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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 155
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Rachel heard Amber’s voice and turned her head to sneer. “Who do you think it is…”

In the blink of an eye, she saw Mel sleeping in Pierce’s arms, and the look in her eyes instantly became

fanatical. She didn’t think that Mel had something to do with her family. After her son’s words, she

looked at Mel in Pierce’s arms. The more she looked at Mel, the more she felt like her son when he

was a child.

She couldn’t help walking over and reaching out to touch Mel’s head. Pierce leaned over and looked at

her warily. “Mrs. Barron, what do you want to do?”

“This is my grandson?” Rachel didn’t touch Mel’s head. She was unhappy, but more joy dispersed.

“Mrs. Barron, you’re mistaken. This is my son, not your grandson!” Amber stepped forward with an

unfriendly expression. He might still be able to treat Rodney patiently, but this person… she didn’t want

to see him again in this life.

“You…” Rachel’s face changed. “Amber, are you talking to your mother-in-law like this?”

“Mrs. Barron, do you know that she’s your ex-wife?” Amber sneered. “Since you already know, you’d

better restrain yourself. This isn’t the Barron family’s place. It doesn’t matter if you make a scene or roll


“You’re a guest. Mrs. Barron, sit down and talk!” Madam Hammond’s soft voice dissolved the tension in

the atmosphere. Mel woke up as she spoke. He rubbed his eyes and said, “We’re home. Why didn’t

mom wake me up?”

“Mom saw that you were sleeping soundly, so she didn’t wake you up,” Pierce replied.

Madam Hammond looked at Mel dotingly and said, “Come to my grandma’s side.”

Mel obediently went to Old Grandma’s side, and Old Grandma held him on her lap. “Did you get an

injection today?”

“Yes, I didn’t cry!” Mel answered proudly.

“Good girl!” The Old Grandma kissed Mel’s face. Rachel was unwilling to leave the child. She just

stared at Mel closely. Looking at the Hammond family who loved her very much, she was very angry.

This was her grandson. Her real grandmother was kept in the dark and did not know anything.

However, the Hammond family had a good plan to make her so cute. Even if she was beaten to death,

she would not agree with such a beautiful grandson.

“Amber, I’m here for the child.”

Amber raised his eyebrows slightly and sneered. “Child? What child? Mrs. Barron, you don’t have an

old brain, do you?”

“Don’t pretend. I know that Mel is my grandson!” Rachel said bluntly.

“Your grandson? Do you deserve it?” Amber sneered. “Mrs. Barron, this is the son I gave birth to after

my divorce. It has nothing to do with you. It’s very simple for Mrs. Barron to want a grandson. You have

so many means. You can find a mistress and be pregnant. You don’t have to worry about having no

grandson. This is my son. Don’t make a mistake!”

Rachel’s face turned red and white. After a while, she said, “Amber, you’ll know if he’s my grandson or

not. It’s not up to you to deny it!”

Amber couldn’t help sneering again. How could she be so self-righteous?

“Child-child test? Why should my child let you do the test? Where do you get the right to do it?” Amber

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was no longer weak. Facing these people, he had to protect those who loved him.

“I’m not qualified for my son. I’m telling you, as long as Mel is my grandson, I’m qualified to take him


“In your dreams!” Amber refused to give in. “Who dares to lay their eyes on my son? I’ll fight to the

death with her!”

Rachel was stunned and didn’t expect her to be so determined.

The quarrel between the two fell into a deadlock. Mel glared at her mother and then at Rachel, and said

in a childish voice, “Don’t quarrel with my mother, bad guy!”

“You’re my grandson. Good girl, come to grandma’s place!” Rachel’s heart softened as she looked at

Mel’s blinking big eyes. Her tone became much gentler.

Mel frowned slightly and shook her head at her. “You’re not my grandma. You’re a bad guy, a bad guy

who quarreled with my mom!”

Rachel was stunned. She stood up and glared hatefully at Amber. It was all Amber’s fault. He

deliberately concealed the fact that he gave birth to a child and incited the child to hate her and her

son. Amber was too wicked.

Amber looked at her son, who was defending her. She was very sad. She had always wanted to give

her son a peaceful life, but things went contrary to her wishes. She didn’t want her son to see Rachel’s

ugly look. She got up and went to Mel. She picked Le up and said, “Good girl, I’ll take you upstairs to

have fun!”

“What are you doing? You haven’t made the matter of the child clear yet!” Seeing Amber carry Mel

upstairs, Rachel became anxious!

“Mrs. Barron, you should behave yourself. If you don’t want to humiliate yourself, please leave. Let me

tell you, this is my child. It has nothing to do with you. Don’t make a mistake!”

Rachel was unwilling to let them go. It was not easy for her to know that she had a grandson and was

so beautiful. She really wanted to hold him in her arms and kiss him hard. Seeing Amber holding the

child upstairs, she got up and stopped Amber. She reached out to grab Mel in her arms.

“What are you doing?” Amber reached out to push her.

Rachel was unwilling to let go. “Give my grandson to me!”

“Wow…” Mel had never seen such a scene before, and she was so scared that she burst into tears.

Pierce immediately came over and said, “Mrs. Barron, let go of her. You will scare the child if you do


However, Rachel refused to let go, and naturally, Amber would not let go. Madam Hammond was

anxious and quickly persuaded, “Mrs. Barron, let go of her. The child is so young and sick, so she can’t

stand being dragged by you!”

“I won’t let him go. This is my grandson. I will take him away!” Rachel was unreasonable.

“What are you doing!” Rodney suddenly appeared. He couldn’t find his mother anywhere. In the end,

he guessed that she must have come here, so he rushed over. When he entered the door, he saw this


“Son, hurry up and help me. Take Mel away immediately!”

As soon as she saw her son, it was as if Rachel had found a life-saving straw. She no longer had the

image of an upper class noblewoman.

“The child is in poor health. Mr. Barron, please take your mother away.” Madam Hammond was most

worried about the child’s physical condition.

She had just calmed down some time ago. If she had been dragged like this, something would have


Mel held Amber tightly in fear. Behind her, Rachel couldn’t listen to this at all. She wanted to take her

grandson away.

Breanna was the only one standing by and watching the show.

“Mom, I’ll handle this myself.”

“No, you can’t solve it. No matter what, I will take my grandson away!” Rachel insisted that she would

not compromise on this matter.

As she spoke, the strength in her hands increased a little, and the child cried even louder. Amber could

not help but shed tears. She was a mother, so how could she bear to see her son suffer? However, she

was unwilling to let Rachel touch her son. In the end, after a few weighing, she loosened her hands.

Rachel hugged her happily.

But Mel didn’t want her. She struggled desperately in her arms, cried, and hit her face with her hands.

Rachel’s face was painful because of him. She loosened her hands and Mel fell to the ground.

A scream was heard. Pierce picked Mel up and comforted him with a distressed heart. Rodney also

stepped forward. Amber looked at his son, whose face was pale and he was in so much pain that he

cried. A wave of resentment came from the bottom of his heart. She slapped him hard on the face and

said, “Rodney, are you satisfied?”

Looking at the clear fingerprints on his son’s face, Rachel’s heart ached. Amber was so vicious that he

slapped his son in public. “You are such a vicious woman. You don’t want us to see your grandson, but

hit my son! Let’s see how I will punish you!”

Amber’s eyes were blood-red as he approached Rachel. “If you make trouble here again, I’ll kill you!”

The coldness in her eyes made Rachel shiver. For some reason, a sense of fear suddenly rose in her

heart. Amber had always been docile and had never been so horrible. She had a feeling that Amber

would really kill her. She was so scared that she retreated.

Mel kept crying. Pierce and Amber anxiously sent Mel back to the hospital. The doctor checked Mel

and told her that the child was frightened and asked her to stay in the hospital for a while. There was

only the sound of instruments in the ward. Looking at Mel’s pale face, Amber began to cry again.

“Mel… I’m sorry…”

Pierce reached out to hold her in his arms and patted her gently. “Don’t worry, she will be fine!”

“Pierce…” Tears welled up in her eyes. If it weren’t for her, Pierce wouldn’t have encountered such

terrible things. “I’m sorry!”

“Fool, I am willing to do all this. As long as you can be happy, I will be very happy!”

Rodney pushed open the door and looked at the two of them hugging each other in the ward. There

was a hole in his heart, and he could not look any further. He turned around and left. Standing on the

empty corridor, his heart sank… all the way to the bottom of the valley!

Amber walked out of the ward and saw the tall and lonely figure in the corridor at a glance. Rodney was

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like a statue, standing there motionlessly. Looking at the red mark on his handsome side face that had

not faded away and his tightly knitted eyebrows, she felt a little sad. However, when she thought of Mel

in the ward, her heartache disappeared in an instant. She walked over with no expression on her face.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t expect it to be like this…” Rodney apologized. This time, he really didn’t know what to


The problem between them seemed to be on his mother forever. He naively thought that he could solve

it, but he didn’t expect that he couldn’t do anything in the end.

“If you really feel sorry, please take action! As long as you and your mother stay away from us, my son

and I will be safe and sound!” Amber said coldly. She did not hate Rodney much, but she could not

forgive Rachel.

“It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have told her that I thought I would be of help…”

“Help? What help? Don’t you know what kind of person your mother is?” Amber shouted at the top of

his voice.

“She is too excited. She wants a grandson so much that she can’t control herself. She doesn’t really

want to hurt the child…”

“If you want a grandson, why did you give birth to another woman for her? She has so many tricks up

her sleeve, how could you trouble her with such a trivial matter? What’s the point of pestering her like

this? She’s also a mother, so how could she be so vicious? My son is still ill. Do you know that you’ll

have an impact on my son?” Amber’s words were merciless.

“She… doesn’t know about Mel’s condition… If she knew that Mel was sick, she wouldn’t be like this!”

“I don’t want to hear any regrets. If you really want to do good for Mel, please leave immediately and

never appear in my son’s life again!”

“Amber, how can I leave at this time? How can I leave?” He was also Mel’s father. It was okay that he

didn’t know before, but now he knew. How could he abandon his sick son and leave?

“What can you do by staying here?” Amber asked. “Look at your mother’s appearance. Do you think

staying here will be of any help to us? Do you want to see her snatch my son away and what happened


“I…” Rodney was speechless. It was indeed useless for his mother to stay. Now the most important

thing was to persuade her to go back. “Amber, I will persuade her to go back.”

“That’s your business, Mr. Barron. I still want to say that we have nothing to do with each other. Please

don’t disturb me. I beg you!” Amber looked at Rodney.

“Don’t you know what kind of person your mother is? She didn’t regret what she did to me back then.

She only wants my son. Can’t you see that?”

Rodney naturally knew that his mother had come for Mel. He was also aware of the grudge between

his mother and Amber. “Amber, I promise that this will not happen! Believe me!”

“No, I don’t believe you. Rodney, I know what you’re thinking. I know, but it’s impossible between us.

Your mother just came for my son. I know her very well. It’s typical that she wants a grandson without a

mother. I guess her purpose of coming here is very clear. She must have given me a sum of money to

let me hand over the child’s right to raise her. I tell you very clearly that my son is mine, and I’m Amber

alone. It has nothing to do with you. Don’t make a mistake!”