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Melinda President Fox’s Love

Chapter 154
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Chapter 154 Remove the Mask!

At the same time, Stephanie told Melinda, who were both upstairs. “If you don’t come down, Madam

will have the servants bring the meal up here, and she will eat together with you.” Stephanie’s intention

was clear. Melinda watched Stephanie’s retreating figure and felt that it was necessary to go

downstairs. regardless of whether she intended to eat or not. Just as she was about to leave the

research lab, her phone


She took out her phone and quickly glanced at the screen before answering. “Hello.”

Stanley immediately informed her of their arrival in Arunia upon getting off the private jet. “We have

landed at Arunia and are now in a beautiful estate with exceptional surroundings. Don’t worry, the kids

are incredibly excited.”

Almost instantly, Melinda’s eyes lit up with a smile, and she whispered, “That’s fantastic. Enjoy your

time there. Let’s talk later. I need to have dinner now,”

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“Sure, I’ll give you a call tonight. We still haven’t retrieved our luggage.”

“Alright.” Stanley then ended the call. With that. Melinda put her phone away before heading

downstairs. Upon reaching the dining room, Melinda sensed a different atmosphere compared to

previous occasions. Jennifer was sitting upright in a white chair while glaring furiously at her as she


Melinda halted her steps, and as she was about to speak, Jennifer suddenly demanded coldly. “Take

off the mask! Jennifer’s piercing gaze made Melinda nervous. “Hurry up!” Jennifer slammed the table,

which startled everyone present.

Melinda visibly flinched and wondered whether she had been recognized. After mentally preparing

herself for a few seconds, Melinda, under Jennifer’s watchful eyes, removed her black mask, and her

breathtakingly exquisite face was revealed. Seeing that made Jennifer frown, and her gaze grew even

colder. The atmosphere was tense, which left Stephanie momentarily speechless.

Step by step, Jennifer closed the distance and stood before Melinda, slapping Melinda on the face

while. she was at it. Following the slap, Melinda’s cars buzzed, anxo.com fast updated she was

dizzy. The pain swiftly spread as her face began to swell. Stephanie, who was beside them, stood in

shock and couldn’t believe that Jennifer had resorted to physical violence.

At the same time, Melinda suppressed her anger and reminded herself that Jennifer was Stanley’s

mother and the children’s grandmother who deserved respect. With that thought in mind, she shifted

her gaze and met Jennifer’s eyes. She could see the disdain and anger brimming in those eyes.

“You deceived me and my son!” Jennifer gave her a menacing gaze. “How long do you plan to put up

the act?!”


Melinda soon regained her composure and offered an apology for deceiving them. “I’m sorry. Before

she could utter another word, Jennifer humiliated her. “So, you’ve slept with Dr. Cohen, haven’t you?

Are these two children his offspring? Why else would he collaborate with you in this lie?!”

-“What are you talking about?” Melinda furrowed her brows and attempted to explain, “Dr. Co…”

“Do you still want to deny it? Can you come up with an even more absurd story?!” Jennifer’s anger

surged. “A country girl like you had the audacity to pretend that you are the Pharmacist, Chloe? What

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are you trying to accomplish?! Are the children Taylor’s?! The paternity test is fake, isn’t it?!”

Melinda was left speechless after listening to these words. She realized that now wasn’t the time for

explanations when she was faced with such a monstrous lunatic. A metallic taste filled her mouth, and


Remove the Mask!

realized she was bleeding after gently wiping her lips.

“If it weren’t for Monica’s reminder, you and Taylor would have completely drained the entire Fox

Family. wouldn’t you?!” Jennifer growled, “Speak up! What is your true purpose?! Is it all about

money?!” Melinda had never heard such deep-seated hatred in someone’s voice, and Jennifer’s eyes

were filled with wrath.

“He’s conducting medical research, and you’re taking credit?! Are you that shameless? Do you truly

believe the Fox Family is foolish!!” Meanwhile, Stephanie held onto Jennifer, fearing she would resort to

violence again. Jennifer trembled with anger, and her breathing got uneven as she snarled, “Melinda!!”

Melinda merely stared at her after realizing that further explanation was futile. She knew that now

wasn’t the time for it. “Get out!” Jennifer pointed toward the door. “Leave immediately! I never want to

see you again!”