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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 181
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Chapter 181 Plans to keep

“Martin…” Doris started. What on earth was he talking about?

Martin held up his hand to stop her from saying any more. “I know it sounds crazy, but I know you, Doris.

I know you have always wanted to be away from the palace and free.”

“How would you have known that about me?” Doris asked hesitantly. She took another small step back

from him. She only talked about her freedom with Beth at the palace when they were alone.

Martin looked as if he had been caught red handed, but she didn’t know why. “I overheard you talking to

Beth. I always used to hear you two talk about it with each other. You both had plans to be far from that

palace and have a home of your own-with a man that loves you.”

“I don’t understand… we only talked about that in private.” Doris said slowly. Martin smiled innocently.

“You…you listened to our conversations?”

“I think it’s better if you don’t ask about things like that. It’s not what’s important here.” Doris tried to

shake the shivers that rippled over her body. Her mind conjured up an image of Prince Martin listening in

on her late night conversations with her best friend. All the things they said in confidence that could have

gotten them in serious trouble, had he heard all of it?

“What are you even doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at the palace defending your throne?” Doris

clenched her fists tight at her side. “Where is William?”

“I would guess he’s still trying to storm the palace like the fool I knew he was. It didn’t take him long, I

knew he would act the moment he saw the palace wasn’t being guarded.” Martin shook his head in

disappointment at his brother for falling right into his trap. Doris knew her uneasy feeling came from

somewhere she was staring right at it.

“You wanted him to storm the palace?” Doris asked. “But why? Why aren’t you there to defend your

crown? I don’t understand -”

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“Because William killed my mother and our brother for the crown. He took everything from me and I’m

finally taking something back.” Martin said almost gently as he took a step closer to her. She took

another one back.

“Are you referring to me? I’m not something to be stolen, I’m a person. I have choices.” Doris said. “You

may think you know everything about me, but you don’t.”

“Is that so? I thought you always felt you didn’t have choices”

“That was when I was a maid that didn’t know any better. I lived my life listening to other people and

doing everything they said. Now I know how to decide for myself. Prince William has already given me

that freedom at the palace.”

“Doris, I’m offering you the chance to be free of the palace. You can have your own home and

do whatever you wish with our house! Isn’t that what you wanted? You never have to see the palace


“That isn’t freedom, Martin. You’re offering me a house but I wouldn’t be able to leave it.” Doris said

calmly. How was this the same sweet man she used to sit next to in the library? When did his admiration

for her turn into obsession?

“Doris, you would be able to leave freely. I would never make you stay here against your will

“Then please move so I can leave. I want to go back to the camp with Beth.” Doris moved to the door but

he stepped in her path.

“You know I can’t let you do that. William will be looking for you soon out there and this war is not yet

over.” Prince Martin reached out his hand to caress her cheek, she flinched away from him. “He can’t

have it all, Doris. It just wouldn’t be fair.”

“Why aren’t you at the palace to defend your throne, Martin? William is there right now to take your title!

You being gone is not a good sign-”

“He could never take my title. It wouldn’t matter if he had millions storm the palace, the crown has always

been mine. He can’t rewrite history as much as he tries.”

Doris took a small breath. “What about your wife? Where is she?” Doris moved away from him before he

could attempt to touch her again.

Prince Martin cleared his throat and straightened himself. “We were never meant to be together, you

know that. My mother wanted us to wed to make strong alliances, but neither of us were happy.”

“Lady Grace always looked at you with so much love!”

“She was putting on a show for the world! She knew my heart did not belong to her.” Prince Martin took a

long breath. “Perhaps I should leave you alone -“

“Why can’t I call to my wolf? What did you do to me?”

Prince Martin backed to the door slowly as he watched her. “I saw you fight out there. You might not be

the most skilled, but you were fearsome. My mother was sent some drugs from the rogues to put the wolf

asleep inside you before she died.”

Doris parted her lips, but nothing came out.

“It won’t hurt you, Doris. You’ll be fine in a few days and all of this will be over!”

“How can you say that? There is a war happening out there and you are the main part of it! You have to

go put an end to all of this before more people die!” Doris moved to the door again but he stopped her. “I

want to see Beth. Now.”

“I can’t let you do that right now.” Prince Martin moved towards her and Doris quickly stepped back. “I’ll

send her in here soon. I promise.”

Prince Martin moved to leave, she didn’t miss the look of sadness in his eyes. “William took everything

from me. I deserve to have something I want.”

“I am not an object to be passed back and forth. I have feelings and none of them are loving for you.” .

Prince Martin glanced back at her with a sad smile before he left through the door and locked it behind

him. She quickly ran up to push and pull at the knob even though she knew it was useless. Nothing she

did would work.

Her heart calmed at the idea that William was facing an empty palace. There would be hardly anyone to

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stop him from rushing inside to find Prince Martin. He’d soon learn that he wasn’t there and then head

back to the camp to find the gruesome scene she was sure that Prince Martin had left for him.

And then…

And then she hoped he could find his way to her. Once again she was left useless and it made her want

to scream and cry while beating at the door. Once again a man had left her feeling helpless and waiting

for someone to come save her. 2

Doris circled the room a dozen times. Looking through every crack and checking for loose floorboards.

She struggled with the window and tried to break the glass with one of the heavier books but it wouldn’t

even crack.

Doris picked up one of the stools to the vanity and banged it against the glass. Over and over. It sounded

strange when it hit against the surface, as if she wasn’t even hitting glass at all. Doris angrily threw it

across the room and started feeling the walls for a weak spot.

Nothing. Nothing. She felt like she was in a box with fresh air quickly leaving. She tried to calm her

breaths but it was useless, it only made her want to swallow the air faster.

A light knock sounded on the door. It opened to show a petite maid she didn’t recognize holding a tray of

food. Any ideas of escape quickly evaporated when she noticed the two tall guards outside of her door.

“Hello, I brought you some soup.” The maid set the tray down on her table. She ignored the mess that

Doris made in her haste. “I also brought you some tea, it’s quite cold out.”

Doris neared the girl, but not too close. “Can you hep me break out of here?” She whispered.


The girl looked at her with wide, confused eyes. She shook her head and started backing away. +

“No! No, I’m sorry if I frightened you. I used to be a maid just like you and I was taken here against my

will. Please, help me get out of here.”

Doris knew she must have looked crazy to the girl, but she didn’t care. She had to try something and her

options were thin.

As expected, the girl looked at her as if she had a second head. She quickly curtsied to Doris before she

rushed out of the room. The door slammed and locked behind her.