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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 629
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Chapter 629 Deliberately Flirting

An hour later, Shawn and I arrived in the city. The city's night view was beautiful. He purposely had the driver take

us to the night market. I strolled ahead while quietly followed behind me. I bought various trinkets that I planned to

bring back to Finland and Bryxton. Later, Shawn also had someone to buy the tickets as he took me to the music


Our seats were in the middle. Shawn sat beside me. I rested my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the music


Listening to music was itself an enjoyable experience. Moreover, the person I loved was sitting next to me. Halfway

through the performance, I discreetly held Shawn's hand and pulled it into my embrace, placing it on my belly.

Reacting instinctively, he began rubbing my belly gently.

Did he think that I wasn't feeling well?

Shawn is really interesting.

Although everyone said that he's not.

After the concert ended, as soon as Shawn and I stepped outside, someone recognized me. "Oh my God, are you

the female pianist who performed with Christopher Forger on stage? I'm a fan of his, and I was also at the concert

that day. Nice to meet you. Can I take a photo with you?"

I stole a glance at Shawn, and he showed no signs of impatience. I replied to her in English, "Sure, why not?"

After taking the photo, she happily left. I hooked my arm on Shawn's and said, "I suddenly became famous for no


"Christopher is trying to promote you," he said.

I nodded gratefully and said, "He's really nice. There was supposed to be another performance in Norway, but I

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

couldn't make it due to unforeseen circumstances."

I took out my phone and said, "Let me contact him."

In the past few days, I hadn't had much energy to pay attention to external matters as I worried about Shawn. Now

that the situation was resolved, I should explain things to Christopher.

I dialed his number and leisurely strolled along the street with Shawn. A few seconds later, Emma answered my


I smiled and asked, "Where's your husband?"

"He's cooking. Christopher, Renee is looking for you!"

Christopher's warm and gentle voice came from the other end of the phone. "I can't free up my hands at the

moment. Emmie, put the phone on speaker please."

Emma seemed to have put it on speaker, and I heard Christopher's caring voice as he asked, "How have you been,

little girl?"

I said apologetically, "I'm sorry I didn't make it to the concert in Norway and disappeared. It caused trouble for


"No worries. Ms. Johnston was there, so I had her take your place. It was a rare opportunity and a chance for her to

grow," Christopher replied.

"That's good. Thank you so much, Christopher!"

"No problem. As long as you're doing well."

After exchanging pleasantries, I hung up the phone and noticed Shawn closing his eyes. Concerned, I asked him,

"Are you feeling unwell? Let's find a hotel and rest."

"I mentioned during the day that I injured my eyes in the snow, so I keep closing them subconsciously. It's not a big

deal," he explained.

"I'm tired too. Let's go to a hotel," I suggested.

Shawn opened his eyes and rubbed my cheeks. "Okay."

We casually walked around and settled at the nearest hotel we came across. Shawn handed his passport to the


"Miss, please provide your passport as well."

I took out my passport from my sling bag and handed it to her.

After checking in, I followed Shawn to our room. He looked pale and tired, so I asked, "Are you going to sleep?"

He shook his head and replied, "Ray, I want to take a shower."

Shawn was a clean freak, and he must have been uncomfortable for the past few days. Worried, I said, "Your

wounds shouldn't come into contact with water."

His face was filled with disappointment upon hearing that.

I hesitated before asking, "Do you want me to help you?"

Upon hearing my reply, he smiled and said, "I'd love that."

I instantly realized his anticipation and roasted. "You were waiting for me to say that, weren't you?"

He neither admitted nor denied it.

He neither admitted nor denied it.

I found it funny and took him to the bathroom. I filled the bathtub with hot water and undressed him. Shawn was

completely naked. He sat in the bathtub with both legs submerged in the warm water while keeping his back turned

to me.

I wiped his body with a wet towel while he remained silent and hunched over, allowing me to handle him at will.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Helping Shawn to take a bath was more tiring than bathing me, and I had to be cautious not to touch his wounds.

Therefore, the whole process was extremely exhausting.

However, my heart was filled with joy.

After the bath, I put a bathrobe on him. The bathrobes in the presidential suite were brand new, so Shawn did not

object to wearing one.

After he was dressed, he suddenly bent down, embracing me. I softly asked him, "What's wrong?"

"In the past, no one was there to bathe me when I was injured."

So that was what was on his mind!

I wrapped my arms around his waist and said, "I'm more than willing to do these little things for you. I'm just

worried that I won't be able to control myself. After all, your youthful body is quite tempting. Hahaha. I'm just


Shawn nuzzled his cheek against mine, just like a dog showing affection to its owner. He did it for a while before

saying, "Sure, as you wish."

As I wish…

Does that mean I can have his body in any way I want?

It's really tantalizing.

I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks!

No, no. I should say that my nose is about to bleed!

I lowered my voice and said, "Please don't do this."

Looking puzzled, Shawn asked, "Why?"

I questioned him, "You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?"

"What do you mean, Ray?"

I firmly replied, "You're deliberately flirting with me."

"Heh, you're not too stupid," he responded with a playful tone.