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Melinda President Fox’s Love

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120 Blatant Provocation

Under the dim light, Melinda gazed at Stanley’s exquisite profile and believed that her actions had not

stirred him from his slumber. She suddenly felt a twinge of pity for the man standing at the pinnacle. No

matter how powerful or wealthy a person may be, there will always be scars in their heart as long as

they are alive, huh?

As she quietly lay down beside him with a half piece of jade pendant in her hand, memories of people

from the past flooded her mind, and some of their faces vividly appeared before her.

The next morning, Melinda woke up early and busied herself in the kitchen alone. The servants wanted

to help but could not be of any assistance.

“Mommy!” As he was in his overalls, Samuel approached the kitchen door and peeked inside. “Are you

making spaghetti for Daddy?”

“We’re having congee today.” She briefly looked back at him. “Daddy will have some too.”

Huh… She cooked it specifically for Daddy! Samuel purposely said, “Mommy, someone at Daddy’s

company made congee for him, but he didn’t touch it at all!”

Someone at the company? Is it Monica? “That’s not my concern.” Melinda blinked. “I made the

because I wanted to have some myself, so I made extra.”

She cares. Why doesn’t she express it? he thought.

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“Fine! Say whatever you want! Daddy has something to eat, either way!” He was determined to play

matchmaker for his parents.

After he left, she stood before the stove, feeling a subtle jealousy permeate her heart. Nevertheless,

she managed to hold herself back.

Perhaps Melinda was just another ordinary person unable to resist Stanley’s damn charm. However,

she could not show it because she was uncertain about his feelings and refused to become a

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“Mommy, do you have to keep an eye on the congee? Why don’t you use an electric cooker?” Pamela

approached. “You’ve been quite attentive to Daddy lately!”

Melinda turned off the fire and began to scoop the congee into bowls. “Quit the nonsense! Aren’t you

going to have some too?”

“What nonsense?” A low, magnetic male voice emerged from behind; its pleasantness was capable of

captivating one’s ears.

She shifted her gaze and noticed Stanley standing behind Pamela with his hands on her shoulders.

“Daddy, I have a secret to tell you!”

Then, she pulled away.

Melinda felt her cheeks blushing, and even her cars started to turn red. However, she quickly regained

her composure.

The atmosphere during breakfast was pleasant.

In the bright and minimalist dining room, Sherry prepared the kids’ favorites. It included chocolate

strawberry pie, shrimp dumplings, milk, fried eggs, and more.

Melinda handed the bowl of congee to Stanley and served herself a portion.

Samuel said, “Mommy made this congee for you! You have to finish it all!”

Stanley glanced at her across from him with a gentle expression and said, “Thank you.” He then picked

up the spoon.

She remained calm with no thoughts in her mind.

After breakfast, the driver took the kids to kindergarten. Melinda and Stanley carried them to the car,

waving goodbye as they said farewell.

“Are you not going to the office?” She noticed him heading toward the living room.

“It’s still early.” He did not look back, but she followed after him.

Moments later, he asked, “Are you planning to develop a treatment plan?”

“Yes, and I might need Taylor’s help. However, I need to assess the feasibility first.”

“Feel free to come to me if you need anything.

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In the living room, a news report was playing. “The eagerly anticipated TV adaptation of the popular

online “The Love in Sapphire Bay’ has now confirmed the cast after the successful sale of its


“The female lead will be portrayed by the renowned and charming actress Shirlene Grayson!”

“The male lead, Mervin Laurent, is a fresh face in the entertainment industry who captured the

director’s attention with his striking appearance. During auditions, he was revealed to be a hidden. gem

with a personality that closely aligns with the male lead in the original work. Filming is set to commence

next Monday, and we eagerly anticipate the remarkable performances these two talents will deliver.”

The prominent promotional poster on TV was a photo featuring Shirlene and Mervin. She emanated a

gentle and radiant beauty while he exuded a captivating blend of handsomeness and rebellious charm.

What a perfect match.

The female anchor also mentioned that Mervin had gained popularity on Twitter due to his

extraordinary looks and aura of nonchalance that captivated girls. Consequently, his name instantly

became the top trending topic. As he emerged as a newcomer who landed the lead role in a well-

known director’s work, netizens were eager to delve into his background.

Melinda, President Fox’s Love