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Luca’s Inferno by Karima Sa’ad Usman

Chapter 17
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17 An Impromptu Meet Luca. This was amazing. Emma was something else. Throughout my trip to Celio, all I thought about was our

night together. I wasn’t courting her, yet she responded to me as if we had been together for a long time.

The way she moaned and responded to my touch was like no other. The sex was perfect. I had to move

her to my room. After our night together, I knew I would not be able to handle being away from her. She

was amazing.

I kept adjusting myself in the back seat of the car. I did it so much that Gerald had to ask me if everything

was okay. Goddess knows if I had taken her with me on the trip, I would be pumping myself into her. I

wanted more. I had never been with an Omega before. Was this what it was like? She submitted her

entire body to me and gave me what I wanted. I wouldn’t have taken her if she did not ask me to. I did

not want to complicate our relationship, but the way my body was feeling got me worried.

I was okay with being friends. My lifestyle was too damn dangerous for someone like her. Even though I

knew she could defend herself, she did not have to live as the people in my world did. Once the marriage

is over, I would set her free. No matter how hard it would be, I will do it for her sake. It would cost me

dearly because I know I would miss her. If we were under different circumstances, I could easily say she

was my soul mate. My one month with her made me realise how perfect she was for me. She

understood and somehow knew me.

When we arrived at Alpha Gibson’s house in Celio, I was shocked to see the damage the attackers had

caused. They had left Alpha Gibson a message he wanted to share with me. “Alpha Luca, welcome,”

Tomas Jefferson said to me. I honestly wanted to beat him up for what he did to Emma and how he tried

to take advantage of her predicament, but I held my peace. I did not want to be the psycho husband

beating up his wife’s exes just because they were in her life.

“Thank you,” I said, and we sat in the lounge. His wife, Veronica, was there, and I could see why he

desperately wanted Emma back. Veronica had nothing on Emma. Alpha Gibson and his luna walked in,

and I noticed he was slightly injured. He greeted me with respect and sat down.

“I came as soon as I heard. Did they tell you the faction they belonged to?” I asked, and he nodded.

“They asked me to align with the Ricci family.” He said, and I frowned at him. I knew someone was trying

to set me against Castelo. It would be stupid to do that and leave a name knowing I would be told, but

that was how the mob operated, but Castelo had not come out to challenge my authority officially.

Something was wrong. “I will increase the security in Celio, especially around you. You also need to have

more trained wolves that can help you.” I told him, and he nodded.

“Is it true that you married an Omega from my pack?” Gibson asked me, a bit scared, thinking he had

crossed the line.

“Emma Wyatt. Is there a problem?” I asked, and he shook his head. “It is just that she is an omega from

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a very low family. For someone in your..” He said, and I raised my hands to shut him up.

“The Wyatts are no longer your concern, Gibson. I would appreciate it if you do not use such words when

speaking of my wife,” I warned him, and I could feel Tomas’s anger, but he dared not challenge me.

Gibson apologised, and we discussed other matters. We finished late and started heading back to

Ashfield. On our way, We were informed of an impromptu meeting with the Bianchis. I cursed at the

development. I really wanted to rush back home to Emma. I wanted to spend the entire day with her, but

that wasn’t possible, thanks to the meetings.

Gerald and I got to the hotel, and to my surprise, my family and the Bianchis were there. Teressa was

dressed nice and made to sit next to me. I greeted everyone and hugged them traditionally. I heard my

mother sigh with relief.

“Thank goddess..” I heard my mother say, and I realised what was happening. I did not want to be rude

to Mathais, so I remained silent.

“Glad you didn’t come with that Omega. This is what our family should look like,” my mother said, and I

got angry.

“Why say it is a business meeting? I did not come with my wife because I thought this was a business

meeting, and I was on my way back from Celio when you called to set it up,” I said, and my mother got


“You are letting her go in a few months, aren’t you?” She said, and I got angry. I was so mad. My mother

always forgets my status in society. I do not answer to anyone. I am above everyone, yet here she is

trying to treat me as if I am a little child who needs guidance. I wished my marriage with Emma wasn’t a

contract at this moment; I would have rubbed it in, but I knew keeping her with me because I wanted to

hurt some people was wrong. Emma deserved to be loved and have her own family. I can’t give her that,

and I think she knows too. That was why she said no strings attached.

“What is this meeting about?” I asked, ignoring her question and getting to the point. My mother smiled at

me and touched my hand. I pulled away immediately.

“Big brother, calm down,” Catalina, my baby sister, said, and I ignored her completely. My mother was

getting on my nerves.

“We are here to discuss your engagement to Teresa. Don Bianchi has offered to join forces with our

family if his daughter is married to you. It can also help with the issue you have with those traitors that

claim to be your friends. Ricci,” My father said, and I became mad.

“My business is none of your concern, father. You all seem to forget who I am and the fact that I answer

to no one. My respect for Mathias is what it is, respect, but he is not above me. If he does not want to

help protect the peace, so be it. I will not bend to anyone’s will. Do not speak of Castelo like that again.

He is being set up for all I know, and I am not interested in this union. You can join her with Roberto. He

is single, and he might want her. He likes power and would gladly help Mathais run his family business.

Leave me out of it.” I said, and my father growled at me for putting him in his place. “Big brother, you

should respect father,” Roberto told me, and I looked at him angrily. I knew he had been up to no good

recently. I did not know what he was doing, but I told Gerald to investigate him. I hope for his sake he

wasn’t a part of the problem because I knew my brother

was greedy and he wanted power. “You shouldn’t have a problem with this, Luca. Terressa is an alpha.

You need a strong mate by your side to help you whether the storm, not a timid Omega..” My mother

said, and I shut her up.

“Shut up!” I said calmly, but I was enraged

“I did not see any of you when those wolves tried to kill me at the dinner party. It was this Omega that

helped me fight my attackers off. She isn’t as weak as you think. She isn’t also as submissive as you

think. I would advise you to leave her out of this conversation completely.” I warned my mother, and she

was in shock at my tone.

“Marcelo told us how and why you married her, so we know it is a sham, Luca. Once the contract is over,

You will marry Teresa, or my family will withdraw support.” Mathias had the guts to tell me. I blamed my

family for this because, thanks to my folks, the old man had forgotten his place. I laughed. I could not

believe how delusional they were.

“I am above you, old man,” I said very calmly and angrily. “Do not forget that. Do not let your sudden

friendship with my folks fool you. I am still boss, and when I say no, I mean no. Place your alpha

daughter as the head of your family if you want your family name and legacy to continue. As for me, I will

not get with her. Once Emma and I annul our marriage, I will remain single.” I said very calmly and coldly,

and the man had fear in his eyes. My parents might not see any harm in antagonising me, but Mathais

knew how ruthless I could be. I knew he was working against me, and that was why I did not receive

much help during that attack at the dinner party. I had yet to confront him about it because I had yet to

connect the dots. It was dangerous to go about accusing people without proof.

“Luca, Please,” Roberto said, and I relaxed in the chair.

“What are we here to discuss other than the nonexistent engagement?” I asked, and they were all silent.

I could not believe they had invited me there for that purpose. I should be at home with Emma. I should

also be trying to figure out the identity of the people working against me.

“Luca, may I speak with you in private?” Teressa asked kindly. I was yet to hear her take in all this, so I

decided to be polite and give her an audience. We went to a separate room to have a conversation. It

was a private dining section for secret meetings.

Teressa seemed nervous but finally sat down and relaxed.

“Honestly, I do not like the match, boss,” She said, and I did not say a word.

“I would feel less insulted if my father deemed me worthy of leading the family. Instead, he wants to

marry me off,” she said, complaining, and I was surprised by her words, but I remained suspicious of her

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“I do not want to marry you, Alpha Luca, so I propose we be friends and keep the peace you fought to

instate in our country. I know how hard it was for you to stop the fights and bloodshed, and I would like to

help you keep things as they are. Because of you, family members do not drop like flies anymore. It is a

huge improvement. I know you have been dealing with a lot lately. Some people are secretly challenging

your authority and trying to take over your territory. You will need support from my father for protection.

No matter how self-sufficient you are, you need people to succeed. Hence why I ask you to consider my

father’s proposal. He really wants you to head our family business. He admires you, and that is why he is

pushing for this. You are like the son he never had. If it ever comes to it that we have

to get married, I would give you the freedom to do as you like, and I will never question you. I know you

are fond of the Omega, and I can see it. You can keep her as your mistress. I would not question it. As

long as you give me some respect, I am okay,” she said, and I was stunned by her words. “It is like you

do not understand my stance, Terressa. This won’t happen.” I told her, and she nodded.

“You are a strong Alpha and a loved boss, especially among the young family heads, but the old ones

are there, and most of them hate your guts for changing things. You will need all the support you can get

to withstand their might. My father can give you that. If I were my family’s head, I would give you that for

free without asking for anything in return. Still, unfortunately, my father wants a marriage in return. Don’t

say I did not tell you this, but you can only remain the boss if you have good backing and loyal allies.”

She said, and I knew what she was trying to imply. She stood up, walked up to me, hugged me, and

kissed me on my cheek.

“It will be an honour to rule by your side, Luca. I am not a handful like you think. I can be as submissive

as an Omega when you want me to. Think about what I have told you.” She said. I did not say a word

and walked out of the room.

I returned to the table, and we talked about trivial things, with everyone avoiding getting on my nerves.

Soon dinner was over, and Gerald and I decided to spend the night at the hotel. I wanted to call Emma to

tell her what had happened, that was when I realised I had lost my phone. I had it when I came for the

meeting. After searching and realising someone had stolen it, I used Gerald’s phone to call the phone

company to block my line and wipe my data, then I ordered another one. I thought Gerald would have

Emma’s number, but he didn’t. I would just have to explain to her in the morning.

When I got home, I knew Emma was mad. I could feel it, but she did not question me or nag. She

welcomed me and gave me my space. When I exited the bathroom, I noticed her face wasn’t as bright as

she tried to make it seem. I knew something was wrong. The way she

explained why really touched me, and I realised what a gentle soul she was. I wanted her, and I hoped

she won’t refuse me because she was angry. Putting my entire ordeal behind me, I took her to bed and

knew we would not be leaving the bedroom.