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Fated To The Alpha (Ezra, Katya)

Chapter 271
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Jonah POV I knew the moment she marked him , I felt it . And I also felt Kaif stir and shove forward , though not

out of anger but more curiosity , and I knew she marked Kaif . The bond surged , and my mark heated on my neck ,

tingling , making me shiver as the bond grew stronger than ever . I had only just stepped out of the fire exit when it

sounded like a bomb went off . The windows blasted , bursting and raining glass down everywhere .

The power going out caused enough chaos , but this caused a stampede in the foyer . Panicked people screaming

and rushing out of the building . Some screamed about terrorists while one of my smartass employees , Ben ,

screamed out ” It’s aliens , ” to frighten them more . I click my tongue and shake my head . 


Humans were so gullible ! Walking over to the foyer desk , I see security staff rushing everywhere . I had already

mind – linked to let them know what was going on .

” Get all First Aid officers out here . They will be needed , ” I quickly add through the link . No doubt people would

have been injured by the exploding glass . Sirens blared loudly outside . Even the Tornado signals were blaring in

the street , not that we ever got Tornados here . Stopping next to Ben at the foyer desk , he talked to staff on the

walkie – talkie . It is a waste if you ask me , with all employees being a werewolf and part of Kyan’s Pack .

Yet we had to keep up appearances so kind of necessary . ” Kyan lost the plot ? ” Ben asks . His white button – up

shirt had minor tears , and blood drops from where he was sprayed with glass . Although he was already healed ,

he looked like a bloody mess . His sandy blonde hair stuck up in every direction .

” Nope , Marabella marked Kaif , ” I tell him . ” Kyan will have fun explaining this away , ” Ben states . Nothing that

couldn’t be put down to natural disasters . I can already see earthquake headlines . ” He’ll handle it . Money talks ,

something he has plenty of , ” I tell him , and he nods . ” Ambulances are the way , so is an electrician .


Security is monitoring the casino . All the machines went down . And everyone else is playing medic . I sent Scott to

assess the damage , ‘ ” he tells me , and I nod just as the backup generators kick in and light up the place . Now

with better visuals , I see the destruction at total capacity . 

Walking out the front of the casino , the street wasn’t much better . It was complete chaos . I walked back inside

with a sigh , deciding authorities would take care of everything outside the casino . They were all in Kyan’s pocket

anyway . Just another thing he would have to handle . ” Alpha ? ” Ben calls from the foyer desk , waving me over

with his hand .


Glass crunches under my shoes as I make my way back to the white counter . He was looking at a laptop , and I

walked around the counter to see what he was looking at . ” We have 908 patrons staying in the hotel tonight .

What do you want me to do ? ” ” Send someone to check their rooms and make sure everyone is accounted for .

Send security and medics up to each floor . All those staying issue refunds , and give vouchers for next time if they

ever return.

Also , see if any available hotels off the main street have vacancies for those wanting to leave , ” I tell him . Ben

nods , writing everything down on a sticky note while I turn to go check the bar area , walking away from the chaos

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. Despite the explosion , most of those in the bar area thought it was more reason to keep drinking . Macy was

working behind the bar with Soyer . Both of them are still serving . Macy smirks as I approach .

” What’s up , boss ? ” Soyer asks as I approach . I walked around the counter to the registers , which had been

opened manually since the generators wouldn’t run those . They mainly only powered the elevators , lighting ,

fridges , and security cameras . ” Call last round on the house , get the cashboxes to the safes and start to clean up

. ” They both nod , and Macy slides a glass of whiskey across the counter , full to the brim . I raise an eyebrow at

her , and she whistles , nodding toward my crotch .

I look down at the front of my pants and ” Fuck ! ” Macy laughs , serving someone before waving their money away

. I scull the glass hoping it would help mute the bond , but now she pointed i tout , I was smashed with the feelings

through the bond . Their arousal going to the forefront of my mind . ” Suppose I know where you are going then , ”

Soyer laughs while I try to readjust myself . Why didn’t I put underwear on ! I tap the counter , and Macy laughs ,

sliding another glass over to me .

” You’re not heading up ? ” Soyer asks when I scull the glass before walking over and grabbing the bottle . ” No ,

they only just sorted things out . I will let them have a moment , ” I say , tipping the bottle to my lips ; I chug a few

mouthfuls and shake my head as heat rushes through me , burning down my throat and into my stomach . ” Well , I

am off to hide somewhere no patrons are , ” I chuckled , about to walk out of the small bar door when Macy rushes

over to me .

She takes off her apron and tosses it at me , and I groan at the tent I fucking pitched . ” It won’t hide it , ” I tell her ,

tossing it back to her . ” Worth a try , ” she laughs , flicking her chocolate brown hair over her shoulder before

pulling it in a bun on top of her head . I headed out to staff areas toward the security office . I instantly get laughed

at by Daniel as I walk past his desk . He was head of security , an older gentleman with greying hair and a beard

that went to the middle of his chest that was braided .

His eyes crinkled as he laughed and snorted at my erection . ” Fuck up , you old fossil , ” I snap at him . ” Hey ,

Midnight Delight is down the street . Sure , someone there will take care o f you ; don’t come in here with that . I

ain’t helping ya out , ” he laughs . I growl at him . ” Marked and Mated ! Idiot , and have you seen the girls in that

place , should be called Midnight Fright , not Delight , ” I tell him , with a disgusted shiver . Flopping into one of the

chairs with my bottle of whiskey . Daniel shrugs .

” I don’t mind them ; they get the job done , ” he laughs . ” Yeah , probably because they are all about your age ,

went once , and the lady had more wrinkles than my nutsack , ” I tell him . He laughs and shakes his head ; going

back to monitoring the screens . A few hours later , I headed back to the apartment , becoming distracted by the

shit storm the explosion caused . Exhausted , I make my way back upstairs , unlocking the door . The breeze from

the busted windows makes me shudder .

I shower quickly before walking around to my side of the bed . Mara was tucked under the blankets , and I could tell

she was still naked as the blanket was pushed down to her waist , giving me a nice view o f her perky boobs . Jax

licks his chops in m y head , wanting to chew on one of them . Bloody grub .

I shake my head at my horny wolf , pull the blankets back , and climb into the bed to hear Kyan snicker . As I rolled

on my side . ” Fucking asshole , ” I tell him , feeling the dampness of the mattress .  ” You don’t even seem fazed , ”

he says , sitting up on his elbow looking over at me . ” Some random I would be , but my mates .

Na , I’m all good , ” I laugh , and he scrunches his face up . ” I am surprised you’re not spring cleaning , ” I tease

him . His aggravation is evident through the bond at me , mentioning the room’s state . ” Don’t , I am pretending

the room is in order , ” he growls , and I shake my head before tugging Marabella closer . She rolls into me and

sighs . Like a magnet , Kyan moves into her and drapes his arm over her waist and my arm .

” We will have to go back to the manor while this place gets fixed up , ” I tell him before yawning . ” Yeah , you

should probably just move your stuff back home , ” Kyan says , pressing his face into the back of Mara’s neck and

inhaling her scent . ” Can I have a drawer too ? ” I laughed at his invitation to move in with him . Not like he had

much choice now . ” You do have a drawer in my bloody room filled with all the crap you leave at my place , ” he

says , and I shrug .

I usually help myself to his shit , anyway . Moving in with him wouldn’t be much different . I spent the majority of the

time in the city there with him , anyway . ” You better get a bigger bed . Yours is a little squishy , ” I tell him ,

yawning and closing my eyes . ” Already ordered one . Should arrive tomorrow assuming Ella didn’t blow up the

factory as well , ” he laughs . Before closing my eyes , I nod .

I should have realized he would have everything sorted , The man ; I swear he had files in his head o f everything

set in place , and heaven bit something doesn’t line up with his schedule or on time . Marabella POV Waking the

following morning , the morning air was freezing . Jonah was asleep beside me , although Kyan was no longer in

bed . Tugging the covers back , I climb out of bed . It was still early in the morning . Stretching and yawning , I place

my feet on the floor , before I lift them ,

DARECE remembering the broken glass , only to open my eyes to find the room spotless . ” Kyan ! ” Kora sighs ,

and I nod , walking to the bathroom to pee . When I am finished , I steal Jonah’s dressing gown and his slippers

before stepping out into the hallway . Besides the broken windows , everything was in order , the curtains blowing

inward from the slight breeze but everything was spotless . Turning the corner into the kitchen , I run into the Kyan

carrying coffee .

” Woah , bloody scared me . I was about to wake you , ” Kyan says , holding a mug out t o me . I take it from him

and he pecks my cheek before wandering off down the hall while I wondered what time he got up to clean all this .

” Jonah , I am leaving , ” I hear him say to Jonah before Jonah grunts when I hear the sound of flesh on flesh , and

Kyan snickers as he comes back down the hall . ” Coffee on the bedside table , now get up !

” Kyan calls to him as he comes back out to the kitchen . ” What time did you get up ? ” I ask him . ” Not long after

Jonah got home , we will b e going back to the manor today , so grab what you need . I have to go see the mayor

and a few officials . So I will be awhile . ” he Hitl says , pulling his suit jacket on over his black button – up shirt

hanging on the back of the dining table chair .

He buttons it up . ” Shit , my car isn’t here , ” Kyan growls . He spots Jonah’s keys on the microwave . H e snatches

them off before grabbing me and kissing me . His tongue invaded my mouth , and I tried to pull away , worried

about morning breath , but he didn’t seem to care . My mug clutched tightly in my hand as I tried not to spill it over

him . 

He lets me go before looking behind me toward the bedroom , making me look over my shoulder to see Jonah

walking toward us . ” I am taking your car , ” Kyan tells him , and Jonah waves him off with his hand , looking

exhausted . He kisses my head as h e walks past me toward the kitchen sink . H e yawns loudly , leaning on the

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bench and sipping the coffee Kyan made him . ” I’m up happy , Boss ? ” Jonah groans and Kyan nods , turning his

attention back to me .

” Love you , I need to go . I should have already , ” Kyan says before walking out in a rush . I shake my head while

Jonah glances around the place . ” Kyan ! ” we both say simultaneously , looking at how clean the place is now .

Jonah shakes his head before dumping his mug in the sink , pouring the contents down the drain . 

He then walks back toward the room . Where are you going ? ” I ask . ” Back to bed , I didn’t get in till after 2 , ” h e

states . ” Well , I am ringing my brother . We are ? ” I call out to him before thinking of a reason to go with him . ”

We’re going to lunch , ” I tell him . ” My card is in my wallet , ” Jonah sings out , and I nod before remembering he

can’t see me .

” Thank you ! ” I get no reply but feel him fall asleep , which would undoubtedly anger Kyan that he went back to

bed . Heading into the room , I retrieve some clothes and put them in the main bathroom , not wanting to wake

Jonah before stealing his phone and dialing Eziah’s number .


He answers after the second ring . Marabella ? ” he says . ” How did you know it was me ? ” I ask . ” Inkling I had ,

what’s up ? ” ” Don’t suppose you could help me with something ? ” I ask him , remembering to keep my voice low ,

not wanting to wake Jonah and have him overhear . ” If it’s to buy you pads again , the answer i s no , get one of

your boy toys to do it , ” he says , and I roll my eyes . ” No , but it is important . ” Eziah sighs . ” Fine , where are you

? ” 

” The Casino , ” ” You want me to come to the city ! ” he groans . ” That’s hours in the car . When you said you

wanted help , I thought you asked because you were at Uncle Andrei’s or in town ! ” he whines . ” Please ? ” ” Ah

fine , I will be a few hours , ” he says . ” Just portal here , ” I tell him . ” Ah , I can’t . Do you think I can just portal

whenever I want ?

I can only do that leaving the Moon Goddess realm , ” ” Then go – to the Moon Goddess realm , ” I tell him . ” And

what do you want me to tell mum ? A h , can you drop me into the realms so I can take a shortcut to the city ?

” ” Yep , besides , I need you to go there anyway to look for something , ” I tell him . ” You’re lucky you’re my twin ,

or I would disown you for making me your little bitch all the time , ” he growls and I laugh . ” So , is that a yes ? ” ”

Yes , Marabella . Now , what am I looking for in the realm ? ” ” Celeste’s Grimoires and I need that dagger , ” ” You

want me to steal mum’s dagger and a n old book ? ” ” It’s not stealing . We are borrowing , ‘ ” Did you ask mum ? ”


” No , but you can , ” I chuckle . ” Of course you didn’t . Fine , where am I meeting you ? ” I bite the inside of my lip

, knowing this would raise questions . ” City graveyard , ” I tell him . He falls silent on the other end of the phone . ”

We are not raising the dead , Marabella , ” ” No , we are just digging up a grave , ” I tell him .

” So I suppose I gotta bring a bloody shovel , too ? ” ” If you don’t mind , it may look funny if I carry one through the

main street , ” he growls . ” Anything else . Do you need a bodily organ , an alibi ? ” ” I will let you know on the

organ and Alibi is already sorted . I told Jonah we are having lunch together ,

” ” Great , I am bringing a picnic basket too , ” Eziah says , and I laugh . ” Thank you . I love you . ” I tell him . ” Love

you too , see you in an hour , ” he says , and I hang up . I place the phone down before turning on the shower . Now

t o just dig up my father in – laws grave and hope to god we can break this curse before the madness comes for

me .