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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 135
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Chapter 133

Dad looked terrified as if my arrival was disturbing their peaceful lives. Before I could process what he said, he had

already pulled me away from Mom. he pushed me out the door, but I held his arm, refusing to leave. I shook my

head, pleading, "Don't chase me out, Dad!" However, he turned a deaf ear to my please as he was adamant about

chasing me out. I was bawling like a little girl at this point. "Dad, I miss you. Both of you. Please don't chase me

away. I'll just stay for one night."

Dad stopped pushing me, but he seemed to age ten years in that instant. I stood outside the door while he stood

inside. "I miss you. I miss you a lot. Nine years and not a day passed where I did not want to go back and see you. I

keep wondering if she's doing fine. If anyone has been mistreating her. I wonder if she has gotten married and has

her own kid. Your mother and I have missed you, but we never did get any news about you. It wasn't until your

news hit Twitter did we see you again. You've grown into a pretty lady. I told your mother, 'That's our daughter.

She's all grown up and married to some punk now. But the guy she married is a piece of shit. She's unhappy and

now divorced.' Your mother couldn't even sleep when she found out you're divorced. I kept telling her that it was

fine. At least someone better would come along and give her the love she deserves."

I felt the waterworks turn on, and every word my father said carved a chunk of my heart out. It was as if my heart

was bleeding and in agony, but miraculously, what he said was healing me as well.

Dad sighed. He was still tearful and said, "You're the most important person in our lives. We'd love you to stay, but

that's not our choice to make. Renee, your mother, is keeping an eye on us, and your father suspects that you exist.

He's looking for you. Your mother and I will be in danger if they know that you came to us. Sorry, but you must


We'll be in trouble if you stay here. That was what Dad was saying to me. I looked at Mom, who was right behind

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him. She was staring at me, tears welling up in her eyes. She wanted me to stay, but she had no other choice.

I hung my head low at their rejection as I took a step backward out the door. "I'll be leaving right away." I hugged

Dad one last time, and before I left, I looked back at Mom. I asked through tears, "Who gave me the kidney


Mom answered, "Your mother. Your real mother."

My birth mother? Who the heck is she anyway? Why did she send me to the Felixs? And why did she save me if she

was ready to abandon me? I was not in the best of moods on the way back. I leaned back into the seat, ruminating

about the whole matter. Everything was jumbled up, and I struggled to make sense of it all. Eventually, I fell asleep

with all those thoughts whirling in my head.

The car skidded to a halt, and it turned over. I was stuck in the backseat, so I quickly asked Gary, "Are you alright,

Gary? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, Miss Felix," he answered. It was barely a whisper, but at least he was alive.

I heaved a sigh of relief when I heard his voice. Gary explained calmly, "It's raining again, Miss Felix. The car

slipped. I called the cops. Give them a minute. They'll be here soon."

My thighs felt like they were on fire. "Yeah, I'm okay."

My thighs were not the only part that was hurting. My back was killing me too. Nay, my whole body was in pain. My

phone rang a while later, but I could not find it. It sounded like it was behind me. So close but so far at the same


"It's Mr. Xenos, Miss Felix."

Shawn did not call me for days, but he contacted me when I got into trouble. It was like he knew my every

movement. I asked, "Where's my phone?"

"It's one foot behind you, Miss Felix."

Gary looked at me before pointedly shifting his gaze to where my phone was located. So, I stretched my hand

behind me and rummaged through the seat before finding my phone. Fortunately, Shawn didn't hang up. I wanted

to pick it up, but I also felt annoyed that he never called me once. Wait. Now's not the time to throw a tantrum.

I was almost passing out, but I managed to take the call. Shawn's reassuring voice said, "Wait for me, Myra."

Whoa. He didn't even ask me what happened? Just went straight to the chase? I forced a smile. "Why?"

"There's an app that can check your vitals installed on your phone. Your vitals are not looking good. How do you


Wow. He really knows me inside and out. I lied, "I'm fine." I could no longer feel the pain, and the rain was seeping

into the car. The light was dim, but I could see that Gary's face was caked in blood. Worried, I asked, "How do you


Gary insisted, "I'm fine, Miss Felix." He apologized, "Sorry. I should have been a better driver—"

I interrupted, "Gary, this is an accident. Nobody wanted this. None of us saw this coming. Don't beat yourself up

over this."

Gary gave me a grateful look. "It'll be fine, Miss Felix."

Yeah, we would be fine, but my eyelids were starting to weigh a ton. Shawn did not hang up, and nor did I. I did not

talk to him, however. I had no idea what to say. We were a couple, but we never did act like one.

I felt the rain pelting me. Suddenly, Gary comforted me, "Miss Felix, everyone on Twitter calls you a slut, but they

have no idea what you have gone through. They don't know your suffering, nor do they know what you really want.

And they don't know who you really are either."

"Just ignore them, Gary. I never told anyone this, but I was terrified when I was first diagnosed with cancer. I fell into

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a pit of despair. I needed someone to comfort me and tell me everything would be fine. The only person I could

trust at that time was my husband. I wanted him to show me some love, even a little. But no. Not even when I was

dying did he tell me it would be fine. I was lying on the bed in the villa that night, all alone, without anyone by my

side. It was snowing outside, and I thought I would die. I thought all my love would be gone with the wind after I


"What happened next, Miss Felix?"

"Then I found out I was still alive. At least I could find it in myself to love again, but I never did feel happy. It was like

a vicious cycle."

"Do you still feel sad even now?"

"No. It's just cold." I could feel my soul freezing over. Part of it was because of Shawn's indifference, and part of it

was being unable to reunite with my parents. The cold was putting me to sleep. Gary called out to me, but I had no

strength to reply to him.

I could hear Shawn sounding panicked through the phone. "Don't let her fall asleep, Gary!"

"Her eyes are closed, sir."

"Then wake her up!" Shawn ordered.

Gary was still calling my name. I could hear him, and I wanted to give him a reply, but I could never open my eyes.

Someone slapped me. Ow! I opened my eyes from the jolt of pain and saw Gary looking at me innocently.

I stared at him, dumbfounded. "Did you just slap me?"

Gary stared at me in aggrieved silence, and then Shawn gently asked, "Are you there, Myra?"

I had nothing to say to him, so I remained silent. He continued, "Talk to me." I could sense the fear in his voice.

I still did not talk to him. My thoughts were traveling in twelve different directions.

"Call my name, babe."

I muttered, "Shawn…"

"I'm here."