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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 164
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The next day at noon, Channing came to Elliot’s villa with a big bag of gifts. Amber heard the doorbell

open the door and saw that it was Channing. His face suddenly darkened. “Why are you here?”

“I’m here to see my grandson!” Channing didn’t care about Amber’s attitude. He went straight into the

villa. Mel was playing with a puzzle in the living room when she heard the voice and looked up.

It was the first time for Channing to see his grandson. He fell in love with him at a glance. Mel and

Amber looked so alike. He put the gift he bought for Mel in front of her and touched Mel’s head lovingly.

“Your name is Mel, right? I’m your grandfather.”

“Grandpa? What’s grandpa?” Mel asked with her child’s eyes wide open. Amber had never mentioned

grandpa in front of him, so he didn’t know what grandpa was at all.

Channing’s face was a little red. “Grandpa is my mom’s father. Do you understand?”

“I understand.” Mel didn’t seem to understand. She turned to look at Amber. “Mom, do you have a


Amber forced a smile. Channing had come to her. She didn’t want him to lose face, so she nodded.

“You are my father. Why don’t you take care of me and let me be bullied by bad people?” Mel turned to

look at Channing.

“Grandfather was wrong. From now on, the Outer Guild will take care of you and mom. They won’t let

you be bullied by anyone.” Channing felt very guilty.

“Really?” Mel was happy. He was frightened by Rachel. If he had a father, he would definitely not be

bullied like this. Now that his mother had a father, she would definitely protect him and his mother.

“There is a bad mother-in-law who often bullies me and my mother. You must help us beat her. She is

so hateful!”

“Okay. If she dares to bully you next time, tell Grandpa that he will protect you.” Channing had just

promised. Then he looked back at Amber. “Since Amber is back, you can go home with your child.”

Although he knew that it was Channing who helped him out this time, Amber still couldn’t have a good

impression of him. “No, it’s good for us to live here.”

“No matter how good it is, it’s someone else’s home. I’ll ask Aunt Maleah to clean up Mel’s room

immediately. Take him back.”

“For me, this place is more like my own home than your home.” Amber was not polite at all. She didn’t

want to see Channing at all, but she couldn’t drive him away in front of Mel. At this time, Ashton came.

After Amber moved to Elliot’s villa with Mel, Ashton also came to take care of him. When he saw

Channing was obviously shocked here, his face immediately darkened. “What are you doing here?”

Mel was very happy to see Ashton coming. She immediately threw down Channing and ran to Ashton.

“Grandpa, I just ate snacks and I’m not hungry yet. You’re cooking later. Stay with me for a while.”

“Well, Grandpa will cook again. I’ll play with Mel for a while now.” Ashton said, ready to go to the

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kitchen to put the dishes he bought. Amber reached out to take the dishes from Ashton’s hands.

“Uncle, you can play with Mel. Today, I’ll cook.”

“There’s no need. Mel likes the dishes I cooked, and I’ll cook them.”

“The dishes cooked by my uncle are more delicious than those cooked by my mother. I want to eat the

dishes cooked by my uncle.”

“Little thing, can’t you let me rest?” Amber glared at him.

Mel hid in Ashton’s arms and said, “Grandpa, mom is mean to me!”

“Don’t be afraid. Uncle is here.”

Looking at the intimacy between Mel and Amber and Ashton, Channing had mixed feelings in his heart.

Amber was his daughter, and Mel was his grandson. They had a deep relationship with an outsider like

Ashton, but his biological father and grandfather were ignored. He felt really uncomfortable.

Mel made a face at Amber in Ashton’s arms. When he saw Channing standing on the side, he poked

his head out and pointed at Channing. He said to Ashton, “Grandpa, I have a father. At that time, bad

people will not dare to bully me and my mother!”

“Him?” Ashton scoffed. If it weren’t for Mel, he wouldn’t have been so polite. Ashton’s scoff triggered

Channing. If Ashton hadn’t taken Amber away that year, Amber would have grown up by his side and

had a good relationship with him. She wouldn’t have suffered so much. He inexplicably had a grudge

against Ashton.

“What’s wrong with me?” He stared coldly at Ashton. “From now on, I, Channing, will take care of my

daughter and grandson. You don’t have to worry about it.”

“Don’t you think it’s too late to say that now?” Ashton sneered. “Amber and Mel don’t need you to be


“It’s not up to you, an outsider, to say that.” Channing also sneered. He had always been tolerant of

Ashton and had never gone head to head with him. He was the only one who knew the reason behind

it, but at this moment, he didn’t want to put up with it anymore. “I’m telling you, next time you see me,

you should be polite. Don’t let me reveal your scandals.”

“Channing, are you still human?” Ashton was so angry that his face turned green. Channing was a

naked threat. He was telling himself that he wanted to tell Amber that he was not the real Ashton, but

he did not want Amber to know all this.

Amber felt terrible when he saw how aggressive they were. Although Channing had cheated on her

mother and hurt her, it was undeniable that Channing had been very kind to her when she was a child.

It was because Channing had treated her well that she could not accept that her father was such a


Although Ashton was her uncle, he had been caring for her since she was ten. He had played the role

of her uncle and father in her life. She didn’t want to see the two of them go against each other, so she

said to Channing, “You can go back first.”

At this time, Amber asked him to go back, which was undoubtedly to help Ashton drive him away.

Channing was even angrier. He looked at Mel and suppressed his anger. “Mel, grandpa will come to

see you tomorrow. You have to listen to your mother!”

“Okay, goodbye, grandpa!”

Channing did not leave immediately. Instead, he looked at Ashton coldly. “Thank you for taking care of

Amber all these years. I’ll treat you to tea some other day.”

“I can’t afford to drink the secretary’s tea. I’d better not!” Ashton didn’t want to have anything to do with


Channing just put on a fake smile and said, “You must. I’ll invite you in person.” After saying this, he

strode away.

After Channing left, Ashton’s face was a little pale. Amber comforted him. “Uncle, don’t pay attention to

him. Mel and I won’t have anything to do with him.”

Ashton gave a wry smile. If he was the real Ashton, Amber would definitely not have anything to do

with Channing. But if Channing told Amber his real identity, would Amber still do this?

After lunch, Rodney came to him. He looked haggard and had lost a lot of weight. Amber couldn’t bear

to see him become like this. “Rodney, don’t disturb us anymore, okay? I promise you that when Mel

gets better, he will recognize you, okay?”

Rodney smiled bitterly. “Amber, I didn’t come here to recognize the child. I found a doctor for Mel. He is

a well-known traditional native medicine doctor in the country and has rich clinical experience in

treating leukemia. Ask him to treat Mel.”

“Medicine?” Amber hesitated.

“Mr. Barron heard that Old Doctor Chuck has a lot of experience in leukemia treatment, so he specially

ran thousands of miles to invite him here. Just let him treat Mel.” Deon interrupted.

“I also heard that there are cases of traditional native medicine curing leukemia. Since the doctor has

come, let him have a look.” Ashton persuaded.

Amber saw that Ashton did not object, so he opened the door and let Rodney and the other two enter

the house. Dr. Olsen checked Mel and looked at Mel’s examination report. He said that Mel had been

treated before. The patient did not have a relapse after he recovered, so he asked Mel to carry out a

serious treatment.

Naturally, Amber did not dare to be careless about the matter of the child, so he accepted his

suggestion. Chuck wrote some traditional native medicine prescriptions for Mel and said that he would

let Mel take two kinds of medicine to see what was going on.

Ashton carefully asked about the contents of the idea of drinking traditional native medicine. The doctor

said that sour, cold, spicy food was forbidden. Amber thanked the doctor for taking the prescription and

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was ready to grab traditional native medicine. Of course, Rodney would not give up this opportunity to

ask him to drive Amber. Amber did not refuse to get in Rodney’s car.

This was the first time that they had been alone since they returned to the country. Rodney looked at

Amber carefully. “Amber, I’m sorry. I was wrong this time. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have caused you so

much trouble.”

“What else would Rodney say besides being sorry for you?” Amber snorted. “You keep making

mistakes and apologizing. Is it interesting?”

“It won’t happen again.” He accompanied Xiaoxin.

“Is there a next time?” Amber sneered.

Rodney was rendered speechless by her words. After a while, he begged again, “Amber, I want to visit

the child often. Is that okay?”

“Can I say no?” Amber was not happy.

He was not refusing to see the child. Rodney was happy and a smile appeared on his face. “Amber,

thank you.”

“What are you thanking me for? I’m warning you, don’t push your luck. I’m just asking you to come and

see the child. Don’t have any bad intentions.”

“I’m just looking after my child. I won’t have any bad ideas,” Rodney promised.

The two of them went to the traditional native medicine store to prepare traditional native medicine and

were ready to go back. When they started the car, Rodney’s eyes swept over the figure in the rearview

mirror and he couldn’t help but let out a sound of surprise. “Isn’t this Riya? Why is she here?”

Amber followed his gaze and saw Riya, the nanny of Rodney’s family, appearing at the door of the

pharmacy. Rodney glanced at Amber and said, “I’ll go down and ask her why she’s here. By the way, I’ll

ask her something.”

Amber knew what Rodney meant. He must be worried about Rachel. She didn’t say anything because

it had nothing to do with her. Seeing that Amber didn’t deny it, he explained.

“In the past few days, I went to other places to find a doctor for Mel and asked Riya to take care of my

mother, so…”

It was normal for people’s children to worry about their parents. Rodney’s cautious look made Amber

couldn’t help but say, “Rodney, when I was with you in the past, I never cared about anything about

you, let alone now we have nothing to do with each other. You can do whatever you want. You don’t

have to explain it to me.”

“I…” Rodney looked at Amber with a complicated expression. While he was hesitating, a man walked

toward Riya. The two greeted each other familiarly and then entered the pharmacy together.

“Isn’t this Clem? How could he know Riya?” It was Amber’s turn to be surprised. The man who entered

the pharmacy with Riya was none other than Clem, Channing’s driver.

“That’s right. How could Riya know Clem?” Rodney was puzzled as well.

“Rodney, aren’t you going to ask about your mother’s situation? Hurry up and ask.” Amber urged.