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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 566
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Chapter 566 It’s Him?

Gary didn't say anything else that night. Out of curiosity, I asked him, "Are you not planning to get married?"

He was about 33 or 34 years old. Even though he wasn't that young anymore, I had never seen him in a

relationship throughout all these years. He was by himself even until now. Was he planning to live the rest of his life


"I haven't got any plans for marriage. I'm going with the flow."

"Oh. I was just asking because I was curious."

After Gary left me to keep an eye on Ezekiel, I stayed in the ward and waited for Shawn's good night message. I

only lay down and went to sleep peacefully after that.

My routine nowadays had been more consistent. I woke up slightly after 7.00AM the next morning and had my

breakfast. Thinking that it should be about time that the child arrived, I took out my phone and checked for his flight


It turned out that he would only be here at 5.00PM.

I then sent Emma and May a message, asking them to come with me to pick up the child so that he could feel the

warmth of having a family. By getting my friends to take him from the airport and give him presents, I wanted him

to know that there were tons of people around him who cared about him.

However, I started wondering whether it was too miserly to only bring the two ladies with me.

With that in mind, I messaged my parents, Clair, and Florence about it. After their initial surprise about my adopting

a child in his early adolescence, I explained the situation to them and told them to prepare a gift.

Robert suddenly came to me and went, "I want to go."

Where is he thinking of going?

And that righteous tone of his!

I suddenly remembered what I told my parents on the phone just now.

Robert was enthusiastic about family activities like this. This was actually the kind of life he longed for the most.

"Come along, then. Remember to bring a present."

After informing everyone, I went to get changed and left. I got a reply from May when I was on the road.

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It suddenly occurred to me that she told me yesterday about her trip there. 'No problem. I'll ask Olivia if she is in


I sent Olivia a message before meeting up with Emma. I only got Olivia's reply then. 'Yeah. I came back to Bryxton


I already guessed that because Nicholas was in Ashere yesterday.

She was quick to reply after I told her the situation. 'I can make time! Where are you, Renee?'

I sent her my and Emma's location.

Only after I was done with the arrangement did Emma ask, "Are you sure about this? Renee, the moment the child

comes to your house, you have to be responsible for the life of a stranger. It will be easy to feed him and keep him

alive, but he isn't a pet. What he needs isn't food. You have to hold responsibility for his emotions, growth, and life

up until he gets married and has his own child. Are you ready to do all that?"

I let out a faint smile. "I didn't think so deeply into it as you did, but I know what my responsibilities are. His future

weal and woe will all concern me the instant I decide to take care of him for life."

I would treat him like my own.

I wanted him to be an outstanding person.

Emma no longer questioned my decision when she saw how sure I was. Instead, she asked about Eilam. "How old is

the kid?"

"Probably 11."

I forgot about the specifics.

Emma froze upon hearing my words. "He is only 14 years younger than you?"

I glanced at her from the corners of my eye. "What's the problem with that?"

"What about when you attend the parent-teacher conference at his school? People will think that you are his

stepmother when they see how young you are. You're seriously impressive, Renee!"

"Emma, I know that our fates are intertwined."


His loneliness was forever and eternal, just as his name suggested.

He was a pitiful child who deserved my sympathy.

"Let's go get him a gift."

"Okay. I'll send Olivia the address when we reach the place."

Emma and I went to a big shopping mall in the city center. After sending Olivia the location, the two of us wandered


Emma had gotten more liberal with her money ever since she became Mrs. Forger. I couldn't help complimenting

her when she generously bought a branded watch worth thousands as a gift.

"You sure are generous with your money."

"I can't be stingy when it's our first time meeting. He will repay me when he grows up and earns his own money."

I couldn't help telling her that I was impressed by how far ahead she had planned.

She reacted by giggling at my words. Not long after, Olivia, who didn't look like she was doing well, came over. "I

look sickly, don't I?"

I nodded. "What happened?"

"I have been staying up all night recently. Gosh, I feel like I might drop dead. This can't go on. I have to fix my


"What's been keeping you up?" Emma asked.

"I have been learning embroidery, and I'm making a piece with dancing Golden Pheasants so that I can give it to my

husband when he comes back. But my hands aren't the most agile. With how slow I'm going, I'm afraid it will take

longer than expected."

Emma started to tease her. "That's why you stay up at night?"

"I want to score some brownie points with my husband!" Olivia insisted.

She had finally found the man she loved and treated sincerely.

"Let's go. We have to choose a present." She walked ahead and turned around, shouting, "Renee, Emma, hurry up!

It's almost 5.00PM!"

Olivia didn't feel awkward at all when she called Emma so intimately.

She had already let go of her more than a decade's worth of youth.

I hooked my arm around Emma's and followed Olivia. Emma was the only one among us who had gotten a gift, but

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Olivia soon got a set of castle building blocks. Seeing how extravagant their presents were, I picked a pair of shoes,

a coat, and a white short-sleeved top.

By the time we got to the airport, my parents, Clair, and Florence were already there. Robert stood behind

everyone with Tamara in his arms, while Florence was hugging a fresh bouquet.

As soon as my mother saw me, she hurriedly asked, "What is his name?!"

"Eilam Yonder. You can call him El."

My mother happily bobbed her head. "Now that there is another member in our family, the house will be a lot


She wasn't wrong, but Eilam was quite withdrawn.

I could say for sure that he wasn't as charming and lovable as Robert.

My father was the next to ask, "Will he take your family name?"

The children of the Felix Family—Clair, Leon, and myself included—were all adoptees. That was why my parents

didn't reject the idea of adoption. They were even passionate about it.

They were happier than I was at the addition of a new member to the family.

I shook my head and answered, "It's up to him."

Eilam was in his pre-teens after all. He had long since been capable of thinking for himself. There were a lot of

things that couldn't be forced. I wanted him to decide for himself.

The flight ended up being delayed. But even though his plane landed at 6.00PM, none of us was impatient from the

wait. While we were waiting, Shawn sent me a message.

'What are you up to, Mrs. Xenos?'

Seeing this, I told him about Eilam.

'You've never told me about this, Mrs. Xenos.'

'I made a promise to him on the day Mom passed away. I told him to let the butler at the castle contact me if he

wanted a new home, and he rather suddenly did just that yesterday. I didn't tell you in case you were busy

yesterday. I'll tell you more later tonight.'

'What is the boy's name?'

'Eilam Yonder.'

'It's him?'