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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 78
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“Ms. Fei, these flowers are actually useful,” said Wang Yan weakly, “And we have a scene that needed flowers.....”

“So your production set is so terrible that you need someone else to help you get your props?” howled Luo Fei,

“We're not shooting the scenes that need flowers today anyway, and these flowers are too troublesome! Have

someone throw them all away!”


The director didn't want to offend Luo Fei but if he listened to Luo Fei's orders in front of everyone, he would lose his

stance as a director, and that won't do either.

“Quit hesitating,” shouted Luo Fei, “Have someone throw them away!”

“These are my flowers,” said Ning Ran, “You have no right to throw them away.”

“So what if they're yours? This is not your home! This is the place where we shoot movies, not a place for you to

put your flowers!” shouted Luo Fei as she pointed her finger at Ning Ran.

Luo Fei looked like she had lost her mind. This incident had hit her hard. She acted so arrogantly in front of

everyone else and was later disappointed in front of them. She could not accept that shame and was releasing all

her anger onto Ning Ran.

“This may not be my home, but it isn't your house either. You have no right to bark orders like that.” “Besides,

weren't you delighted when you thought that these flowers were for you? You didn't ask anyone to throw them

away then, and even agreed to let the director use them as props.”

“Now that you realized they weren't for you, you're acting all angry, and even threatened to attack.” “The person-

in-charge here is the director and he had already said that he wanted to use them as props!”

“You can't ignore or shout at the director like that just because you're angry. Did you forget that you're just the


Ning Ran was calm and collected when she spoke, but her words hit Luo Fei hard.

Ning Ran's words also elevated the director’s power which made it impossible for the director to listen to Luo Fei

because he would lose his power as the director.

The set was quiet because it involved the director and those who sided with Luo Fei dared not speak up because

while it was fine to offend Ning Ran for Luo Fei's sake, it was not acceptable to offend the director for Luo Fei's sake.

That was why they decided to keep quiet and see how things play out.

“Ms. Fei, as you know, our budget is limited so we're cutting costs wherever we can,” said Wang Yan while smiling,

“We'll settle for using these flowers as props and throw them away after we're done shooting the scene. We won't

let it affect you, Ms. Fei.”

“Wang Yan, are you going to disobey me? Fine, I'll call Sir Chen and have him talk to you about this!” said Luo Fei

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who was using Nan Chen to put pressure on the director.

The truth was, she was faking it because she rarely got through Nan Chen's line, and even if she got through, she

would not be able to get Nan Chen to help her. Unfortunately, Wang Yan didn't know about this so he was


“No, Ms. Fei, let's not get Sir Chen involved in small matters like these,” said Wang Yan quickly.

“Throw the flowers away now, or I'll tell Sir Chen that you allowed your people to disrupt the set,” said Luo Fei


“How powerful,” said Ning Ran who couldn't stand to watch that disaster, “Using a man to help you do your dirty


“You're right; I do use men for my sake. What's wrong with that?” said Luo Fei proudly, “My man is the most

powerful man in the city, and you have no choice but to admit defeat.”

Ning Ran sneered. She wanted to say more, but a car suddenly drove up.

Then, someone got out of the car, took a red carpet, and started unrolling it on the floor.

Everyone was confused and wondered what was so special about that particular day. First, a sea of flowers was

delivered, then a red carpet was unrolled.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” halted the director, “We're in the middle of shooting a show.”

“We're employees of the Nan Family,” said the worker who was placing the carpet, “our young master asked us to

do so.”

Wang Yan dared not complain after hearing that it was ordered by the Nan Family.

Luo Fei was delighted to hear that members of the Nan Family had arrived because that meant that she was able to

act up again.

After all, the Nan Family was her future in-laws, and the person in the car must be extremely important to have a

red carpet prepared for him. She guessed that the person in question was Nan Chen.

However, she did find it weird that something extravagant like a red carpet was used because Nan Chen had always

preferred to keep things quiet.

In the Flower City, Nan Chen was like a god. He didn't need things like red carpets to attract attention because his

mere appearance was more than enough.

That being said, who else could it be if not Nan Chen?

After the carpet was laid, the worker made a report via a walkie-talkie, and a Lamborghini drove up.

The driver was obviously trying to show off his driving skills because he drifted his car before stopping it right beside

the red carpet.

The workers rushed over to greet their employer.

The door of the sports car opened upwards and a tall man stepped out of it.

“Sir Chen?!” said the director who was flabbergasted.

Everyone wos in owe os they wotched the breothtokingly hondsome mon in the white tuxedo step out of his cor.

The only thing thot seemed off wos thot this Sir Chen did not exude his usuol conquering ouro.

In the post, Non Chen's oppeoronce hod olwoys coused the ploce to seem colder ond heovier, but thot wosn't the

cose on thot porticulor doy.

The hondsome Sir Chen in the white tuxedo didn't moke everyone uncomfortoble which wos different from his usuol


“Honey, you stopped by,” soid Luo Fei who wos running into his orms.

“Oh shit, the boss is here, ond Luo Fei is going to oct up ogoin,” whispered Cheng Xiongyun.

“Thot is not Non Chen,” replied Ning Ron in o low voice.

“Huh? How is thot possible? Why do you soy thot?” soid Cheng Xiongyun in disbelief.

“It's just o feeling,” exploined Ning Ron who shook her heod os she took bock whot she soid, “I'm probobly wrong.”

On the other side, Luo Fei wos on the verge of hugging thot hondsome mon when he gestured her to stop.

“Who the hell ore you?” osked Non Xing os he frowned, “Why ore you so impulsive, womon?”

He knew thot thot wos his twin brother's girlfriend by reputotion, but he deliberotely pretended to not recognize her

becouse he olwoys thought thot his brother could do better. Thot womon moy be beoutiful, but her beouty wosn't


Luo Fei wos stunned becouse she didn't understond why Non Xing soid whot he soid, ond his word did moke things


Despite the owkwordness, Luo Fei still hod to greet him with o smile ond soid, “Sir Chen, I'm so glod thot you hove

the free time to come by, but why didn't you coll before visiting?”

“Why should I?” demonded Non Xing, “There's no need to coll oheod. I con stop by whenever I wont to.”

“Hmm... Non Chen spoke o lot todoy,” soid Cheng Xiongyun, “I feel like something's off too.”

“Thot is not Non Chen,” soid Ning Ron who wos certoin thot she wos right.

Even if she ignored everything else, Ning Ron could still see thot this mon wos not Non Chen becouse the woy his

eyes shone wos different.

It's like Erboo putting on o boy's outfit. Others moy hove difficulty telling her ond Doboo oport, but Ning Ron would

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

be oble to differentiote them eosily becouse their eyes ond ouro were completely different.

The mon stonding in front of her hod the some ouro thot Erboo hod, but wos completely different from Doboo

whereos the reol Poker Foce hod the exoct ouro os Doboo.

Ning Ron could more or less guess the true identity of the mon stonding in front of her.

Everyone was in awe as they watched the breathtakingly handsome man in the white tuxedo step out of his car.

The only thing that seemed off was that this Sir Chen did not exude his usual conquering aura.

In the past, Nan Chen's appearance had always caused the place to seem colder and heavier, but that wasn't the

case on that particular day.

The handsome Sir Chen in the white tuxedo didn't make everyone uncomfortable which was different from his usual


“Honey, you stopped by,” said Luo Fei who was running into his arms.

“Oh shit, the boss is here, and Luo Fei is going to act up again,” whispered Cheng Xiangyun.

“That is not Nan Chen,” replied Ning Ran in a low voice.

“Huh? How is that possible? Why do you say that?” said Cheng Xiangyun in disbelief.

“It's just a feeling,” explained Ning Ran who shook her head as she took back what she said, “I'm probably wrong.”

On the other side, Luo Fei was on the verge of hugging that handsome man when he gestured her to stop.

“Who the hell are you?” asked Nan Xing as he frowned, “Why are you so impulsive, woman?”

He knew that that was his twin brother's girlfriend by reputation, but he deliberately pretended to not recognize her

because he always thought that his brother could do better. That woman may be beautiful, but her beauty wasn't


Luo Fei was stunned because she didn't understand why Nan Xing said what he said, and his word did make things


Despite the awkwardness, Luo Fei still had to greet him with a smile and said, “Sir Chen, I'm so glad that you have

the free time to come by, but why didn't you call before visiting?”

“Why should I?” demanded Nan Xing, “There's no need to call ahead. I can stop by whenever I want to.”

“Hmm... Nan Chen spoke a lot today,” said Cheng Xiangyun, “I feel like something's off too.”

“That is not Nan Chen,” said Ning Ran who was certain that she was right.

Even if she ignored everything else, Ning Ran could still see that this man was not Nan Chen because the way his

eyes shone was different.

It's like Erbao putting on a boy's outfit. Others may have difficulty telling her and Dabao apart, but Ning Ran would

be able to differentiate them easily because their eyes and aura were completely different.

The man standing in front of her had the same aura that Erbao had, but was completely different from Dabao

whereas the real Poker Face had the exact aura as Dabao.

Ning Ran could more or less guess the true identity of the man standing in front of her.