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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81 I think I got it.

Doris followed Enzo back to camp and tried not to seem obvious she was looking around for William.

The villagers glanced at her curiously as she passed but said nothing. She was quite positive most of

them still didn’t like her and were only tolerating her presence. Not that she blamed them, she supposed.

It wasn’t easy to allow outsiders in especially when you were taught not to trust them your entire life. It

was clear the villagers felt uneasy whenever one of the royal party was near especially William himself.

They looked to Enzo for guidance and his ease calmed their fears just enough but it still lingered on the

surface of every expression they made. “Would you like to join me for dinner?” Enzo asked, snapping

Doris out of her racing thoughts. “Oh,” Doris trailed her eyes across the barely familiar faces and still

couldn’t find the one that had those deadly blue eyes. “I shouldn’t.” “Why shouldn’t you?” Enzo asked as

they stopped in front of her cabin. His brows were raised in an almost humorous expression as he looked

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her over. “Afraid the prince will think we’re getting married?”. Doris blushed and turned her face away.

“That’s absurd. I shouldn’t because I should be trying to figure out my wolf. She’s quite difficult to

understand right now.” “Well, more the reason you should dine with me. I can give you some advice that

your prince might have been neglectful to share.” Enzo clasped his hands behind his back and flashed a

grin at her. Doris sighed. She knew she shouldn’t accept, if William saw her alone with him he would

think the worst. But-figuring out her wolf was much more important than whatever he thought of her.

Which, at the moment, wasn’t much. “Alright. When?” “I’ll send someone to get you.” Enzo said and

turned away. Doris watched as he left, offering smiles to those that passed him. She’d never met

someone who was so loved and feared at the same time. For his villagers, she assumed he was more

loved than feared by the way they looked at him with such adoration. • Inside her cabin, Doris locked the

door and flung herself on her bed to bury her face deep in her pillow. Flashes of William entered her

mind, she tried to force them out and think of something-anything else. Her lips tingled as if she could

still feel the brief touch he pressed upon her. What did he expect from her? His rough hands turned a bit

soft as he turned her face to his to kiss her and then spit her out. She would never forget the look on his

face when he realized how rotten she truly was. How much he didn’t want her. 1 Doris turned and stared

up at the ceiling. Her fingers lightly trailed along her lips and could swear he lingered there long after he

was gone. His disgust for her set him in a new light that she didn’t dare try to touch-nor did she want to.

Her shame and sorrows were long pushed down by the time the sun had gone down she only wanted

her mate and wanted Doris to bow down to his needs. Especially when the man that she claimed was

her mate hated her guts and grew sick just by their kiss. “What if I don’t listen to what she wants?” “You

have to find a compromise. I recommend taking a full day to try and figure her out otherwise she will

never want to listen if you don’t get along with her. It won’t happen over night, but it will help more than

you think. Give it a shot.” Doris nodded and picked at her food. It was delicious and the meat melted in

her mouth in the best way possible—but her stomach turned on her. She was starving before she

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stepped through the door, but now that William was here she could only think about the way he spit at

her feet after he kissed her. “I know she doesn’t like being told what to do, she refuses to come to me

when I call her and she only shifts when she wants. I was caught out in the snow storm and she wouldn’t

even change to save me.” “It will be like that for a while. She’s trying to show you she’s the dominate one

inside you so you will answer to her. They don’t care what they have to do to show their control, even if it

kills them.” Enzo said, William shifted in his seat. “Mine tried to control me for years when I was younger.

It made me do horrible things it wanted just so I could get it to change until I realized it wasn’t right. We

are the ones that control our wolves.” Patrick took a long drink and cleared his throat.“ She will learn,

don’t fall for anything she tells you.” Doris felt as if it was the same advice over and over, but none of it

helped her understand what to do. Argue with her wolf until it agreed to change? Threaten her wolf or try

to show dominance she didn’t have? They all stared at her as if they expected her to understand them.

She didn’t understand anything, they’d all been wolves for so long they didn’t know what it was like to

know nothing about it. Doris took a deep breath and let it out slowly before she spoke. “Okay. I think I got
