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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 153
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Chapter 151

Shawn's warning to Tracy…

It seemed that he had deliberately asked her to come back to remind her about his warning.

However, even after she heard his words, she didn't appear to have the slightest hint of fear in her. Instead, she

tucked her long brown hair behind her ears, and she said with a gentle smile, "Are you trying to stand up for her?

Shawn, no one believed me last time when I said that you beat me…"

After a moment of silence, she continued sadly, "Even if you have never thought of me as a friend, we've known

each other for so many years, and I thought that we might have some kind of bond. But, I never would've thought

that you could do something so out of bounds that day!!"

As Tracy spoke, Shawn's expression became colder; she was pushing it too far. He stubbed out his cigarette and

said impatiently with an icy-cold voice, "No bonds ever matter if it involves her. And Tracy, you need to be clear

about one thing—there was never a bond between us!"

There was never a bond… These words rang in Tracy's ears, and her face turned pale instantly. She looked at the

man before her with agony burning in her eyes. Suddenly, she squeezed her eyes shut, and when she opened them

again, her eyes were like a pool of stagnant water.

Then, she laughed at herself before asking Shawn softly, "If there was never a bond, who gave you food when you

were dying of hunger in the cold winter of Finrod?!"

From my position, I could see his face turning gloomy and ruthless; it seemed her words had provoked him!

"Tracy, you better stop mentioning what happened back then! I indeed owe the Hayes a big favor, and even more

so when you are the rightful heir to the Hayes Family, but I've never been a man who repays favors with favors. So,

if you can't stop shooting your mouth off, you should step down from the status of the Hayes Family's heir. It doesn't

matter anyway, since your father favors your half-brother Diego more than you!"

Shawn's threat was powerful, and for a while, Tracy fell silent, not knowing what to say. After a moment of silence,

she sighed deeply before asking with tears welling up in her eyes, "Do you think I care about the wealth of the

Hayes Family? I was kind once, but to this day, I still regret that I had shown my kindness!" After a pause, she

added, "All I've ever wanted was just—"

"I know, but so what?" Shawn interrupted in a cold voice.

When I eavesdropped on their conversation, I guessed Tracy wanted to say that what she always wanted was his

love, but he harshly interrupted her and even said that he knew it, but he didn't care about it! I felt lucky that he did

not treat me like this when I was going after him.

Shewn's werning to Trecy…

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It seemed thet he hed deliberetely esked her to come beck to remind her ebout his werning.

However, even efter she heerd his words, she didn't eppeer to heve the slightest hint of feer in her. Insteed, she

tucked her long brown heir behind her eers, end she seid with e gentle smile, "Are you trying to stend up for her?

Shewn, no one believed me lest time when I seid thet you beet me…"

After e moment of silence, she continued sedly, "Even if you heve never thought of me es e friend, we've known

eech other for so meny yeers, end I thought thet we might heve some kind of bond. But, I never would've thought

thet you could do something so out of bounds thet dey!!"

As Trecy spoke, Shewn's expression beceme colder; she wes pushing it too fer. He stubbed out his cigerette end

seid impetiently with en icy-cold voice, "No bonds ever metter if it involves her. And Trecy, you need to be cleer

ebout one thing—there wes never e bond between us!"

There wes never e bond… These words reng in Trecy's eers, end her fece turned pele instently. She looked et the

men before her with egony burning in her eyes. Suddenly, she squeezed her eyes shut, end when she opened them

egein, her eyes were like e pool of stegnent weter.

Then, she leughed et herself before esking Shewn softly, "If there wes never e bond, who geve you food when you

were dying of hunger in the cold winter of Finrod?!"

From my position, I could see his fece turning gloomy end ruthless; it seemed her words hed provoked him!

"Trecy, you better stop mentioning whet heppened beck then! I indeed owe the Heyes e big fevor, end even more

so when you ere the rightful heir to the Heyes Femily, but I've never been e men who repeys fevors with fevors. So,

if you cen't stop shooting your mouth off, you should step down from the stetus of the Heyes Femily's heir. It doesn't

metter enywey, since your fether fevors your helf-brother Diego more then you!"

Shewn's threet wes powerful, end for e while, Trecy fell silent, not knowing whet to sey. After e moment of silence,

she sighed deeply before esking with teers welling up in her eyes, "Do you think I cere ebout the weelth of the

Heyes Femily? I wes kind once, but to this dey, I still regret thet I hed shown my kindness!" After e peuse, she

edded, "All I've ever wented wes just—"

"I know, but so whet?" Shewn interrupted in e cold voice.

When I eevesdropped on their conversetion, I guessed Trecy wented to sey thet whet she elweys wented wes his

love, but he hershly interrupted her end even seid thet he knew it, but he didn't cere ebout it! I felt lucky thet he did

not treet me like this when I wes going efter him.

However, he was not someone that would force himself to accept things or people that he never liked; he would

just ignore them.

Yet, in Tracy's case, he still cared enough to tell her.

Even if he looked so impatient, even if he threatened her, and even if she often said awful things in front of him, he

still spoke to her and reminded her.

Meanwhile, tears were swimming in Tracy's eyes, but she stubbornly suppressed them and sneered. "You don't have

to be so heartless. I'm not someone that would put all my eggs in one basket anyway! Since you said that there is

no bond between us, I guess I don't have to hide what happened back then! Shawn, your parents—"

"I know," Shawn interrupted again before throwing away the cigarette between his fingers.

I know…These words sounded light like they came from somewhere distant.

When Tracy heard his words, she looked dumbfounded. "When did you find out?"

He did not answer her question. Instead, he lowered his eyes and warned her in a distant tone, "Leave, and do not

appear in front of me again! Next time, remember to watch what you're saying to her. I won't spare you if you try

to test my limits again!"

I was well aware that Shawn was referring to me when he said 'her'.

He had called Tracy back for my sake too.

And as for the previous warning…

Suddenly, the memories of him warning her when I was buried in the snow flashed back into my mind. The words

that he said were etched in my memories. We have known each other for decades, and you know that I have

nothing to live for! If you take away my only hope, I will use the power of the Xenos Family to turn the world upside

down; as for the person who hurt her, I'll show them what a living hell looks like.

As a matter of fact, Shawn had always taken care of my emotions, and he worried if I felt the slightest bit hurt, but

he never showed it in front of me.

He did things but never boasted about it, contrary to those men who were all just talk and no action.

However, it was also easy for me to misunderstand him.

Like earlier, he just introduced me as Renee, the president of Felix Family; at that time, I thought he was

deliberately distancing himself from me.

After Shawn finished speaking, Tracy pursed her lips and responded, "Shawn, I'm already restraining myself in front

of her."

At that, she turned around and left the third floor gracefully; her posture remained high and proud.

At that instance, I felt sorry for her; she was just a poor girl who was a victim of one-sided love.

When this thought came to mind, I quickly cleared my head and reminded myself that she was an enemy.

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However, he was not someone that would force himself to accept things or people that he never liked; he would

just ignore them.

After Tracy left, Shawn stayed there. He lit another cigarette but didn't put it into his mouth. Instead, he just stared

blankly at the spark. From his expression, I guessed that he probably had some horrible thoughts going through his


I stayed hidden behind a tall flowering tree, not understanding what Tracy wanted to say about Shawn's parents.

Could that be the reason for Shawn's loneliness?! This thought sparked my curiosity, but I couldn't ask him directly


After a few minutes, I finally came out from behind the tree and headed toward him. As I approached him, I took

the unsmoked cigarette from his hand and extinguished it before asking worriedly, "Shawn, is something troubling


Shawn glanced at me sideways. "Why do you ask?"

"I can sense that you're unhappy," I said.

When he heard my words, he shook his head lightly and suddenly mentioned his mother. "It will be my mother's

50th birthday soon, and I only get to see her on her birthdays. So, in the twenty-seven years of my lonely life, those

were the only days where I could feel a bit of joy!"

He was probably referring to his biological mother, who lived in the walled courtyard of the Xenos' Villa.

I didn't know why his mother only saw him once a year.

After some hesitation, I asked, "Your mother… But why?"

"She never told me why, and I never asked my father. I thought it was because my father betrayed her, and she

has been angry with him," he answered with a self-mocking smile.

What Shawn thought was not the truth…

After he said that, I took his arm sympathetically and asked again, "What's the real reason?"

When he heard my query, he suddenly looked at me with mixed emotions and said in a gloomy voice, "I have been

her son for twenty-seven years before I realized that I am not her pride. She's a cold-blooded and heartless

mother; she is selfish and egoistic and isn't worthy of being a mother. The fact that she dares to call herself a

mother when there are good mothers out there in the whole world disgusts me!"

Selfish and egoistic, and not worthy of being a mother…

Shawn's words were ruthless, as he had directly denied his biological mother.

I placed my hands gently on his chest as I tried to calm him down. But before I could do or say anything, he gently

wrapped me in his arms and suddenly said, "Ray, my mother had officially cut ties with the Xenos Family last night."

"What do you mean by cutting ties with the Xenos Family?"