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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 64
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Chapter 64 I think it‘s time you get out of this

His frightening words lulled her to an instant sleep. She didn’t understand what he meant until her

nightmares came and felt more real than any ever had before. She opened her eyes to see nothing but

darkness. She couldn’t even see an inch in front of her face but she could hear herself breathing.

“Hello?” Her voice echoed off the walls and slammed right back against her in a heavy force that

knocked her to the ground. She stood quickly and walked with her hands out in front of her to feel any

sort of wall or door to be let out of this darkness. No matter how fast or how hard she moved, her fingers

only grasped at air. There was nothing. Suddenly all of the lights turned on at once and it felt as if she

was shoved into a large hole. She landed in the center of a forest and it looked strangely familiar to the

area where William had attacked her all those months ago.

“Do you feel it?” A voice said by her ear. Not just any voice-him. Doris turned and saw William but… it

wasn’t him. A tall man that almost looked like him stood over her. His face was twisted in a sinister smile

as blood poured from his mouth when he spoke

“Did you feel it when you drank the blood? Did you realize you’ll never be able to live a day without it?”

Doris back away quickly. “No, no!” She screamed. The voice echoed around her as it started to laugh. It

sounded as if it was all around her at once but he was

right in front of her. “You’ll be just like us. Eating innocent animals and children behind the palace like a

monster. You’ll never be satisfied with normal food again.” He said as he took slow steps towards her.

Doris tripped over a branch and fell through the floor. She landed in snow… bloodied snow. It was a

massacre, everywhere she looked had new bodies or limbs as if they were all torn apart and thrown in

every direction. Doris quickly stood and tried to wipe the blood from her hands, but it wouldn’t come off

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as if it was stained to remind her of this moment forever.

“How could you do this?” Enzo screamed at her back. He fell to his knees and held Elena in his arms

when she turned to face him. Elena’s eyes were empty and vacant, Doris tried to step closer but he

screamed again. “Don’t get any closer, you monster!” Doris looked around at the bodies again and this

time she noticed who they belonged to. Bodies of the rogues were ripped apart at her feet. Children she

passed when she first got here and strangers that were kind to her when she didn’t deserve it. Her

stomach turned to acid, what was this? “No… no. I didn’t, Enzo!” Doris reached out her hands for him to

make him understand this wasn’t her. “I would never” “You always thought of the rogues as monsters.

Even as we let you into our home and tried to protect you this is how you repay us? For him?” Enzo spat.

“For-who? I don’t understand…” “For your prince! All he wants is power and this is how he got it. By

killing everyone who mattered to me-my family. All we wanted was peace.” Enzo dropped Elena and

stepped over her body to get closer to Doris. Doris backed away

from him when she noticed the murderous look on his face. “You want to see how a rogue truly acts? I’ll

show you!” He screamed and ran towards her. Doris held out her arms and closed her eyes tightly, but

he never reached her. When she opened her eyes again, she was in William’s room-on his bed of all

places. Dressed in a scandalous red nightgown that showed more of her body than she was comfortable

with, she gripped at the sheets beneath her but they fell through her fingers every time she tried to pull

them over her. “Don’t hide from me.” William said. She turned and he was almost naked in the bed

beside her. Doris moved away from him but he gripped her hips and brought her closer. “It’s okay to give

into your dark desires, Doris.” He whispered against her skin as he laid her back against the sheets. 1

The horror of the previous nightmare faded away from her as if it never happened. She let William crawl

on top of her and touch her body like he owned it. She wanted him to-like she wanted nothing else in the

world. “What does this mean?” She whispered

as he kissed her neck. Her toes curled against the silk sheets and her body arched into him from such a

simple touch. He hummed his approval. “Whatever you want it to mean.” He said as his hands moved up

her thighs and pushed her short nightgown to her hips. “Oh,” Doris whispered as she let her fingers run

through his short but wild hair. She’d always wanted to know what it felt like to run her fingers through his

black hair, something so small and simple made his eyes darken with lust when he pulled back to look

down at her.

It was odd to lay beneath him and let her worries escape her. He moved down her body and tore through

her nightgown until she laid almost naked for his pleasure. She clenched her thighs closed when she felt

her arousal throb, but he forced them open again as his lips moved down her body to leave kisses and

bites as if to claim it as his own. “Oh!” Doris gasped when his mouth found her breasts. His hand

continued it’s trail down her body and toyed with the hem of her panties. “William-“She moaned. “Say it


“Doris!” Someone was shouting at her, why? The bed started to shake beneath them and William

disappeared when the room went dark. “William?” She called, smacking her hands across the bed to find

him. “Doris! Wake up!” The room vibrated viciously. She could hear glass breaking and books falling but

she couldn’t see any of it

Ice cold water woke her from her fever dream. She sat up gasping, someone held her tightly as she tried

to catch her breath. What—what happened? She was back in the cabin, alive and well. It looked like it

was nighttime but she didn’t know how many hours-or days had passed since she fell asleep. “Doris,”

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William sounded relieved when she looked up at him, he was seated in her bed with his arms tightly

around her. Her nightmares came back in pieces to her mind to try and haunt her so soon after she

escaped them. The dark room, the man in the forest, Enzo and the rogues and Her entire body heated

and it had

nothing to do with a fever. She quickly looked away from William and gripped her sheets to cover herself

more. Suddenly she wished she could get out of this room and far from him until she forgot all about

what he did to her in her dreams. His hands on her body, his kisses on her neck and chest “What did you

dream?” He asked as he tried to search her face but she wouldn’t let him. “I heard you call out.” Oh… no.

Doris wanted to slam her head into a wall. Had he heard her moan his name? She certainly hoped not-

that was worse than any of the nightmares. Perhaps not the one with Enzo, but the rest. “I… dreamed I

killed people.” She whispered. William ran his hand down her hair in a comforting gesture, but she

wished he wouldn’t touch her. At least… not so intimately. A knock sounded at the door, Eliza entered a

second later with towels and trays of food. When she saw the looks on their faces, she hesitated. “I’ll

come back later.” She said with a lingering look on them both as she set down the trays and

quickly left. William snarled. “She doesn’t know what privacy means.” Doris was more than happy for the

interruption. “It’s fine I… I think I need to eat anyway.” William released her and went to retrieve the food.

She tried not to stare at his body as he did so, but she noticed he was wearing different clothes than

the ones he wore before she fell asleep. When he returned, she forced her eyes to the fire and prayed

he couldn’t tell she was blushing. “How do you feel now?” He asked. Doris focused on the food in front of

her. She felt as if she could eat a week’s worth with how empty she felt. “I feel… fine.” Doris said

cautiously as if she was afraid the admission would force her pain to return. “Good. The blood helps

push out the poison. You were out for a few days this time.” Doris froze mid chew. “A few days?” William

nodded and stared out the window. “I think it’s time you get out of this room.” 3