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Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife by Lil’ Bamboo

Chapter 682
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Chapter 682

“Mr. Valor, I did as you instructed, so please let me live!” pleaded Yuri nervously.

Jackson’s gaze was dark This man was one of the main culprits behind Serenity’s wrongful conviction. “As long as

you don’t say a word about what happened, I’ll let you keep your life.”

Upon hearing that, Yuri let out a sigh of relief.

If given a choice, he would have stayed abroad and never surrendered himself to the authorities. He had only done

so under Jackson’s coercion

Even when it came to someone who was hiding abroad, Jackson had many ways to assert his influence.

“Then, my family “Yuri spoke with a panicky tone,

“Your family doesn’t know what you’ve done, and I won’t lay a finger on them. However-” Jackson’s abrupt pause

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brought back Yurl’s fear “You’re gonna have to pay a steep price for Serenity’s wrongful conviction all those years


Yuri was about to protest when Jackson rose from his seat abruptly as if he couldn’t be bothered to hear what he

had to say. ” Mr. Volkov, I’m not the one who spared your life. For that, you’ll have to thank Serenity. Had it not been

for her, you wouldn’t be here talling to me right now.”

A look of panic flashed across Yuri’s eyes. Naturally, he knew what Jackson was implying.

“Here’s a final reminder. It’s best to leave things unsaid. Otherwise, you’re gonna suffer a fate worse than

imprisonment. I can vouch for that!” After issuing his final warning, Jackson left the interview room.

Yuri found himself drenched in cold sweat the moment he heard that.

He knew that if Jackson felt like torturing him, he had countless methods at his disposal. Even if he sought shelter

abroad, he’d be hunted down relentlessly.

The best thing he could do now was to comply with his instructions.

At that point, a gut feeling told Yuri that Jackson wasn’t going to just stop at him. He would also be going after the

rest who were involved in the plot.

Yuri Volkov was merely step number one.

Serenity returned to her hometown to attend her grandmother’s funeral ceremony, where she bumped into

Lynette again.

For some reason, she seemed to be deliberately avoiding her. Throughout the entire event, they hardly spoke to

each other.

However, Serenity didn’t suspect anything in particular. After all, they weren’t at odds with each other. Not to

mention, she still had doubts about the dreams she had been having.

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However, those dreams had gone away for the past few nights.

Just as they were about to leave town, Serenity asked Jackson, “There’s a place I’d like to visit. Is it okay if I go there

before we leave?”

“Sure,” he replied, “Where would you like to go?”

Their car came to a stop in front of a hill, and Jackson remained dead silent. Thanks to his investigation, he knew

about the

woods behind this hill too.

Although it was just a hill, the vegetation was thick and littered with prickly thorns. There were also parts of the

terrain that were extremely steep. Each year, a variety of fatalities reportedly occurred here.

More importantly, this was where Lucas and Serenity had first met!

The person whom Lucas had been searching high and low for was the little girl who had saved him from this

hazardous place!