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Fated To The Alpha (Ezra, Katya)

Chapter 275
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Fated To The Alpha by Jessica Hall Chapter 275

Heat consumed me, my skin heating to the point I was worried my blood would boil in my veins. My pussy

developed a pulse as arousal coated my thighs. The more they touched me, the hotter I became. Jonah kisses me,

and I feel Kyan’s knee push my legs apart. His lips traveled down my ribs. I squirmed as his teeth grazed my

sensitive skin.

My entire body buzzed with the sensory overload as sparks rushed everywhere, Jonah’s tongue tangled with mine,

and I gripped his hair, kissing him harder as desire coursed through me.

Kyan nips at my hip when I feel his hand push my thighs apart before he settles between my thighs. His hot breath

sweeps over my pussy and makes me shiver and gasp. Jonah pulls his lips from mine and glances down at Kyan just

as his tongue parts my lower lips, making my back arch as his tongue runs over my clit before sucking it into his

mouth. He swirled his tongue around the sensitive nerves, making me cry out, and Jonah’s eyesflicker and darken

as he watches Kyan drive me to the edge, only to slow down when I am about to push over it. “Like that, I love that

look in her eyes. Whatever you’re doing to her, don’t stop,” growls Jonah, his eyes watching my face that was

heating under his intense, smoldering gaze.

My hips rock against his mouth when Jonah’s lips wrap around my nipple, teasing with his tongue and teeth before

turning his attention to the other one, making it harden to a peak. Their mouths on my flesh drove me insane as

Kyan devoured me, his tongue swirling and mouth sucking relentlessly when I felt my skin prickle with

overwhelming heat, arousal saturating my thighs As heat washed through me, their fiery tongues licking my heated

flesh and their nipping teeth drove me insane. Flames of desire coursed through every nerve ending, pure bliss yet

also pleasurable torture. My entire body trembled as I gave into the pleasurable feeling they were enticing out of

me, my moans of ecstasy filling the quiet room.

I cried out as my climax washed over me i n waves, Kyan gripped my thighs holding them in place as they

trembled, and my hips rocked against his mouth as I rode out the orgasm, his tongue lapping at the juices leaving

me and coating his tongue.

My heat diminishes briefly when he kisses my inner thigh. I felt the bed dip between my legs as Kyan moved,

hopping off the bed only for Jonah to push his knee between my thighs before settling his weight down above me. I

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tug at his tank top, wanting it off.

Using one hand, Jonah pulls it off, and my lips go to his chest. My tongue swirled around the bar, running through

his nipple. Jonah growls, and my other hand moves to his cock. I wrap my fingers around him, running my hand up

the length of him. Jonah groans, his hand going to my hair. He tugs my head back, his lips hungrily devouring mine,

and he thrusts into my hand.

Kyan, I could hear, was rummaging around in the bathroom when Jonah’s lips moved down my neck to mark, his

teeth grazed over it and teased my mark,

sending tingles everywhere. Moving my hand, I roll my hips against Jonah, his cock gliding against my wet lips

before he moves a hand between our bodies and positions himself before sheathing himself in me. I gasp at the

feel of his hard cock gliding and brushing my inner walls.

Jonah nips at my jaw, working his way back to my lips. He groans against my lips as he kisses me, and I tug on his

hip, letting him know he can move faster as I wrap my legs around his waist. He does, picking up his pace. My

stomach tightens as my skin heats when he suddenly rolls, pulling me on top of him.

I sit up his length, pressing in deeper, and I moan at the feeling as I roll my hips against him. His hand goes to my

breast a s he squeezes it. The bed dips behind me a s Kyan climbs back into bed and moves behind me. Kyan grips

my hair, his fingers tangling in it as he tugged my head back. His lips move from my jaw to the side of my mouth.

Turning my head slightly, his lips capture mine, his tongue moving between my lips, and his tongue

tangles with mine when I feel his erection press against my ass; Kyan’s hand moves from my hair to my throat.

He squeezes, not hard enough to cut off m y air completely when I feel his fingers prod around my entrance. He

slid his finger inside alongside Jonah’s cock that i s buried deep inside me, his fingers stretching me further while his

tongue invaded every inch of my mouth. My inner walls squeeze his fingers as he gently slides them in and out.

Jonah’s nails bite into the soft skin of my hip while Kyan continues to stretch me.

“Fuck, that feels tight,” Jonah growls when Kyan slips his fingers from me completely, and I feel Kyan press the tip o

f his cock to my soaking wet entrance. I cry out when he thrusts all the way in, his cock hitting my cervix painfully.

My body tensed, and I forgot how to breathe as my body locked up. Kyan lets go of my throat and kisses the side of

my face.

“Breathe, Ella,” Kyan whispers, and I force myself to breathe, gritting my teeth. I felt myself tearing to

accommodate both of them. I felt overly full, and I moved my hips, letting myself stretch around them.


Planting my hands on Jonah’s chest, I saw his jaw was tight as he fought against the urge to thrust into me, letting

me move m y hips slowly against them. Jonah pulls back, looking up at me before kissing me. Kyan pulls out slightly

before pushing back in slowly. He keeps his slow pace, worried about hurting me when I move my hips to meet his


“Tell me if I hurt you,” Kyan whispers, making my eyes snap open. I feel his thumb press against my ass before he

pushes it in. The sensation felt strange, yet I was relaxed. His thumb slipped in easily. He moves it in out of me. My

stomach tenses and my toes curl as arousal floods me before he pulls them out. Kyan reaches beside Jonah, where

I saw a bottle of lubricant, and I don’t even want to know what the other thing was, though I have a rough idea. It

wasn’t very big and pointed at the tip. I look away from the little black butt plug.

I move my hips against them, loving the stimulation when Kyan pulls out slightly. I feel something cold and wet

move between my cheeks and I know it is the butt plug, making me freeze, as he presses the lubed toy against the

tight muscle of my ass before pushing it in. The toy starts vibrating, making me gasp as Kyan leaves it there before

thrusting into me..

Jonah thrusts up to me, and I gasp when Kyans hand moves between my thighs and he pinches my clit before

rubbing it. with his fingers, letting my orgasm build. I felt overly full; I was full before, but this was an entirely new

level of overfull.

I move my hips, getting used to the

feeling, and I feel Kyan kiss my shoulder before he grips my neck, pulling my head back and kissing me. Jonah rolls

my hips against him while Kyan moves in time with Jonah’s movement, and lets me go. I put my hands on Jonah’s

chest, meeting his thrusts, my toes curling as I built up friction.

My inner walls squeeze his hard length as I move, chasing my orgasm. My breathing became heavy, and I cried out

as I was thrown over the edge, my nails digging into his shoulders as my pussy pulsated.

Jonah’s grip on my hips tightened as he thrusts in slowly, letting me ride out the rippling waves when Kyan removed

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the vibrating plug. His hand falls on my shoulder, and he pushes me down toward Jonah.

Jonah kisses me, his tongue tasting every inch of my mouth, and I roll my hips against him when Kyan pulls out of

me. Reaching back, I wrap my fingers around Kyan’s cock. It twitches in my hand, and h e leans his face closer, the

warmth of his chest pressing against my back as he flicks my hair over one shoulder. His lips going to my mark,

sucking on it.

My toes curled at the pleasure rolling over me as the heat continued to build. Kyan’s fingers move between my

cheeks, caressing the tight muscles of my ass before I feel the head of his cock press against it. I tug on his hip,

wanting him inside me, and he moves closer. Jonah’s movements speed up as he grips my hips and slams me down

on his cock, his hard length smashing against my cervix.

Kyan thrusts inside me in one movement before stopping, his arm wrapping around my waist as he pulled me

against so my back was pressed to his chest, his hand moving between my legs, and his fingertips brushing against

my clit before he rolls it between his fingers, making me moan.

I felt overfull, full to the brim, but it felt s o good, felt right as I felt both of them slipping in and out of my body,

building u p the friction inside me.

Kyan’s nails dig into my ass as he holds m e, and I nip at Jonah’s chest, my teeth grazing the hard muscles of his

pecs, and I flick his nipple piercing with my tongue before tugging on it. Jonah groans. My lips travel higher, and he

offers his neck t so me.

Without hesitation, I sink my canines into him, and he moans loudly. When my canines leave Jonah’s neck. I lick the

blood as it runs down his chest when he grabs my chin, bringing my lips to his as h e kisses me. My skin heats and

tension builds in my belly.

My pussy flutters around Jonah’s cock when he grips my throat with his long fingers and turns my head, exposing

my neck to him. He growls, sinking his canines into my neck deeply, his teeth my mark, and my walls flutter, milking

him a she finds his release.

Jonah gasps, pulling his teeth from my neck, only for Kyan’s hand on my stomach to pull me back against him. His

hot chest was slick with sweat as he stilled behind me. His teeth sank into my shoulder and neck, over my mark,

prolonging my orgasm and making me moan loudly. I feel Kyan slip from my body and I collapse against Jonah’s

chest, trying to catch my breath as the heat abates. Jonah rolls, my body limp as he hovered above me. He kisses

the side of m y mouth before pulling out of me when I feel a warm cloth move between my legs a s he climbs off it.

My eyes lazily fluttered open to see Kyan leaning across the bed, cleaning me. He leans down as Jonah moves

toward the bathroom to clean up.

“Love you, get some rest,” Kyan mumbles against my lips as my eyes flutter closed.