. Howling into the darkness with triumph and rage, I

take off back towards the car.

I have to warn Selene!