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Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Novel Full Episode

Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Chapter 1132
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Chapter 1132

“Cut the crap, she hit Apollo because he was tailing her in a taxi. You handle thi s yourself. If you can’t handle it, I don’t mind stepping in.”

Upon hearing this. Brycen quickly assured, “I will immediately have my secretar y handle this. I promise that not a single hair on Briana Cameron’s head will be harmed. Once this matter is over, I will invite you all to have a meal together, and I will personally apologi ze to her!”

“You went yourself.”

“Alright, alright, I’m going right away!”

After hanging up the phone, Brycen’s expression also turned icy cold. He stood up and walked straight out of the office.

“I needed to go to Liberty Hospital, and asked the driver to wait for me downsta irs.”

In the hospital.

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Upon hearing the news that Briana Cameron had been detained, Apollo was fill ed with uncontrollable excitement and agitation.

That scoundrel beat him so brutally, he definitely wouldn’t sign a letter of forgiv eness. He wanted that scoundrel to go to jail!

Just as he was excitedly thinking about how to torment Briana Cameron, the doo r to the ward was suddenly pushed open, and Brycen walked in with a gloomy fa ce.

On his way here, he had already investigated, and the truth was indeed as Maxi m had said, it was not at all a verbal altercation with someone


Chapter 1132

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as Apollo had claimed.

Thinking about if the woman he liked was being stalked like this, he guessed he would have the heart to kill the other person.

Moreover, he had also found out that Madeline’s relationship with Apollo was no t good at all. Trying to win over Apollo in order to change Madeline’s mind was s imply impossible.

Thinking of how he had offended several people all at once because of such a lo usy person, a touch of resentment couldn’t help but rise in Brycen’s heart.

Apollo was startled by the sound of the door opening, and turned around instin ctively ready to curse. But upon seeing Brycen, he immediately put on a pleasin g smile.

“Brother–in– law, why did you come to see me in person? I’m fine on my own, I would be able to get out of bed with a few more days of rest.”

As he spoke, his gaze fell behind Brycen, hoping to see if Brycen had asked his a ssistant to bring him some supplements or something. However, he saw nothing.

A fiash of disappointment and contempt crossed his eyes. He hadn’t expected B rycen to be so stingy. He came to see him without bringing anything. He couldn’t let Madeline marry him, otherwise he wouldn’t get any benefits in the future.

Having read countless people, Brycen naturally knew at a glance what Apollo w as thinking.

Previously, it was just because she wanted him to speak for her too much that s he ignored these things.

Upon this meeting, he felt that Apollo was nothing more than a worthless ruffian , not worth his time or effort at all.

Chapter 1132

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“When I ran into you at the hospital entrance before, you told me you had an argument with someone and they beat you up, right?” Brycen walked over and sat down by the hospital bed, looking at Apollo with an indifferent expression.

Under his seemingly penetrating gaze, Apollo felt a bit guilty unconsciously, but he quickly calmed down, nodded and said, “Yes, I heard that the person has be en detained. Brother–in– law, you are really amazing! I will definitely speak highly of you in front of my sis ter!”

Brycen sneered, “Spare me the sweet talk, I’m afraid if you continue, she will be even less likely to be with me.”

Apollo was taken aback, feeling a sudden unease in his heart. Could Brycen hav e found out something?

“Brother–in–law, what do you mean… I’m a bit confused…”

“Since you didn’t understand, let me make it clearer. The person you reported t o the police is the one my best friend likes. Moreover, I received information th at it was because you were stalking her that she hit you. So, wouldn’t you say yo u had it coming?”

Apollo’s face instantly turned incredibly ugly, and it took him a good while to re cover.