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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler

Chapter 116
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Chapter 116 “No, I’m sorry. I admit I’ve crossed the line,” Cedrick apologized awkwardly, and Catelyn

almost could not believe her ears. The prideful Cedrick was apologizing to her? While Catelyn was lost in

her thoughts, Cedrick took the opportunity to close the door and strode inside to take a seat on the sofa.

His temples were still a little swollen. Catelyn came to herself, but could only stare at Cedrick. Did he just

come into her home so freely? He threw a tantrum and just waltzed in after an awkward apology? “I

asked you to get out, Cedrick. Did you not hear me?” Catelyn walked up to him, her eyes still stinging

red, as she threatened, “Don’t blame me if you don’t get out now! Get up, quickly!” She would not want

her neighbors to see this. She was a single mom raising her child, for goodness’ sake! Cedrick did not

budge, however, and instead stretched his arms and casually laid down on the sofa. He took a look at

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the apartment through the corner of his eyes. This was not even as big as a bathroom at Mason Estate.

The interior and furniture were all basic with a minimalistic Scandinavian theme. However, everything

was arranged neatly around the house, and even though there was a young boy in the household,

nothing was in clutter. “What’ll you do since I’m not getting out?” Catelyn was dumbfounded. He was not

taking her seriously at all, was he?


Catelyn could not threaten to call 911, everything was useless against him. She went forward to tug at

his arm, attempting to drag his body out of the living room. She was flustered and did not know what else

to do than this. Cedrick did not expect her to do so, but he lazily sat on the sofa, his feet on the floor. His

nonchalant attitude made Catelyn even angrier at the sight, and she started pulling him harder.

This was a tug-of-war between them both. Not only was Catelyn unsuccessful in moving Cedrick by an

inch, but she made a complete fool out of herself in the process, too.

Her breaths were short, and beads of sweat started forming on her forehead, ones that glittered under

the sunlight. The air was filled with the floral scent of gardenias, which got Cedrick distracted as his arm

tensed abruptly.

Catelyn, at that moment, was exerting the greatest strength she could muster, and she suddenly lost her

balance and toppled over. Her cheek pressed against his firm chest, and she could hear his strong,

rhythmic heartbeat. Cedrick was so tall that even though he was sitting, Catelyn looked small right next

to him. Catelyn caught a whiff of his alluring scent, and she could not help but lift her head to look up.

Similarly, he was looking down at the same time. Their gazes locked onto each other’s. Within that

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fraction of a second, Catelyn felt as though she was electrocuted and quickly turned her gaze away.

Catelyn pushed his chest away and helped herself up, facing her back to him as she inwardly regretted

everything. He was just too shameless. At the same time, she had handled this too poorly. She should

have just ignored him! Cedrick noticed Catelyn’s ears turning red, while his arm-right where she just

touched-felt warm.

He coughed gently and loosened his tie slightly. Two of the buttons on his shirt popped, too. He took out

a phone from his bag and placed it on the table. “I brought your phone along.” Catelyn took a deep, long

breath, and made sure she composed herself before she turned around to get her phone. She phoned

Miss Jane.

Nobody answered.

“Did you do something to my phone?” she questioned with a frown, her voice still coarse. Cedrick looked

at her in displeasure. “Its battery was flat, and your phone went off,” he responded somewhat icily. “Did

you not see it?” Catelyn was stunned for a moment before she plugged in her phone to charge. The two

then fell silent.