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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 201
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A group of policemen suddenly appeared in the nightclub, and together with them appeared a group of

police officers. They said that the reported nightclub sold fake wine and wanted to search the nightclub.

Soon, the police blocked the nightclub and checked the wine in the nightclub’s warehouse. They found

that the Western wines worth millions in the warehouse were all fake wine.

The sales personnel were punished for selling fake wine in the nightclub, and the illegal and illegal

goods were confiscated. The value of the authentic goods of the same kind would be reduced to more

than 50% and less than three times. Because of the huge number of fake wine, they would be

sentenced to death according to the law.

This was undoubtedly a feeling of going from heaven to hell for Clem and the others. The nightclub was

locked up, the money was gone, and they were almost charged. If it weren’t for the fact that Shannon

had just found someone to smooth things over through Channing, they would have suffered even more.

Clem had lost all his assets. Malone and Shannon were better than him, but they had also lost a few

shops that had worked so hard over the years. If it weren’t for the fact that there was a beauty salon to

support them, they would have no loss.

There was no savings in the house. Riya scolded her son, but her scolding could not solve the

problem. The money she lost would never come back.

The mother and son couldn’t catch their breath for a few days. Clem didn’t have a place to live now, so

he had to rent a house.

At the same time, in the luxurious private room in the night, Rodney squinted and leaned against the

sofa. Things had gone smoothly. It could be imagined that Riya, her son, and Shannon were ugly.

He thought that it would be too late for him to regret losing all his money. It didn’t matter. This was just

the beginning. In the future, he would slowly let them experience a life worse than death.

At first, Rodney wanted to scheme against Riya and her son, but Clem asked Mr. Moore to get rid of it.

Clem, who had no job, returned to his previous friend circle. He was not on guard against his former

friends and told them that he was ready to do business.

Therefore, Rodney asked his friends to persuade Clem to open a nightclub. Clem didn’t have so much

money, so he would definitely ask Riya to find a way to deal with Shannon. However, Shannon didn’t

have so much money in her hands, and she wouldn’t lend such a large sum to Riya.

The management of the nightclub had always been very good. Shannon was greedy and selfish. She

heard that such a good money-making student would not miss it. As long as they got into his trap, they

would pay the price first.

Of course, Rodney had to thank Amber for being able to deal with Shannon in this way. Amber called

him that night after listening to Elliot’s words and told him that Shannon had a man outside. He was

surprised that the accomplice had the role of a lover.

He had asked someone to find out that this Malone had opened several shops, and someone had been

looking after him, so the business was not bad. Rodney guessed that the person on the shop must be


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Shannon was really a vicious woman. She coaxed Channing to be the secretary’s wife happily while

looking for men to have fun outside. He had been thinking of ways to deal with Shannon before. Now

that he had heard the news of this affair, he found that it would be very easy to deal with Shannon in

the future.

He would slowly put on a show in the future. What he needed to do now was to make them pay for it

and make them pay for it. Human nature was greedy. In the face of something tempting, he forgot to

think rationally. This time, Shannon and Riya would love each other for many days.

Of course, if it wasn’t for the fact that Mr. Moore happened to ask him to hand over the nightclub, he

wouldn’t have thought of such a good idea.

As he was thinking, the door was pushed open and a middle-aged man came in. “Thank you, Mr.

Barron, for helping us get through the difficulties!”

Rodney curled his lips. “Mr. Moore, you’re too polite. It’s just a small matter.”

“It’s a small matter for Mr. Barron, but it’s a big deal for me.” Mr. Moore was very grateful to Rodney.

The real boss of that nightclub was Mr. Moore. Because Mr. Moore was a public official, the legal

representative had always used someone else’s name. Because of Mr. Moore’s care, the nightclub

business had always been very good. In recent years, it had made a lot of money. Last month, Mr.

Moore suddenly heard that a provincial discipline committee had begun to garrison in South City to

investigate official property.

Mr. Moore was worried that this matter would be exposed. If the two rules were exposed, he would lose

more than he gained. Just when he was anxious, something happened to him after he bought the

goods. A batch of wine worth millions of dollars was dropped and turned into fake wine.

Mr. Moore was not too worried about fake wine. Over the years, he had made a lot of money in the

nightclub, but he had to find a way to sell it. He had a good relationship with Rodney. He had been

looking for Rodney to buy the fake wine. When Rodney heard this, he came up with an idea for him. He

wanted him to sell the fake wine and someone else to take over the fake wine.

At that time, when he gave the dishes to Clem and the others, the wine in the warehouse was real. It

was moved from the Sheng Dynasty of Rodney. However, after the handing in, the real wine was

replaced by fake wine.

Rodney first made Clem and the others happy for a few days, and then asked someone to call to

report. It was easy to send them from heaven to hell.

Since Mr. Moore had lost a hot potato without losing a penny, he was naturally very grateful to Rodney.

He immediately gave him a guarantee and said, “If you need me in the future, feel free to come to me.”

Rodney smiled faintly. “Thank you very much. I won’t stand on ceremony if anything happens in the


He really had something to ask Mr. Moore. He had already inquired about it. Riya’s gangster man,

Clem’s father, was now locked up in prison for a few months and would be released. Rodney did not

want to wait so long. He had something to ask the gangster to do. He had to ask Mr. Moore to find a

way to sentence him to a sentence for a few months so that he could come out earlier.

Mr. Moore naturally agreed to Rodney’s request and told him to wait for his good news.

After breaking up with Mr. Moore, Rodney drove to the hospital. His mother was still in a coma. He

stood outside the ward and looked at his mother through the glass. He was really upset.

The guard next to him reported, “Dr. Lott came to see you again today.”

Rodney didn’t say anything. It seemed that Itzel didn’t give up at all!

Shannon framed her mother to frame Amber because her daughter, Celia, could marry into the Barron

family. Riya was grateful for Shannon’s help, so she was bribed as an accomplice. Why did Itzel deal

with her mother like this?

Rodney couldn’t figure out Itzel’s motive at all. Over the years, Rachel had always treated Itzel as a

close friend and had always been very polite to her. Every time she had something good, she would

leave Itzel a share. It could be said that Rachel was very kind to Itzel. Itzel didn’t have any motive to

hate her mother.

Itzel was a doctor. She was not short of money and had nothing to ask for Shannon’s help. Why would

she be willing to be Shannon’s accomplice? He had to find out Itzel’s motive to deal with this heartless


Rodney had investigated Itzel before for Kelsey. That time, he only wanted to know if Itzel was Kelsey’s

mother. However, he was later denied by Kelsey. After that, something unexpected happened, the

investigation ended up with nothing definite.

Now that Rodney had started investigating Itzel again, he quickly found out that Itzel was Queena. Itzel

and the current Ashton were his half-sisters. Ashley was his half-brother and half-brother. Since Amber

was her niece, she was his half-brother.

According to common sense, Itzel only had an elder sister like Ashley. She should have a good

relationship with her elder sister, but in fact, this was not the case. Amber didn’t even know that she

had such an aunt.

Judging from the fact that Amber didn’t know Itzel’s identity, Ashley must have never mentioned Itzel to

her. Why didn’t she mention Itzel to her daughter?

Itzel should have known Amber’s identity. She knew that Amber’s identity helped Shannon and her

daughter scheme against him for artificial guidance. It could be seen that Itzel hated Amber, her niece.

Itzel had never interacted with Amber, so where did her hatred come from? From this, it could be

inferred that Itzel hated Amber because she hated Ashley.

Although he was not born of the same parents, he was still a mother. Why was Itzel so distant from


Previously, Rodney believed Kelsey’s lie and thought that she had nothing to do with Itzel. But now, he

was completely sure that Kelsey was Itzel’s daughter. Otherwise, she would not have helped Itzel

scheme against him.

Kelsey had lost her voice ever since she went abroad. Previously, Rodney suspected that she had not

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gone abroad and was hiding somewhere in the country. But now, he found out that Kelsey had indeed

gone abroad, but she was nowhere to be found.

What on earth was going on? Could she use the Invisibility Skill? Or did something happen?

With the follow-up of the investigation, everything between Itzel and Ashley was soon revealed. They

had turned against each other for a man, and this man was Elliot’s father, Reece.

Although he didn’t know about the relationship between Itzel and Ashley and Reece, now Ashley was

dead, and Itzel was still alive and living with Reece. He was sure that she was the winner of this love


In this case, why did she hate Ashley so much that she even transferred her hatred to Amber after his


Rodney thought of Kelsey again. Itzel was pregnant before she got married. Who was Kelsey’s

biological father? Could it be Reece? Thinking about it, Itzel, who was Reece’s child, did not need to

hide in the cat’s alley to have a baby.

However, except for Reece and Itzel, there were no other men who liked her. However, because she

was beautiful, there were many people who liked her. There were many men who liked her in college.

Even when she was in the cat’s alley, she attracted the attention of many gangsters. The most typical

one was Shannon’s cousin.

Itzel and Shannon’s relationship started from Parkview Street. Itzel was beautiful. When they were in

Parkview Street, Shannon’s cousin had always had feelings for her. When Itzel was in Parkview Street,

Shannon’s cousin went to Shannon’s house from time to time. Some said that the relationship between

Shannon’s cousin and Itzel was unusual. It was said that Shannon’s cousin said that he had slept with

Itzel when he was drunk.

However, someone said that they had nothing to do with each other. It was just that Shannon’s cousin

had a crush on Itzel and often tried to please her. People laughed at him for making up a lie after he

wanted to eat swan meat.

It was said that Shannon’s cousin was not good-looking and didn’t study well. Itzel was like a flower. It

was said that he was a college student. How could he like him? Thinking about it, it made sense.

Shannon’s cousin was a gangster. With Itzel’s high regard, it was impossible for her to like a gangster.

However, it was a fact that Shannon’s cousin liked Itzel. According to the investigation, Itzel’s cousin

did pester her when she was in Parkview Street. Itzel was neither cold nor warm to him. Later, when

Itzel was pregnant and lived in Parkview Street, the man had always taken good care of her and

listened to her. However, Shannon’s cousin was sent to prison because of a crime.

Could it be that Itzel had helped Shannon and her daughter because Shannon had taken her in back

then? Thinking of Itzel hiding in the cat’s alley to give birth to a baby, Rodney frowned. Why wasn’t Itzel

asking for help from her brother, Issac, at the most difficult time? Why was she looking for Shannon?

The real Ashton had died a long time ago. The current Ashton was Issac’er. Why would Issac’er

pretend to be Ashton? What kind of unknown secret was behind this? These questions were so

confusing that he couldn’t figure it out even if he wanted to.

“No, I have to talk to Ashton!”